android 1.0 SDK可能未來不會有太大的API變化,
如何將自己現有的0.9 SDK移植到android 1.0上呢?下面是總結出主要的API改變。本次變化我們發現並沒有傳說中的Bluetooth API加入,目前的藍牙
Content provider 內容提供
- Settings.System包含各種新的Wi-Fi狀態設置存儲 (Settings.System includes various new settings for storing wi-fi states. )
Device hardware 設備硬件
- Camera包含了一個新的接口名為Camera.ShutterCallback來接收提示信息從拍照後 (Camera includes a new inteface Camera.ShutterCallback for receiving notification that the shutter closed after taking a picture. )
- 一些新的字段添加到SensorManager.(Several new fIElds were added in SensorManager. )
Maps 地圖類
- ItemizedOverlay類添加新的方法到overlays管理類 (ItemizedOverlay adds new methods for managing overlays.)
- 類MyLocationOverlay天就愛一個新方法決定是否顯示MapView和接收感應提示消息當發生改變時(Class MyLocationOverlay adds new methods to determine whether compass is displayed on the MapVIEw and to receive notification of sensor accuracy change. )
Media 媒體類
- 新方法載入和解除音樂效果在AudioManager類(New methods for loading and unloading sound effects in AudioManager.)
- 類MediaMetadataRetriever不支持這個發行版本(Class MediaMetadataRetrIEver is not supported in this release. )
- 方法android.media.MediaPlayer.getFrameAt() 不支持在這個發型版本中,android開發網友情提示(Method android.media.MediaPlayer.getFrameAt() is not supported in this release. )
Network 網絡
- android.net.wifi包含一些新類保持wi-fi無線喚醒和識別從配對加密的WPA,一些改變的字段和方法在其它類中(android.Net.wifi includes new classes for keeping the wi-fi radio awake and recognizing pairwise cyphers for WPA. Several changes to fIElds and methods in other classes. )
- org.apache.http.impl Package包含在這個平台上(org.apache.http.impl included in the platform. )
Package manager 包管理
- 刪除用戶數據和緩存的方法從PackageManger中移除了(Methods for deleting user data and cache were removed from PackageManager. )
Text input 文本輸入
- TextKeyListener新增一個release()方法(TextKeyListener adds a release() method. )
Test 測試
- New classes and interfaces to android.test, for setting up a test environment including instrumentation, unit tests, and test suites.
- Adds junit.runner package
- Adds android.test.mock package with utility classes for providing stubs or mocks of various android framework building blocks.
- Adds android.test.suitebuilder package with utility classes fro supporting test runner classes.
VIEws 視圖
- 添加一些新的xml屬性從視圖對象(Adds several new XML attributes for VIEw objects).
- 添加音效支持(Adds support for sound effects.)
- 你現在能監聽改變從確切的感應中(You can now listen for changes in the accuracy of sensors. )
- WebView新增一個新的傳輸對象移動帶webview交叉進程集中(WebView adds a new transport object for moving a WebView across process boundarIEs. )
- WebView添加一個管理滾動條的方法(WebVIEw adds methods for managing scrollbar overlays.)
- org.xmlpull.v1在當前平台有效(org.XMLpull.v1 available in the platform.)
Widgets (小固件)
- verifyDrawable(Drawable) 方法探測訪問權限從公共改為保護,其他一些小幅改動(verifyDrawable(Drawable) scope changed from public to protected.Other minor widget changes)
詳細的改進報告在 http://code.google.com/android/migrating/0.9-1.0/changes.Html