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 Android教程網 >> Android技術 >> Android開發實例 >> 通過在Android應用程序中添加Admob廣告來賺錢




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        如何在Android Market賺錢 part 2 - 免費app附帶廣告
        Publisher Starter Kit
        面向開發者 Wiki 的 AdMob


        首先,當然是需要注冊一個Admob的帳號。Admob的主頁是: 。 當然,如果你對於浏覽英文網頁還有些障礙的話,可以登錄中文網站: 。如果網站的文字還是英文,你可以在網站主頁的右下角的“Language”處,選擇“中文(簡體)”。點擊進入注冊頁面後,有一些欄目需要填寫,不要太過疑慮,就像你注冊一個論壇一樣,隨便填下就好了。最關鍵的是保證填寫的email地址有效,另外就是填上姓名,選擇語言。帳戶類型我選擇的“不確定”,語言“中文(簡體)”~ 提交注冊申請之後,不久你就會收到用於確認並激活帳號的電子郵件,點擊激活鏈接,就可以了激活你的Admob帳號了~

        第二步就是設置你的Android應用程序信息,並獲得Admob的插入代碼。登錄你的Admob帳號後,在主頁的左上方(Logo上面)點擊“Marketplace(手機廣告市場)”,進入頁面後,在“Sites&Apps(站點和應用程序)”標簽下,點擊“Add Site/App”。選擇我們熟悉的圖標——" Android App ” 。這時會出現需要你填寫一個“詳細信息”,隨便填上一些信息。(不要太過在意現在填寫的東西,因為這些以後都是可以修改的)。比如“Android Package URL” 我到現在都還沒有填寫,描述之類的,想寫就寫點吧。填好詳細信息後,點擊“繼續”,就可以到AdMob Android SDK 的下載頁面了。下載這個SDK(當然,這個很重要)。

        The AdMob Android SDK includes:

        README: Get started with AdMob Android ads! 
        AdMob Jar file: Required for publishing ads. Follow the documentation in javadoc/index.html and drop the AdMob Jar file into your project. 
        Sample Projects: Examples of AdMob Android ads shown in the LunarLander application.

        第三步獲取你的應用程序對應的Publisher ID。在下載頁面點擊"Go to Sites/Apps"就可以到你應用程序的管理界面了。這時你會發現在這個頁面醒目的位置會有一個叫你填寫詳細信息的提示:


        我們暫時可以不用管它,因為錢是會存在我們的Admob的賬戶上的,等我們需要提現的時候,或者你想填的時候再填就可以了。在下面的列表中,選擇你的應用程序並進入。這個界面就是你的應用程序廣告的管理界面了,裡面有比較多的功能,以後可以慢慢了解,現在我們只需要知道兩個東西,一個是發布者 ID(Publisher ID),一個是你程序的狀態。Publisher ID是一個15個字符的字符串,而你程序的狀態現在應該還是不活動(Inactive)。我們下面要做的就是怎麼讓它變為Active。

第四步代碼編寫——在你的應用程序中插入Admob廣告。經過上面的步驟,我們在網站上的設置就告一個段落了,現在我們終於要進入主題了,如何在自己的Android應用程序中插入Admob廣告。如果你不健忘的話,一定還記得我們之前下載的那個AdMob Android SDK 。解壓它,看看裡面有些什麼東西。這裡面最重要的就是那個名為“admob-sdk-android.jar”的包啦,Admob將如何把廣告加載到Android應用程序中的代碼集成在這個包裡,我們編寫程序的時候就需要將這個包導入到我們的工程裡面去。另外,解壓出來的文件夾中還有一個名為“javadoc”的文件夾,打開它裡面的index.html。它是關於Admob Android SDK的幫助文檔,在Package 下的Setup下,有詳細完整的在自己的應用程序中插入廣告的方法介紹,在這裡我就偷懶,引用一下~

        Including the Jar

        Add the Jar file included with the SDK to your Android project as an external library. In your project's root directory create a subdirectory libs (this will already be done for you if you used Android's activitycreator). Copy the AdMob Jar file into that directory. For Eclipse projects:

        Go to the Properties of your project (right-click on your project from the Package Explorer tab and select Properties) 
        Select "Java Build Path" from left panel 
        Select "Libraries" tab from the main window 
        Click on "Add JARs..." 
        Select the JAR copied to the libs directory 
        Click "OK" to add the SDK to your android project



        Your AdMob publisher ID was given to you when creating your publisher account on before downloading this code. It is a 15-character code like a1496ced2842262. Just before the closing </application> tag add a line to set your publisher ID: 

                <!-- The application's publisher ID assigned by AdMob -->
                <meta-data android:value="YOUR_ID_HERE" android:name="ADMOB_PUBLISHER_ID" />

        Set any permissions not already included just before the closing </manifest> tag: 

                <!-- AdMob SDK permissions -->
                <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
                <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />

        Only the INTERNET permission is required. Setting ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION (and/or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) allows narrowly geo-targeted ads be shown.

這裡需要注意的是,<meta-data android:value="YOUR_ID_HERE" android:name="ADMOB_PUBLISHER_ID" />中,我們只需要改的是"YOUR_ID_HERE"。這裡需要你填上的ID就是我們之前在Admob網站我們的應用程序管理頁面上看到的Publisher ID,而name="ADMOB_PUBLISHER_ID"是不應該改的。程序需要這個Key來查找對應的Value。


        The attrs.xml file specifies custom AdView attributes in XML layout files. If your application does not already have an /res/values/attrs.xml file then create one and copy-and-paste the following into it. If you do have that file then just add the declare-styleable element:

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <declare-styleable name="">
                        <attr name="testing" format="boolean" />
                        <attr name="backgroundColor" format="color" />
                        <attr name="textColor" format="color" />
                        <attr name="keywords" format="string" />
                        <attr name="refreshInterval" format="integer" />
                        <attr name="isGoneWithoutAd" format="boolean" />


        Placing an AdView in a Layout

        AdView widgets can be put into any XML layout now. The first step is to reference attrs.xml in your layout element by adding an xmlns line that includes your package name specified in AndroidManifest.xml: 


        For example a simple screen with only an ad on it would look like: 

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                        admobsdk:keywords="Android application"


        Test Mode

        When you start integrating AdMob ads into your application it is recommended to use test mode. This always returns the same ad. Normal ad requests are not deterministic making it harder to be sure the ad view looks like you want (e.g. ad requests can timeout or may not fill). 

        Once the ad shows up as you expect be sure to turn test mode off to get real ads. Never put your application into the Android Market with test mode enabled.

         Test mode can be enabled either by calling AdManager.setInTestMode(true) or by adding a "admobsdk:testing="true"" property to the ad in your XML layout (where "admobsdk" is the XML namespace for your application).

        設置Test Mode這個很關鍵,千萬別將處於Test Mode的程序發布出去了,那樣可賺不了錢啊~!如果在AdView的屬性中不加上admobsdk:testing="false",似乎程序也是不處於Test Mode的,不過最好還是加上吧~


        第六步在Admob網站上查看應用程序賺了多少錢~“手機廣告市場”—>“報告”—>“站點和應用程序報告”。選擇你的應用程序,然後點擊頁面最下面的“創建報告”~ OK,賺錢啦~


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