We're writing to inform you about some changes to android Market that require your attention.
Effective today, developers from 20 additional countries (Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland and Taiwan) can now sell paid aPPS on Android Market. Over the next 2 weeks, users from 18 new countrIEs (Argentina, Brazil, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Israel, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Sweden, and Taiwan) will be able to purchase paid aPPS from android Market.
android 2.0系統在國內推出面臨諸多問題,最大的問題就是支付問題。易聯致遠CTO姚尚朗表示,開發者和用戶都期待多樣化的支付平台,希望大家可以得到自己想要的信息。
android下一代版本蜂巢(Honeycomb)到底是Android 2.4還是android 3.0呢?到目前為止這種爭論可以告一段落了。近日,可能是受到蜂巢(Ho
2009年9月16日android 1.6 Donut 發布谷歌已經發布了android SDK 1.6r1版本,也就是Donut 1.6版,通過此版本可以讓開發商快速
Google已經發布了android SDK 2.3版本,大家應該都在等android 2.3的升級吧?在51CTO獨家公布了android SDK 2.3下載地址後.