13 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- FileLock.release throws IOException
15 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- no proper multicast support in system
16 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- There's no SDK for Mac PPC
24 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Stepping over "Object o = null" causes Eclipse "Internal Error"
27 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- No support for non-mp3 files
37 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- openRawResource, AssetManager.AssetInputStream throws IOException on read of larger files
40 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- LunarLander example runs crazy slow do to background image.
41 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- feature request for Eclipse Source->XML-> externalize/internalize plugin
43 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Eclipse shows warnings for R.Java
44 Defect ---- ---- Reviewed ---- networking / sockets deficiencIEs
46 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Null poiner exception when activity finish
47 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Linux package should be a tarball (.tar.gz file).
48 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Cannot deserialize application objects
53 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Can't get to know the phone number of an incoming call
54 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Can't reject a call
55 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- There is no message inbox
56 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- PermGen memory problems using eclipse and SunVM rampant with android plugin and emulator
61 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Proxy.newProxyInstance throws NullPointerException
66 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- android OpenGL ES Issue Report (totaly 10 issues)
67 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- missing Access to Audio samples (feature request)
69 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Context.openFileOutput files directory
75 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- FileNotFoundException when OpenFileOutput
78 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Cant load PDF data
82 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- wifi - support ad hoc networking
83 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Allow aPPS to supply alternate components to the media streaming subsystem.
84 Defect ---- ---- Reviewed ---- Starting multiple activitIEs in a row crashes the system with OutOfMemoryError
85 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Need ability to fiddle with apk files
86 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Extend contacts to allow better third party interOperability
87 Defect ---- ---- Reviewed ---- Broken links in List VIEws section - OFFLINE documentation only
88 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- MediaPlayer in HTTP streaming
89 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- MidiFile cannot be created with resource midi files.
90 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- HTTP DIGEST authentication not working
91 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Node.getAttributes() always return null in XML dom
104 Defect ---- ---- Reviewed ---- HttpClIEnt non-preemptive Basic Authentication fails with InterruptedIOException inside emulator
107 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Proximity Alerts do not Fire
113 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- can't find the full JID for ...
118 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- ADB push reports uploaded file size and speed with switched values
126 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- No way to figure out the number dialed in an outbound call
134 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- problems with focusable attribute
142 Enhancement ---- ---- NeedsInfo ---- Device Identification
145 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- No way to track player progress of audio clips using MediaPlayer
152 Defect ---- ---- Reviewed ---- Taking Screenshot from VIEws
155 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- glReadPixels Problem
158 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Duplicate String Text
159 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Wrap ContentProvider boilerplate logic using dynamic XML schema
169 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- equals() is not implements correctly for the editable returned from getText()
174 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- NotificationManager causes error in Eclipse Content Assist
178 Defect ---- ---- NeedsInfo ---- Export of classes (Enhancement)
183 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Export Packages in Eclipse android ADT
193 Defect ---- ---- NeedsInfo ---- Bug in SDK samples directory notepad program
195 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- MediaRecorder fails on second record attempt
199 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- log filters should use approximate, not exact matches.
202 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Missing " in Documentation->DevelopingApplications->ImplementingAUI->DesigningYourScreeninXML
207 Defect ---- ---- NeedsInfo ---- Browser can't download apk files to install
209 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Documentation :: Location-based Service APIs
212 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Documented People.query method does not exist
215 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Documentation: too much copy&paste in R.styleable document
223 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Notepadv3 UI inflation and formatting errors for Null database initial condition
224 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Creating a new class that extends DatabaseContentProvider fails in Eclipse (ADT plugin installed)
226 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Spinner with parent invisible doesn't work
227 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Should be able to update a specific list item
229 Defect ---- ---- Reviewed ---- BitmapFactory, Bitmap and OpenGL Textures combined experIEnce and suggestions
235 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Telephonestate ONHOOK
236 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Telephonestate call active
239 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- ActivityManager stopped responding
247 Defect ---- ---- Reviewed ---- bad link in m5 release api changes overvIEw
249 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Eclipse hangs on app launch
256 Defect ---- ---- NeedsInfo ---- SSLSocket Problem on M5 SDK update
260 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Bug on Doc
263 Defect ---- ---- NeedsInfo ---- SurfaceVIEw punch hole in Absolute Layout with Animation..
265 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- TabHost-Example within its Javadoc is outdated.
266 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Missing description for Timer.purge()...
268 Enhancement ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Use Java annotations to automatically pack/unpack propertIEs to/from icicle
271 Enhancement ---- ---- Reviewed morrildl concern: have a peer revIEw process before deciding to decline an issue request (enhancement).
273 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- android.awt package missing in M5-RC14
274 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- onRestart and onStart documentation contradictory
275 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- MediaPlayer does not play MIDI files with a file extension other than .mid
277 Enhancement ---- ---- Reviewed ---- Grid VIEw Focus
280 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- PhoneStateIntentReceiver forces design that takes more system resources
283 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- TabSpec.setContent(Intent intent)
294 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Drawable.createFromStream() and Drawable.createFromPath() issue
298 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- AssetManager.open throws or returns null?
301 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- MJPG streaming from Axis Cameras does not work - crashes browser
304 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Documentation error android-sdk_m5-rc14_Windows/docs/reference/android/app/Activity.Html
307 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Documentation Error in Notepad Tutorial - Exercise 1
309 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- ZoomSlider Current Value not in Sync with Zoom Level
310 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Issue with minTime and minDistance with LocationManager.requestUpdates()
311 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- m5-rc14 setWidth, setHeight are no longer working for Buttons
313 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Query of contactmethods causes SQL exception
314 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 2
315 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Emulator takes the whole CPU
317 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Documentation :: Extra boxing and unboxing of rowid in Tutorials
320 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Example should be given for changing button state images
321 Enhancement ---- ---- Reviewed ---- No way to obtain the location of a vIEw after it has been animated
322 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Documentation: resolveActivity(Intent intent, int flags)
325 Defect ---- ---- Reviewed ---- MapVIEw Zoom Level should go higher than 17
327 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- MediaPlayer stop() & AppDeath
328 Defect ---- ---- NeedsInfo ---- VideoVIEw playing same file.
330 Defect ---- ---- RevIEwed ---- Spinner Documentation leaves out a selector state
立即查看已知bug http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/list
以Windows平台的SDK為例,這裡Android開發網的模擬器配置路徑為 C:\Users\Administrator\.android\avd\2.3.3.avd
谷歌於去年12月底正式推出了Android 2.3姜餅系統,支持NFC近場通訊功能成為該系統最大亮點之一。今日,谷歌正式發布了android 2.3.3 SDK,實現了