package com.example.wz; import com.example.wz.controller.MainController; import com.example.wz.util.MyLog; import com.example.wz.view.MainView; import android.app.Activity; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.MotionEvent; public class MainActivity extends Activity { public MyLog log = new MyLog(this, true); @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); log.e("歡迎你加入測試項目."); link(); } public MainController mainController; public MainView mainView; private void link() { this.mainController = new MainController(this); this.mainView = new MainView(this); this.mainController.thisView = this.mainView; this.mainView.thisController = this.mainController; this.mainView.initViews(); } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { super.onTouchEvent(event); return mainController.onTouchEvent(event); } }
package com.example.wz.controller; import android.view.GestureDetector; import android.view.GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener; import android.view.MotionEvent; import com.example.wz.MainActivity; import com.example.wz.util.MyLog; import com.example.wz.util.OpenLooper; import com.example.wz.util.OpenLooper.LoopCallback; import com.example.wz.view.MainView; public class MainController { public MyLog log = new MyLog(this, true); public MainActivity mainActivity; public MainController thisController; public MainView thisView; public GestureDetector mGesture; public MainController(MainActivity mainActivity) { this.mainActivity = mainActivity; this.thisController = this; mGesture = new GestureDetector(mainActivity, new GestureListener()); openLooper = new OpenLooper(); openLooper.createOpenLooper(); loopCallback = new ListLoopCallback(openLooper); openLooper.loopCallback = loopCallback; } public class TouchStatus { public int None = 4, Down = 1, Horizontal = 2, Vertical = 3, Up = 4;// LongPress = 5 public int state = None; } public TouchStatus touchStatus = new TouchStatus(); public class BodyStatus { public int Fixed = 0, Dragging = 1, Homing = 2, FlingHoming = 3, BoundaryHoming = 4; public int state = Fixed; } public BodyStatus bodyStatus = new BodyStatus(); public class DrawStatus { public int Closed = 0, Open = 1, GoClosing = 2, GoOpening = 3; public int state = Closed; } public DrawStatus drawStatus = new DrawStatus(); public class AreaStatus { public int A = 0, B = 1; public int state = A; } public AreaStatus areaStatus = new AreaStatus(); public float touch_pre_x; public float touch_pre_y; public float currentTranslateX; public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { int action = event.getAction(); float x = event.getX(); float y = event.getY(); if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { this.touch_pre_x = x; this.touch_pre_y = y; if (touchStatus.state == touchStatus.None) { touchStatus.state = touchStatus.Down; log.e("Down "); if (x > thisView.maxTranslateX) { areaStatus.state = areaStatus.B; } else if (x <= thisView.maxTranslateX) { areaStatus.state = areaStatus.A; } } } else if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) { float Δy = (y - touch_pre_y); float Δx = (x - touch_pre_x); if (touchStatus.state == touchStatus.Down) { if (Δx * Δx + Δy * Δy > 400) { if (Δx * Δx > Δy * Δy) { touchStatus.state = touchStatus.Horizontal; } else { touchStatus.state = touchStatus.Vertical; } touch_pre_x = x; touch_pre_y = y; log.e("ACTION_MOVE "); } } else if (touchStatus.state == touchStatus.Horizontal) { currentTranslateX += Δx; this.touch_pre_x = x; this.touch_pre_y = y; if (currentTranslateX - thisView.maxTranslateX <= 0 && currentTranslateX >= 0) { setPosition(); } log.e("Horizontal"); bodyStatus.state = bodyStatus.Dragging; } else if (touchStatus.state == touchStatus.Vertical) { log.e("Vertical"); bodyStatus.state = bodyStatus.Dragging; } } else if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { log.e("ACTION_UP"); if (bodyStatus.state == bodyStatus.Dragging) { if (touchStatus.state == touchStatus.Horizontal) { bodyStatus.state = bodyStatus.Homing; openLooper.start(); } else if (touchStatus.state == touchStatus.Vertical) { if (drawStatus.state == drawStatus.Open && areaStatus.state == areaStatus.B) { bodyStatus.state = bodyStatus.Homing; drawStatus.state = drawStatus.GoClosing; openLooper.start(); } } } else if (touchStatus.state == touchStatus.Down && areaStatus.state == areaStatus.B) { bodyStatus.state = bodyStatus.Homing; drawStatus.state = drawStatus.GoClosing; openLooper.start(); } touchStatus.state = touchStatus.Up; } mGesture.onTouchEvent(event); return true; } class GestureListener extends SimpleOnGestureListener { @Override public boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY) { if (velocityX * velocityX + velocityY * velocityY > 250000) { if (velocityX * velocityX > velocityY * velocityY) { log.e("velocityX--" + velocityX); if (drawStatus.state == drawStatus.Closed && velocityX < 0) { } else if (drawStatus.state == drawStatus.Open && velocityX > 0) { } else { dxSpeed = velocityX; bodyStatus.state = bodyStatus.FlingHoming; openLooper.start(); } } else { log.e("velocityY"); } } return true; } public void onLongPress(MotionEvent event) { } public boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent event) { return false; } public boolean onDoubleTapEvent(MotionEvent event) { return false; } public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent event) { return false; } @Override public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent event) { return false; } public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float distanceY) { return false; } } public void setPosition() { thisView.v1.setTranslationX(currentTranslateX - thisView.maxTranslateX); thisView.v2.setTranslationX(Math.abs(currentTranslateX)); } float transleteSpeed = 3f; OpenLooper openLooper = null; LoopCallback loopCallback = null; public class ListLoopCallback extends LoopCallback { public ListLoopCallback(OpenLooper openLooper) { openLooper.super(); } @Override public void loop(double ellapsedMillis) { if (bodyStatus.state == bodyStatus.Homing) { hommingView((float) ellapsedMillis); } else if (bodyStatus.state == bodyStatus.FlingHoming) { flingHomingView((float) ellapsedMillis); } } } public float ratio = 0.0008f; public void flingHomingView(float ellapsedMillis) { float distance = (float) ellapsedMillis * transleteSpeed; boolean isStop = false; if (drawStatus.state == drawStatus.Closed) { drawStatus.state = drawStatus.GoOpening; } else if (drawStatus.state == drawStatus.Open) { drawStatus.state = drawStatus.GoClosing; } if (drawStatus.state == drawStatus.GoClosing) { this.currentTranslateX -= distance; if (this.currentTranslateX <= 0) { this.currentTranslateX = 0; drawStatus.state = drawStatus.Closed; isStop = true; log.e("-------------1"); } } else if (drawStatus.state == drawStatus.GoOpening) { this.currentTranslateX += distance; if (this.currentTranslateX >= thisView.maxTranslateX) { this.currentTranslateX = thisView.maxTranslateX; drawStatus.state = drawStatus.Open; isStop = true; log.e("-------------2"); } } setPosition(); if (isStop) { openLooper.stop(); } } public float dxSpeed; public void dampenSpeed(long deltaMillis) { if (this.dxSpeed != 0.0f) { this.dxSpeed *= (1.0f - 0.002f * deltaMillis); if (Math.abs(this.dxSpeed) < 50f) this.dxSpeed = 0.0f; } } public void hommingView(float ellapsedMillis) { float distance = (float) ellapsedMillis * transleteSpeed; boolean isStop = false; if (drawStatus.state == drawStatus.Closed && this.currentTranslateX < thisView.maxTranslateX / 5) { this.currentTranslateX -= distance; if (this.currentTranslateX <= 0) { this.currentTranslateX = 0; drawStatus.state = drawStatus.Closed; isStop = true; } } else if (drawStatus.state == drawStatus.Closed && this.currentTranslateX >= thisView.maxTranslateX / 5) { this.currentTranslateX += distance; if (this.currentTranslateX >= thisView.maxTranslateX) { this.currentTranslateX = thisView.maxTranslateX; drawStatus.state = drawStatus.Open; isStop = true; } } else if (drawStatus.state == drawStatus.Open && this.currentTranslateX < thisView.maxTranslateX / 5 * 4) { this.currentTranslateX -= distance; if (this.currentTranslateX <= 0) { this.currentTranslateX = 0; drawStatus.state = drawStatus.Closed; isStop = true; } } else if (drawStatus.state == drawStatus.Open && this.currentTranslateX >= thisView.maxTranslateX / 5 * 4) { this.currentTranslateX += distance; if (this.currentTranslateX >= thisView.maxTranslateX) { this.currentTranslateX = thisView.maxTranslateX; drawStatus.state = drawStatus.Open; isStop = true; } } else if (drawStatus.state == drawStatus.GoClosing) { this.currentTranslateX -= distance; if (this.currentTranslateX <= 0) { this.currentTranslateX = 0; drawStatus.state = drawStatus.Closed; isStop = true; } } setPosition(); if (isStop) { openLooper.stop(); log.e("looper stop..."); } } }
package com.example.wz.view; import android.graphics.Color; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import com.example.wz.MainActivity; import com.example.wz.R; import com.example.wz.controller.MainController; import com.example.wz.util.MyLog; public class MainView { public MyLog log = new MyLog(this, true); public MainActivity mainActivity; public MainController thisController; public MainView thisView; public MainView(MainActivity mainActivity) { this.mainActivity = mainActivity; this.thisView = this; } public DisplayMetrics displayMetrics; public float screenWidth; public float screenHeight; public float density; public float maxTranslateX; public RelativeLayout maxView; public RelativeLayout v1; public RelativeLayout v2; public void initViews() { this.displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics(); this.mainActivity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(this.displayMetrics); this.screenHeight = this.displayMetrics.heightPixels; this.screenWidth = this.displayMetrics.widthPixels; this.density = this.displayMetrics.density; this.maxTranslateX = this.screenWidth * 0.8f; this.mainActivity.setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); this.maxView = (RelativeLayout) this.mainActivity.findViewById(R.id.maxView); v1 = new RelativeLayout(mainActivity); v1.setBackgroundColor(Color.RED); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params1 = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams((int) this.maxTranslateX, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT); this.maxView.addView(v1, params1); TextView t1 = new TextView(mainActivity); t1.setText("left menu bar"); t1.setTextColor(Color.WHITE); v1.addView(t1); v1.setTranslationX(0 - this.maxTranslateX); v2 = new RelativeLayout(mainActivity); v2.setBackgroundColor(Color.parseColor("#0099cd")); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params2 = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams((int) this.screenWidth, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT); this.maxView.addView(v2, params2); v2.setTranslationX(0); TextView t2 = new TextView(mainActivity); t2.setText("body content"); t2.setTextColor(Color.WHITE); v2.addView(t2); } }
package com.example.wz.util; import android.util.Log; public class MyLog { public static boolean isGlobalTurnOn = true; public boolean isTurnOn = true; public String tag = null; public MyLog(String tag, boolean isTurnOn) { this.tag = tag; this.isTurnOn = isTurnOn; } public MyLog(Object clazz, boolean isTurnOn) { this.tag = clazz.getClass().getSimpleName(); this.isTurnOn = isTurnOn; } public void v(String message) { this.v(this.tag, message); } public void d(String message) { this.d(this.tag, message); } public void i(String message) { this.i(this.tag, message); } public void w(String message) { this.w(this.tag, message); } public void e(String message) { this.e(this.tag, message); } public void v(String tag, String message) { if (isTurnOn && isGlobalTurnOn) { Log.v(tag, message); } } public void d(String tag, String message) { if (isTurnOn && isGlobalTurnOn) { Log.d(tag, message); } } public void i(String tag, String message) { if (isTurnOn && isGlobalTurnOn) { Log.i(tag, message); } } public void w(String tag, String message) { if (isTurnOn && isGlobalTurnOn) { Log.w(tag, message); } } public void e(String tag, String message) { if (isTurnOn && isGlobalTurnOn) { Log.e(tag, message); } } }
package com.example.wz.util; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.view.Choreographer; public class OpenLooper { public LegacyAndroidSpringLooper legacyAndroidSpringLooper = null; public ChoreographerAndroidSpringLooper choreographerAndroidSpringLooper = null; public LoopCallback loopCallback = null; public void createOpenLooper() { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { choreographerAndroidSpringLooper = new ChoreographerAndroidSpringLooper(); } else { legacyAndroidSpringLooper = new LegacyAndroidSpringLooper(); } } public void start() { if (choreographerAndroidSpringLooper != null) { choreographerAndroidSpringLooper.start(); } else if (legacyAndroidSpringLooper != null) { legacyAndroidSpringLooper.start(); } } public void stop() { if (choreographerAndroidSpringLooper != null) { choreographerAndroidSpringLooper.stop(); } else if (legacyAndroidSpringLooper != null) { legacyAndroidSpringLooper.stop(); } } public class LoopCallback { public void loop(double ellapsedMillis) { } } public void loop(double ellapsedMillis) { if (this.loopCallback != null) { this.loopCallback.loop(ellapsedMillis); } } public class LegacyAndroidSpringLooper { public Handler mHandler; public Runnable mLooperRunnable; public boolean mStarted; public long mLastTime; public LegacyAndroidSpringLooper() { initialize(new Handler()); } public void initialize(Handler handler) { mHandler = handler; mLooperRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!mStarted) { return; } long currentTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); loop(currentTime - mLastTime); mHandler.post(mLooperRunnable); } }; } public void start() { if (mStarted) { return; } mStarted = true; mLastTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); mHandler.removeCallbacks(mLooperRunnable); mHandler.post(mLooperRunnable); } public void stop() { mStarted = false; mHandler.removeCallbacks(mLooperRunnable); } } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) public class ChoreographerAndroidSpringLooper { public Choreographer mChoreographer; public Choreographer.FrameCallback mFrameCallback; public boolean mStarted; public long mLastTime; public ChoreographerAndroidSpringLooper() { initialize(Choreographer.getInstance()); } public void initialize(Choreographer choreographer) { mChoreographer = choreographer; mFrameCallback = new Choreographer.FrameCallback() { @Override public void doFrame(long frameTimeNanos) { if (!mStarted) { return; } long currentTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); loop(currentTime - mLastTime); mLastTime = currentTime; mChoreographer.postFrameCallback(mFrameCallback); } }; } public void start() { if (mStarted) { return; } mStarted = true; mLastTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); mChoreographer.removeFrameCallback(mFrameCallback); mChoreographer.postFrameCallback(mFrameCallback); } public void stop() { mStarted = false; mChoreographer.removeFrameCallback(mFrameCallback); } } }
API IntroductionContent providers are one of the primary building blocks(構件) of Andro