錯誤1:java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native method not found: 本地方法沒有找到
2、忘記加載.so文件 沒有調用System.loadlibrary
錯誤2:findLibrary returned null
1、System.loadLibrary("libhello"); 加載動態鏈接庫時 動態鏈接庫名字寫錯
2、平台類型錯誤 把只支持arm平台的.so文件部署到了 x86cpu的設備上
By default, the NDK build system will generate machine code for the 'armeabi
' ABI. This corresponds to an ARMv5TE based CPU with software floating point operations. You can use APP_ABI
to select a different ABI.
For example, to support hardware FPU instructions on ARMv7 based devices, use:
APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a
Or to support the IA-32 instruction set, use:
APP_ABI := x86
Or to support the MIPS instruction set, use:
APP_ABI := mips
Or to support all at the same time, use:
APP_ABI := armeabi armeabi-v7a x86 mips
Or even better, since NDK r7, you can also use the special value 'all
' which means "all ABIs supported by this NDK release":
APP_ABI := all
For the list of all supported ABIs and details about their usage and limitations, please read CPU-ARCH-ABIS.
在jni目錄下創建 Application.mk 在裡面指定
APP_ABI := armeabi x86
我們可以看到上面的編譯過程中出現警告,可以在 Application.mk 指定:
APP_PLATFORM := android-8
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