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 Android教程網 >> Android技術 >> Android開發 >> 關於android開發 >> 【原創】Android內存管理-OnTrimMemory,androidontrimmemory




Application中有兩個與內存管理相關的方法:onLowMemory()和 onTrimMemory(int level),源碼如下

    public void onLowMemory() {
        Object[] callbacks = collectComponentCallbacks();
        if (callbacks != null) {
            for (int i=0; i<callbacks.length; i++) {

    public void onTrimMemory(int level) {
        Object[] callbacks = collectComponentCallbacks();
        if (callbacks != null) {
            for (int i=0; i<callbacks.length; i++) {
                Object c = callbacks[i];
                if (c instanceof ComponentCallbacks2) {





為了更好的管理內存,OnTrimMemory 方法在 API-14 被引入。這個回調可以在所有組件中獲取到(ActivityServiceContentProvider, and Application)。

你應該根據當前設備的限制復寫 onTrimMemory(int) 來逐步的釋放內存。通過復寫這個方法釋放資源可以幫助你的app更好的響應系統整體,同時通過讓你的app




1. 回調時機

     * Called when the operating system has determined that it is a good
     * time for a process to trim unneeded memory from its process.  This will
     * happen for example when it goes in the background and there is not enough
     * memory to keep as many background processes running as desired.  You
     * should never compare to exact values of the level, since new intermediate
     * values may be added -- you will typically want to compare if the value
     * is greater or equal to a level you are interested in.
     * <p>To retrieve the processes current trim level at any point, you can
     * use {@link
     * ActivityManager.getMyMemoryState(RunningAppProcessInfo)}.
     * @param level The context of the trim, giving a hint of the amount of
     * trimming the application may like to perform.  May be
    void onTrimMemory(int level);


為了獲取所有進程目前的level,你可以調用{@link* ActivityManager.getMyMemoryState(RunningAppProcessInfo)}




     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process is nearing the end
     * of the background LRU list, and if more memory isn't found soon it will
     * be killed.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_COMPLETE = 80;
     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process is around the middle
     * of the background LRU list; freeing memory can help the system keep
     * other processes running later in the list for better overall performance.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_MODERATE = 60;
     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process has gone on to the
     * LRU list.  This is a good opportunity to clean up resources that can
     * efficiently and quickly be re-built if the user returns to the app.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_BACKGROUND = 40;
     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process had been showing
     * a user interface, and is no longer doing so.  Large allocations with
     * the UI should be released at this point to allow memory to be better
     * managed.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN = 20;

     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process is not an expendable
     * background process, but the device is running extremely low on memory
     * and is about to not be able to keep any background processes running.
     * Your running process should free up as many non-critical resources as it
     * can to allow that memory to be used elsewhere.  The next thing that
     * will happen after this is {@link #onLowMemory()} called to report that
     * nothing at all can be kept in the background, a situation that can start
     * to notably impact the user.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_CRITICAL = 15;

     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process is not an expendable
     * background process, but the device is running low on memory.
     * Your running process should free up unneeded resources to allow that
     * memory to be used elsewhere.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_LOW = 10;

     * Level for {@link #onTrimMemory(int)}: the process is not an expendable
     * background process, but the device is running moderately low on memory.
     * Your running process may want to release some unneeded resources for
     * use elsewhere.
    static final int TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_MODERATE = 5;



TRIM_MEMORY_COMPLETE :當前進程在LRU列表的尾部,如果沒有足夠的內存,它將很快被殺死。這時候你應該釋放任何不影響app運行的資源。

TRIM_MEMORY_MODERATE :當前進程在LRU列表的中部,如果系統進一步需要內存,你的進程可能會被殺死。


                   因此你應該盡量的釋放能夠快速回復的資源,以保證當用戶返回你的app時可以快速恢復。                   。













在引入OnTrimMemory之前都是使用OnLowMemory方法。如果你的app運行在API-14+的機器上,應該使用 OnTrimMemory(int),OnLowMemory的調用時機大概等同於TRIM_MEMORY_COMPLETE.


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