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 Android教程網 >> Android技術 >> Android開發 >> 初級開發 >> Android控件TextProgressBar進度條上顯文字



android系統的進度條控件默認的設計的不是很周全,比如沒有包含文字的顯示,那麼如何在android進度條控件上顯示文字呢? 來自Google內部的代碼來了解下,主要使用的addVIEw這樣的方法通過覆蓋一層Chronometer秒表控件來實現,整個代碼如下

   public class TextProgressBar extends RelativeLayout implements OnChronometerTickListener {
    public static final String TAG = "TextProgressBar";
    static final int CHRONOMETER_ID =;
    static final int PROGRESSBAR_ID =;
    Chronometer mChronometer = null;
    ProgressBar mProgressBar = null;
    long mDurationBase = -1;
    int mDuration = -1;

    boolean mChronometerFollow = false;
    int mChronometerGravity = Gravity.NO_GRAVITY;
    public TextProgressBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

    public TextProgressBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public TextProgressBar(Context context) {


    public void addView(View child, int index, VIEwGroup.LayoutParams params) {
        super.addVIEw(child, index, params);
        int childId = child.getId();
        if (childId == CHRONOMETER_ID && child instanceof Chronometer) {
            mChronometer = (Chronometer) child;
            // Check if Chronometer should move with with ProgressBar
            mChronometerFollow = (params.width == VIEwGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
            mChronometerGravity = (mChronometer.getGravity() & Gravity.HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK);
        } else if (childId == PROGRESSBAR_ID && child instanceof ProgressBar) {
            mProgressBar = (ProgressBar) child;

    public void setDurationBase(long durationBase) {
        mDurationBase = durationBase;
        if (mProgressBar == null || mChronometer == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Expecting child ProgressBar with id " +
                    "'' and Chronometer id ''");
        // Update the ProgressBar maximum relative to Chronometer base
        mDuration = (int) (durationBase - mChronometer.getBase());
        if (mDuration <= 0) {
            mDuration = 1;
    public void onChronometerTick(Chronometer chronometer) {
        if (mProgressBar == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                "Expecting child ProgressBar with id ''");
        // Stop Chronometer if we're past duration
        long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
        if (now >= mDurationBase) {

        int remaining = (int) (mDurationBase - now);
        mProgressBar.setProgress(mDuration - remaining);
        if (mChronometerFollow) {
            RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params;
            params = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) mProgressBar.getLayoutParams();
            int contentWidth = mProgressBar.getWidth() - (params.leftMargin + params.rightMargin);
            int leadingEdge = ((contentWidth * mProgressBar.getProgress()) /
                    mProgressBar.getMax()) + params.leftMargin;
            int adjustLeft = 0;
            int textWidth = mChronometer.getWidth();
            if (mChronometerGravity == Gravity.RIGHT) {
                adjustLeft = -textWidth;
            } else if (mChronometerGravity == Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL) {
                adjustLeft = -(textWidth / 2);
            leadingEdge += adjustLeft;
            int rightLimit = contentWidth - params.rightMargin - textWidth;
            if (leadingEdge < params.leftMargin) {
                leadingEdge = params.leftMargin;
            } else if (leadingEdge > rightLimit) {
                leadingEdge = rightLimit;
            params = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) mChronometer.getLayoutParams();
            params.leftMargin = leadingEdge;

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