與其他平台的應用程序一樣,Android中的應用程序也會使用各種資源,比如圖片,字串等,會把它們放入源碼的相應文件夾下面,如/res/drawable, /res/xml, /res/values/, /res/raw, /res/layout和/assets。Android也支持並鼓勵開發者把UI相關的布局和元素,用XML資源來實現。總結起來,Android中支持的資源有:
/* AUTO-GENERATED FILE. DO NOT MODIFY. * * This class was automatically generated by the * aapt tool from the resource data it found. It * should not be modified by hand. */ package com.android.explorer; public final class R { public static final class attr { } public static final class drawable { public static final int icon=0x7f020000; } public static final class id { public static final int action=0x7f060004; public static final int description_panel=0x7f060001; public static final int fileinfo=0x7f060003; public static final int filename=0x7f060002; public static final int linearlayout_test_1=0x7f060005; public static final int linearlayout_test_2=0x7f060006; public static final int linearlayout_test_3=0x7f060007; public static final int thumbnail=0x7f060000; } public static final class layout { public static final int fileant_list_item=0x7f030000; public static final int linearlayout_test=0x7f030001; } public static final class raw { public static final int androidmanifest=0x7f040000; } public static final class string { public static final int app_name=0x7f050001; public static final int hello=0x7f050000; } }
1. 同一個類型,或同一文件夾下面的資源不可以使用相同的文件名,也就是說不能用文件擴展名來區別不同的文件,因為R.java中只保留資源的文件名而不管擴展名,所以如果有二個圖片一個是icon.png另一個是icon.jpg,那麼在R.java中只會有一個R.drawable.icon。另外一個則會無法訪問到。
2. 資源文件的名字必須符合Java變量的命名規則,且不能有大寫,只能是’[a-z][0-9]._’,否則會有編譯錯誤,因為R.java中的變量Id要與資源中的文件一一對應,也就是說用資源文件名來作為Id的變量名,所以一定要符合Java變量的命名規則,另外它還不能有大寫。
3. 除了SDK支持的folder外,不能再有子Folder,雖不會有編譯錯誤,但是子Folder會被完全忽略,如在/res/layout下在建一個子Folder activity(/res/layout/acitivity/, 那麼你在生成的R.java中是看不到activity和其內的內容的。
4. 對於資源文件的大小有限制,最好不要讓單個文件大於1M,這是SDK文檔說明的限制,但具體的我沒有進行試驗(據說2.2版本以後的可支持到10M,不知道是真的還是假的)
5. 所有/res下面的資源都能通過Resources()並提供Id來訪問。
對於大多數資源在編譯時會對文件內容進行特殊處理,以方便Apk在運行時訪問。 如果想要運行時使用未經處理的原始資源,可以把資源文件放在/res/raw和/assets目錄下面,這二個目錄的主要區別在於:
1. /res/raw中的文件會被映射到R.java中
2. 子目錄結構
3. 訪問方式
InputStream in = Context.getResources().openRawResource(R.id.filename);
1. 文件的讀取方式
用AssetManager.open(String filename)來打開一個文件,這是一組重載方法,還有其他參數可以設置打開模式等,可以參考文檔
InputStream in = mAssetManager.open("hello.txt"); // '/assets/hello.txt' InputStream in2 = mAssetManager.open("config/ui.txt"); // '/assets/config/ui.txt'
2. 文件夾處理 — 如何遍歷/assets
public finalString[]list(String path) Since: API Level 1 Return a String array of all the assets at the given path. Parameters path A relative path within the assets, i.e., "docs/home.html". Returns •String[] Array of strings, one for each asset. These file names are relative to 'path'. You can open the file by concatenating 'path' and a name in the returned string (via File) and passing that to open().
mAssetManager.list("."); // returns array size is 0 mAssetManager.list("/"); // returns [AndroidManifest.xml, META-INF, assets, classes.dex, res, resources.arsc] // don't worry, u can see these files though, no way to access them mAssetManager.list("/assets"); // returns array size is 0 //Google了一下,找到了正解: mAssetManager.list(""); // returns stuff in /assets
1. 資源文件只能以InputStream方式來獲取
File File.createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix); File File.createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, File path);
2. 所有資源文件都是只讀的,運行時無法更改
3. 所有的資源文件夾/res和/assets也都是只讀的,不可寫入
package com.android.explorer; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import android.app.ListActivity; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.AssetManager; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Environment; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.webkit.MimeTypeMap; import android.widget.BaseAdapter; import android.widget.ImageButton; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextView; /* * Explore all stuff in /assets and perform actions specified by users. */ public class FileAntActivity extends ListActivity { private static final String TAG = "FileAntActivity"; private AssetManager mAssetManager; private static final String EXTRA_CURRENT_DIRECTORY = "current_directory"; private static final String EXTRA_PARENT = "parent_directory"; public static final String FILEANT_VIEW = "com.android.fileant.VIEW"; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Intent intent = getIntent(); String current = null; String parent = null; if (intent != null && intent.hasExtra(EXTRA_CURRENT_DIRECTORY)) { current = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_CURRENT_DIRECTORY); } if (current == null) { current = ""; } if (intent != null && intent.hasExtra(EXTRA_PARENT)) { parent = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_PARENT); } if (parent == null) { parent = ""; } mAssetManager = getAssets(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(parent)) { setTitle("/assets"); } else { setTitle(parent); } try { // List all the stuff in /assets if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(parent)) { current = parent + File.separator + current; } Log.e(TAG, "current: '" + current + "'"); String[] stuff = mAssetManager.list(current); setListAdapter(new FileAntAdapter(this, stuff, current)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private class FileAntAdapter extends BaseAdapter { private Context mContext; private String[] mEntries; private String mParentDirectory; public FileAntAdapter(Context context, String[] data, String parent) { mContext = context; this.mEntries = data; mParentDirectory = parent; } public int getCount() { return mEntries.length; } public Object getItem(int position) { return mEntries[position]; } public long getItemId(int position) { return (long) position; } public View getView(final int position, View item, ViewGroup parent) { LayoutInflater factory = LayoutInflater.from(mContext); if (item == null) { item = factory.inflate(R.layout.fileant_list_item, null); TextView filename = (TextView) item.findViewById(R.id.filename); TextView fileinfo = (TextView) item.findViewById(R.id.fileinfo); ImageButton action = (ImageButton) item.findViewById(R.id.action); final String entry = mEntries[position]; filename.setText(entry); boolean isDir = isDirectory(entry); if (isDir) { fileinfo.setText("Click to view folder"); action.setVisibility(View.GONE); item.setClickable(true); item.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View view) { Intent intent = new Intent(FILEANT_VIEW); intent.putExtra(EXTRA_CURRENT_DIRECTORY, entry); intent.putExtra(EXTRA_PARENT, mParentDirectory); startActivity(intent); } }); } else { final String type = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getMimeTypeFromExtension(getExtension(entry)); fileinfo.setText(type); item.setClickable(false); action.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View view) { String filepath = entry; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mParentDirectory)) { filepath = mParentDirectory + File.separator + filepath; } BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(mManager.open(filepath)); // Do whatever you like with this input stream } }); } } return item; } } /** * Test Whether an entry is a file or directory based on the rule: * File: has extension *.*, or starts with ".", which is a hidden files in Unix/Linux, * otherwise, it is a directory * @param filename * @return */ private boolean isDirectory(String filename) { return !(filename.startsWith(".") || (filename.lastIndexOf(".") != -1)); } private String getExtension(String filename) { int index = filename.lastIndexOf("."); if (index == -1) { return ""; } return filename.substring(index + 1, filename.length()).toLowerCase(); } }
本項目主要對目前 GitHub 上排名前 100 的 Android 開源庫進行簡單的介紹, 至於排名完全是根據GitHub搜索Java語言選擇 (Best Ma
在之前講 Android Paint的使用詳解的時候,其中有一個方法setPathEffect(PathEffect effect)沒有詳細介紹,這篇就結合代碼來
本篇文章小編為大家介紹,Android 軟件自動更新功能實現的方法。需要的朋友參考下。 相信所有的用戶都遇到過軟件提醒更新的情況,下面就將實現此功能 首先看一下程