I found a couple post that kept saying to stop the SecondaryInstaller.exe. That stops the installation of the Android SDK altogether. What I found that worked and the SDK installed correctly was stopping the Java.exe process. Everything installed correctly after that process was stopped.在任務管理器裡結束SecondaryInstaller.exe進程。會有如下界面,不知道有沒有影響。
Android SDK 設置(API 級別 19 和 21)
Android Gallery和GridView組件:Gallery 畫廊Gallery是一個內部元素可以水平滾動,並且可以把當前選擇的子元素定位在它中心的布局組件。我們
用到Media Player,遇到幾個問題,記一下 用法就不說了,使用的時候最好參考一下mediaPlayer的這張圖 第一個錯誤是Medi
1、概述Android提供了幾種動畫類型:View Animation 、Drawable Animation 、Property Animation 。View Ani