public class Thread implements Runnable { …… }
public interface Runnable { /** * Starts executing the active part of the class' code. This method is * called when a thread is started that has been created with a class which * implements {@code Runnable}. */ public void run(); }
public synchronized void start() { checkNotStarted(); hasBeenStarted = true; VMThread.create(this, stackSize); }
start()方法中VMThread.create(this, stackSize)是真正創建CPU線程的地方,換句話說,只有調用start()後的Thread才真正創建CPU線程,而新創建的線程中運行的就是Runnable接口的run()方法。
import java.util.PriorityQueue; public class TestWait { private int size = 5; private PriorityQueue<Integer> queue = new PriorityQueue<Integer>(size); public static void main(String[] args) { TestWait test = new TestWait(); Producer producer = test.new Producer(); Consumer consumer = test.new Consumer(); producer.start(); consumer.start(); } class Consumer extends Thread { @Override public void run() { while (true) { synchronized (queue) { while (queue.size() == 0) { try { System.out.println("隊列空,等待數據"); queue.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); queue.notify(); } } queue.poll(); // 每次移走隊首元素 queue.notify(); System.out.println("從隊列取走一個元素,隊列剩余" + queue.size() + "個元素"); } } } } class Producer extends Thread { @Override public void run() { while (true) { synchronized (queue) { while (queue.size() == size) { try { System.out.println("隊列滿,等待有空余空間"); queue.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); queue.notify(); } } queue.offer(1); // 每次插入一個元素 queue.notify(); System.out.println("向隊列取中插入一個元素,隊列剩余空間:" + (size - queue.size())); } } } } }
這段代碼在很多講述生產者-消費者模式的地方都會用到,其中,Producer線程首先啟動,synchronized關鍵字使其能夠獲得queue的鎖,其他線程處於等待狀態。初始queue為空,通過offer向緩沖區隊列寫入數據,notify()方法使得等待該緩沖區queue的線程(此處為消費者線程)喚醒,但該線程並不能馬上獲得queue的鎖,只有等生產者線程不斷向queue中寫入數據直到queue.size() == size,此時緩沖隊列充滿,生產者線程調用wait()方法進入等待狀態。此時,消費者線程處於喚醒並且獲得queue的鎖,通過poll()方法消費緩沖區中的數據,同理,雖然調用了notify()方法使得生產者線程被喚醒,但其並不能馬上獲得queue的鎖,只有等消費者線程不斷消費數據直到queue.size() == 0,消費者線程調用wait()方法進入等待狀態,生產者線程重新獲得queue的鎖,循環上述過程,從而完成生產者線程與消費者線程的協作。
Posts an interrupt request to this Thread. The behavior depends on the state of this Thread:
public void interrupt() { // Interrupt this thread before running actions so that other // threads that observe the interrupt as a result of an action // will see that this thread is in the interrupted state. VMThread vmt = this.vmThread; if (vmt != null) { vmt.interrupt(); } synchronized (interruptActions) { for (int i = interruptActions.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { interruptActions.get(i).run(); } } }
/** * Blocks the current Thread (<code>Thread.currentThread()</code>) until * the receiver finishes its execution and dies. * * @throws InterruptedException if <code>interrupt()</code> was called for * the receiver while it was in the <code>join()</code> call * @see Object#notifyAll * @see java.lang.ThreadDeath */ public final void join() throws InterruptedException { VMThread t = vmThread; if (t == null) { return; } synchronized (t) { while (isAlive()) { t.wait(); } } }
public final void join(long millis) throws InterruptedException{} public final void join(long millis, int nanos) throws InterruptedException {}
public static void sleep(long time) throws InterruptedException { Thread.sleep(time, 0); }
public static void sleep(long millis, int nanos) throws InterruptedException { VMThread.sleep(millis, nanos); }
final class DecodeThread extends Thread { …… private final CountDownLatch handlerInitLatch; DecodeThread(CaptureActivity activity, Collection<BarcodeFormat> decodeFormats, Map<DecodeHintType,?> baseHints, String characterSet, ResultPointCallback resultPointCallback) { this.activity = activity; handlerInitLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); …… } Handler getHandler() { try { handlerInitLatch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // continue? } return handler; } @Override public void run() { Looper.prepare(); handler = new DecodeHandler(activity, hints); handlerInitLatch.countDown(); Looper.loop(); } }在上述例子中,首先在DecodeThread構造器中初始化CountDownLatch對象,並傳入初始化參數1。其次,在run()方法中調用CountDownLatch對象的countDown()方法,這很好的保證了外部實例通過getHandler()方法獲取handler時,handler不為null。
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