External storage is managed by a combination of thevoldinit service andMountServicesystem service. Mounting of physical external storage volumes is handled byvold, which performs staging operations to prepare the media before exposing it to apps.
For Android 4.2.2 and earlier, the device-specificvold.fstabconfiguration file defines mappings from sysfs devices to filesystem mount points, and each line follows this format:
For Android releases 4.3 and later, the various fstab files used by init, vold and recovery were unified in the/fstab.
External storage interactions at and above the framework level are handled throughMountService. Due to configuration changes in Android 6.0 (like the removal of the storage_list.xml resource overlay), the configuration details are split into two categories.
Devices may provide external storage by emulating a case-insensitive, permissionless filesystem backed by internal storage. One possible implementation is provided by the FUSE daemon insystem/core/sdcard, which can be added as a device-specificinit.rcservice:
# virtual sdcard daemon running as media_rw (1023) service sdcard /system/bin/sdcard1023 1023 class late_start
Wheresource_pathis the backing internal storage anddest_pathis the target mount point.
When configuring a device-specificinit.rcscript, theEXTERNAL_STORAGEenvironment variable must be defined as the path to the primary external storage. The/sdcardpath must also resolve to the same location, possibly through a symlink. If a device adjusts the location of external storage between platform updates, symlinks should be created so that old paths continue working.
Configuration of the storage subsystem is now concentrated in the device-specificfstabfile, and several historical static configuration files/variables have been removed to support more dynamic behavior:
In addition to these configuration changes, Android 6.0 includes the notion of adoptable storage. For Android 6.0 devices, any physical media that is not adopted is viewed as portable.
To indicate an adoptable storage device in thefstab, use theencryptable=userdataattribute in thefs_mgr_flagsfield. Here’s a typical definition:
/devices/platform/mtk-msdc.1/mmc_host* auto auto defaults voldmanaged=sdcard1:auto,encryptable=userdata
When a storage device is adopted, the platform erases the contents and writes a GUID partition table that defines two partitions:
In thefstab, storage devices with thevoldmanagedattribute are considered to be portable by default unless another attribute likeencryptable=userdatais defined. For example, here’s a typical definition for USB OTG devices:
/devices/*/xhci-hcd.0.auto/usb* auto auto defaults voldmanaged=usb:auto
The platform usesblkidto detect filesystem types before mounting, and users can choose to format the media when the filesystem is unsupported.
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