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 提起android的EditText的光標選擇問題,可以通過android.text.Selection包提供的方法實現,android SDK提供了有關光標選擇的多種方法,比如說getSelectionEnd、getSelectionStart、removeSelection、selectAll、setSelection,詳細的參數聲明如下

final static int getSelectionEnd(CharSequence text)
Return the offset of the selection edge or cursor, or -1 if there is no selection or cursor.

final static int getSelectionStart(CharSequence text)
Return the offset of the selection anchor or cursor, or -1 if there is no selection or cursor.

final static void removeSelection(Spannable text)
Remove the selection or cursor, if any, from the text.

final static void selectAll(Spannable text)
Select the entire text.

final static void setSelection(Spannable text, int index)
Move the cursor to offset index.

static void setSelection(Spannable text, int start, int stop)
Set the selection anchor to start and the selection edge to stop.


Editable ea= etEdit.getText(); //etEdit為EditText
Selection.setSelection(ea, ea.length()-1); // android開發網提示這裡ea的長度必須大於1。否則會有異常發生

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