buildscript { repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:1.5.0' classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.8' } } allprojects { repositories { jcenter() } } task clean(type: Delete) { delete rootProject.buildDir }
apply plugin: 'com.android.application' apply plugin: 'android-apt' def AAVersion = '4.0+' repositories { jcenter() flatDir { dirs 'libs' } } android { compileSdkVersion 19 buildToolsVersion "23.0.2" defaultConfig { applicationId "source.code.watch.film" minSdkVersion 14 targetSdkVersion 14 versionCode 1 versionName "1.0" } buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled false proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro' } } signingConfigs { debug { storeFile file("E:\\psd\\debug.keystore") } } } dependencies { compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs') apt "org.androidannotations:androidannotations:$AAVersion" compile "org.androidannotations:androidannotations-api:$AAVersion" } apt { arguments { androidManifestFile variant.outputs[0].processResources.manifestFile resourcePackageName 'source.code.watch.film' } }
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { }
@EFragment(R.layout.my_fragment_layout) public class MyFragment extends Fragment { }
MyFragment fragment = new MyFragment_();
public class MyClass { } - 這個類必須僅僅只能有一個構造函數,參數最多有一個context
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @Bean MyClass myClass; }
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @Bean(MyClass.class) MyClassInterface myClassInterface; }
@EBean public class MyClass { @RootContext Context context; @RootContext Activity activity; @RootContext Service service; @RootContext MyActivity myActivity; }
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @AfterInject public void doSomethingAfterInjection() { } } - 如果想在類創建時期做一些操作可以這麼做
@EBean(scope = Scope.Singleton) public class MySingleton { } - 單例類 - 在單例類裡面不可以注入view和事件綁定,因為單例的生命周期比Activity和Service的要長,以免發生內存溢出
@EView public class CustomButton extends Button { @App MyApplication application; @StringRes String someStringResource; public CustomButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } }
CustomButton button = CustomButton_.build(context);
@EViewGroup(R.layout.title_with_subtitle) public class TitleWithSubtitle extends RelativeLayout { @ViewById protected TextView title, subtitle; public TitleWithSubtitle(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } public void setTexts(String titleText, String subTitleText) { title.setText(titleText); subtitle.setText(subTitleText); } }
@EApplication public class MyApplication extends Application { }
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @App MyApplication application; }
@EService public class MyService extends Service { }
@EReceiver public class MyReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { }
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @Receiver(actions = "org.androidannotations.ACTION_1") protected void onAction1() { } }
@EProvider public class MyContentProvider extends ContentProvider { }
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @ViewById EditText myEditText; @ViewById(R.id.myTextView) TextView textView; } - 沒有括號裡定義的變量名稱必須和布局的id名稱一致
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @ViewById TextView myTextView; @AfterViews void updateTextWithDate() { myTextView.setText("Date: " + new Date()); } } 一定要在這裡進行view的一些設置,不要在oncreate()中設置,因為oncreate()在執行時 view還沒有注入
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @StringRes(R.string.hello) String myHelloString; @StringRes String hello; } - 不能將變量設置成私有變量
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @ColorRes(R.color.backgroundColor) int someColor; @ColorRes int backgroundColor; }
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @AnimationRes(R.anim.fadein) XmlResourceParser xmlResAnim; @AnimationRes Animation fadein; }
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @DimensionRes(R.dimen.fontsize) float fontSizeDimension; @DimensionRes float fontsize; }
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @DimensionPixelOffsetRes(R.string.fontsize) int fontSizeDimension; @DimensionPixelOffsetRes int fontsize; }
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @DimensionPixelSizeRes(R.string.fontsize) int fontSizeDimension; @DimensionPixelSizeRes int fontsize; }
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @Extra("myStringExtra") String myMessage; @Extra("myDateExtra") Date myDateExtraWithDefaultValue = new Date(); }
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @Extra String myMessage; } - The name of the extra will be "myMessage",名字必須一致
MyActivity_.intent().myMessage("hello").start() ;
MyActivity_.intent().myMessage("hello").startForResult() ;
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @SystemService NotificationManager notificationManager; }
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @HtmlRes(R.string.hello_html) Spanned myHelloString; @HtmlRes CharSequence helloHtml; }
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @ViewById(R.id.my_text_view) @FromHtml(R.string.hello_html) TextView textView; @ViewById @FromHtml TextView hello_html; } - 必須用在TextView
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @NonConfigurationInstance Bitmap someBitmap; @NonConfigurationInstance @Bean MyBackgroundTask myBackgroundTask; } - 等同於Activity.onRetainNonConfigurationInstance()
@Click(R.id.myButton) void myButtonWasClicked() { } @Click void anotherButton() { } @Click void yetAnotherButton(View clickedView) { } - LongClick和這個類似
@SeekBarProgressChange(R.id.seekBar) void onProgressChangeOnSeekBar(SeekBar seekBar, int progress, boolean fromUser) { } @SeekBarProgressChange(R.id.seekBar) void onProgressChangeOnSeekBar(SeekBar seekBar, int progress) { } @SeekBarProgressChange({R.id.seekBar1, R.id.seekBar2}) void onProgressChangeOnSeekBar(SeekBar seekBar) { } @SeekBarProgressChange({R.id.seekBar1, R.id.seekBar2}) void onProgressChangeOnSeekBar() { } - @SeekBarTouchStart 和 @SeekBarTouchStop 接受開始和結束事件的監聽
@TextChange(R.id.helloTextView) void onTextChangesOnHelloTextView(CharSequence text, TextView hello, int before, int start, int count) { } @TextChange void helloTextViewTextChanged(TextView hello) { } @TextChange({R.id.editText, R.id.helloTextView}) void onTextChangesOnSomeTextViews(TextView tv, CharSequence text) { } @TextChange(R.id.helloTextView) void onTextChangesOnHelloTextView() { }
@BeforeTextChange(R.id.helloTextView) void beforeTextChangedOnHelloTextView(TextView hello, CharSequence text, int start, int count, int after) { } @BeforeTextChange void helloTextViewBeforeTextChanged(TextView hello) { } @BeforeTextChange({R.id.editText, R.id.helloTextView}) void beforeTextChangedOnSomeTextViews(TextView tv, CharSequence text) { } @BeforeTextChange(R.id.helloTextView) void beforeTextChangedOnHelloTextView() { }
@AfterTextChange(R.id.helloTextView) void afterTextChangedOnHelloTextView(Editable text, TextView hello) { } @AfterTextChange void helloTextViewAfterTextChanged(TextView hello) { } @AfterTextChange({R.id.editText, R.id.helloTextView}) void afterTextChangedOnSomeTextViews(TextView tv, Editable text) { } @AfterTextChange(R.id.helloTextView) void afterTextChangedOnHelloTextView() { }
void myMethod() { someBackgroundWork("hello", 42); } @Background void someBackgroundWork(String aParam, long anotherParam) { } - 後台運行
void myMethod() { someCancellableBackground("hello", 42); boolean mayInterruptIfRunning = true; BackgroundExecutor.cancelAll("cancellable_task", mayInterruptIfRunning); } @Background(id="cancellable_task") void someCancellableBackground(String aParam, long anotherParam) { }
void myMethod() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) someSequentialBackgroundMethod(i); } @Background(serial = "test") void someSequentialBackgroundMethod(int i) { SystemClock.sleep(new Random().nextInt(2000)+1000); Log.d("AA", "value : " + i); } - 非並發執行
@Background(delay=2000) void doInBackgroundAfterTwoSeconds() { } - 延遲執行
void myMethod() { doInUiThread("hello", 42); } @UiThread void doInUiThread(String aParam, long anotherParam) { } - UI線程
@UiThread(delay=2000) void doInUiThreadAfterTwoSeconds() { } - 延遲
@UiThread(propagation = Propagation.REUSE) void runInSameThreadIfOnUiThread() { } - 優化UI線程
@EActivity(R.layout.main) public class MyActivity extends Activity { @Background void doSomeStuffInBackground() { publishProgress(0); publishProgress(10); publishProgress(100); } @UiThread void publishProgress(int progress) { } } - 後台向UI線程傳值
@OnActivityResult(REQUEST_CODE) void onResult(int resultCode, Intent data) { } @OnActivityResult(REQUEST_CODE) void onResult(int resultCode) { } @OnActivityResult(ANOTHER_REQUEST_CODE) void onResult(Intent data) { } @OnActivityResult(ANOTHER_REQUEST_CODE) void onResult() { }
有很長一段時間沒有更新博客了,最近實在是太忙了,沒有時間去總結,現在終於可以有時間去總結一些Android上面的東西了,很久以前寫過這篇關於使用Android Studi
感覺在代碼中寫出解析會比較好看,我直接在程序代碼中解析所用的方法吧。 MainActivity: package com.example.imageview_demo
struts2 接收輸入參數的3種方式在我們的生活中,有很多的網頁都存在用戶登陸界面,當我們在登陸界面上輸入自己的用戶名和密碼後,這些數據都會傳入後台,供後台來驗證我們所