Params 表示傳入doInBackground參數的類型
Progress 表示後台任務執行進度的類型
Result 表示後台任務執行完成後返回結果的類型
onPreExecute 執行任務之前,UI線程,在doInBackground執行之前
doInBackground 執行後台任務,子線程,can call publishProgress to publish updates on the UI thread
onProgressUpdate 進度更新,UI線程
onPostExecute 任務完成時,UI線程
onCancelled 任務取消時,並且onPostExecute不會執行,UI線程
InternalHandler AsyncTask內部Handler,處理任務的提交與更新的消息
SerialExecutor 串行線程池,用於任務調度,任務排隊,一次只能執行一個任務
THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR 線程池的實現者,用於真正執行任務
WorkerRunnable 實現了Callable接口,用於後台計算
1、 onPreExecute , 執行任務之前,運行在UI線程,在doInBackground執行之前
2、 Result = doInBackground() , 執行後台任務,返回執行結果,在線程池中執行,配合publishProgress來更新任務進度
3、 onProgressUpdate , 在doInBackground方法中調用publishProgress方法,用於進度更新,運行在UI線程(通過內部handler切換到主線程)
4、 onPostExecute , 運行在UI線程,處理運行結果(通過內部handler切換到主線程)
/** * Creates a new asynchronous task. This constructor must be invoked on the UI thread. */ public AsyncTask() { //實例化WorkerRunnable對象 mWorker = new WorkerRunnable() { public Result call() throws Exception { mTaskInvoked.set(true); Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); //noinspection unchecked return postResult(doInBackground(mParams)); } }; // 實例化FutureTask mFuture = new FutureTask (mWorker) { @Override protected void done() { try { postResultIfNotInvoked(get()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { android.util.Log.w(LOG_TAG, e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException("An error occured while executing doInBackground()", e.getCause()); } catch (CancellationException e) { postResultIfNotInvoked(null); } } }; }
private static abstract class WorkerRunnableimplements Callable { Params[] mParams; }
public FutureTask(Callablecallable) { if (callable == null) throw new NullPointerException(); this.callable = callable; this.state = NEW; // ensure visibility of callable }
public final AsyncTaskexecute(Params... params) { return executeOnExecutor(sDefaultExecutor, params); }
public final AsyncTaskexecuteOnExecutor(Executor exec, Params... params) { if (mStatus != Status.PENDING) { switch (mStatus) { case RUNNING: throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot execute task:" + " the task is already running."); case FINISHED: throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot execute task:" + " the task has already been executed " + "(a task can be executed only once)"); } } mStatus = Status.RUNNING; onPreExecute(); // 在主線程中回調 mWorker.mParams = params; exec.execute(mFuture); // 傳參FutureTask對象 return this; }
private static class SerialExecutor implements Executor { final ArrayDequemTasks = new ArrayDeque (); Runnable mActive; public synchronized void execute(final Runnable r) { mTasks.offer(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { r.run(); } finally { scheduleNext(); } } }); if (mActive == null) { scheduleNext(); } } protected synchronized void scheduleNext() { if ((mActive = mTasks.poll()) != null) { THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR.execute(mActive); } }
public void run() { if (state != NEW || !UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, runnerOffset, null, Thread.currentThread())) return; try { Callablec = callable; // callable對象即是在構造FutureTask對象時傳入的mWorker if (c != null && state == NEW) { V result; boolean ran; try { result = c.call(); ran = true; } catch (Throwable ex) { result = null; ran = false; setException(ex); } if (ran) set(result); } } finally { // runner must be non-null until state is settled to // prevent concurrent calls to run() runner = null; // state must be re-read after nulling runner to prevent // leaked interrupts int s = state; if (s >= INTERRUPTING) handlePossibleCancellationInterrupt(s); } }
public Result call() throws Exception { mTaskInvoked.set(true); Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); //noinspection unchecked return postResult(doInBackground(mParams)); }
private Result postResult(Result result) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Message message = sHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_POST_RESULT, new AsyncTaskResult(this, result)); message.sendToTarget(); return result; }
private static class InternalHandler extends Handler { @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "RawUseOfParameterizedType"}) @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { AsyncTaskResult result = (AsyncTaskResult) msg.obj; switch (msg.what) { case MESSAGE_POST_RESULT: // There is only one result result.mTask.finish(result.mData[0]); break; case MESSAGE_POST_PROGRESS: result.mTask.onProgressUpdate(result.mData); break; } } }
private void finish(Result result) { if (isCancelled()) { onCancelled(result); } else { onPostExecute(result); } mStatus = Status.FINISHED; }
/** * This method can be invoked from {@link #doInBackground} to * publish updates on the UI thread while the background computation is * still running. Each call to this method will trigger the execution of * {@link #onProgressUpdate} on the UI thread. * * {@link #onProgressUpdate} will note be called if the task has been * canceled. * * @param values The progress values to update the UI with. * * @see #onProgressUpdate * @see #doInBackground */ protected final void publishProgress(Progress... values) { if (!isCancelled()) { sHandler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_POST_PROGRESS, new AsyncTaskResult
class BackTask extends AsyncTask{ @Override protected void onPreExecute() { Log.e("TAG", "onPreExecute-任務執行之前,當前線程:"+Thread.currentThread().getName()); super.onPreExecute(); } @Override protected Integer doInBackground(Integer... params) { Log.e("TAG", "doInBackground-任務執行中... ,當前線程:"+Thread.currentThread().getName()); int N = params[0]; int count = 0; int total = 0; // 計算總和 Integer progress = 0; // 進度 while (count < N) { ++count; total += count; progress = count * 100 / N; publishProgress(progress); } return total; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Integer result) { super.onPostExecute(result); Log.e("TAG", "onPostExecute-執行結果,運算總和為" + result+" ,當前線程: "+Thread.currentThread().getName()); } @Override protected void onProgressUpdate(Integer... values) { super.onProgressUpdate(values); Log.e("TAG", "onProgressUpdate-當前進度:" + values[0] + "%"+",當前線程:"+Thread.currentThread().getName()); } }
new BackTask().execute(100);
09-07 08:33:53.508: E/TAG(2710): onPreExecute-任務執行之前,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.508: E/TAG(2710): doInBackground-任務執行中... ,當前線程:AsyncTask #2 09-07 08:33:53.578: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:1%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.578: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:2%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.578: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:3%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.578: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:4%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.578: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:5%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.578: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:6%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.578: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:7%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.578: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:8%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.578: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:9%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.578: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:10%,當前線程:main ... ... ... ... (省略部分輸出) 09-07 08:33:53.608: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:90%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.608: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:91%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.608: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:92%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.608: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:93%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.608: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:94%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.608: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:95%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.608: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:96%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.608: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:97%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.608: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:98%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.608: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:99%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.608: E/TAG(2710): onProgressUpdate-當前進度:100%,當前線程:main 09-07 08:33:53.608: E/TAG(2710): onPostExecute-執行結果,運算總和為5050 ,當前線程: main
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