public RIL(Context context, int preferredNetworkType, int cdmaSubscription, Integer instanceId) { ............. PowerManager pm = (PowerManager)context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); //獲取WakeLock,第一個參數決定了WakeLock的等級和flag mWakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, RILJ_LOG_TAG); //默認WakeLocked會ReferenceCounted,即一次申請對應一次釋放 //設為false後,一次釋放就可以對應所有的申請 mWakeLock.setReferenceCounted(false); ........... //RIL.java中自己維護了WakeLockCount mWakeLockCount = 0; ........... }
public WakeLock newWakeLock(int levelAndFlags, String tag) { //檢查參數有效性,即levelAndFlags必須對應於PowerManager中定義的WakeLock級別和flag,tag不能為空 validateWakeLockParameters(levelAndFlags, tag); //此WakeLock為PowerManager定義的內部類 return new WakeLock(levelAndFlags, tag, mContext.getOpPackageName()); }
1、WakeLock Level
/** * Wake lock level: Ensures that the CPU is running; the screen and keyboard * backlight will be allowed to go off. * * If the user presses the power button, then the screen will be turned off * but the CPU will be kept on until all partial wake locks have been released. * / public static final int PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK = 0x00000001; /** * Wake lock level: Ensures that the screen is on (but may be dimmed); * the keyboard backlight will be allowed to go off. * * If the user presses the power button, then the SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK will be * implicitly released by the system, causing both the screen and the CPU to be turned off. */ @Deprecated public static final int SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK = 0x00000006; /** * Wake lock level: Ensures that the screen is on at full brightness; * the keyboard backlight will be allowed to go off. * *If the user presses the power button, then the SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK will be * implicitly released by the system, causing both the screen and the CPU to be turned off. */ @Deprecated public static final int SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK = 0x0000000a; /** * Wake lock level: Ensures that the screen and keyboard backlight are on at * full brightness. * *If the user presses the power button, then the FULL_WAKE_LOCK will be * implicitly released by the system, causing both the screen and the CPU to be turned off. */ @Deprecated public static final int FULL_WAKE_LOCK = 0x0000001a; /** * Wake lock level: Turns the screen off when the proximity sensor activates. * If the proximity sensor detects that an object is nearby, the screen turns off * immediately. Shortly after the object moves away, the screen turns on again. * * A proximity wake lock does not prevent the device from falling asleep * unlike link FULL_WAKE_LOCK, SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK and SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK. * If there is no user activity and no other wake locks are held, then the device will fall asleep (and lock) as usual. * However, the device will not fall asleep while the screen has been turned off * by the proximity sensor because it effectively counts as ongoing user activity. * * Cannot be used with ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP (WakeLock的flag). */ //例如撥號,打通後接聽電話,屏幕變黑 public static final int PROXIMITY_SCREEN_OFF_WAKE_LOCK = 0x00000020; /** * Wake lock level: Put the screen in a low power state and allow the CPU to suspend * if no other wake locks are held. * * This is used by the dream manager to implement doze mode. It currently * has no effect unless the power manager is in the dozing state. * / public static final int DOZE_WAKE_LOCK = 0x00000040; /** * Wake lock level: Keep the device awake enough to allow drawing to occur. * * This is used by the window manager to allow applications to draw while the * system is dozing. It currently has no effect unless the power manager is in * the dozing state. * / public static final int DRAW_WAKE_LOCK = 0x00000080;
2、WakeLock Flag
PowerManager定義的WakeLock Flag很多,無法一一列舉,就看一下比較常用的:
/** * Wake lock flag: Turn the screen on when the wake lock is acquired. * * Normally wake locks don't actually wake the device, they just cause * the screen to remain on once it's already on. Think of the video player * application as the normal behavior. Notifications that pop up and want * the device to be on are the exception; use this flag to be like them. * * Cannot be used with PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK. * / public static final int ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP = 0x10000000; /** * Wake lock flag: When this wake lock is released, poke the user activity timer * so the screen stays on for a little longer. * * Will not turn the screen on if it is not already on. * * Cannot be used with PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK. * / public static final int ON_AFTER_RELEASE = 0x20000000; ..................
WakeLock Flag一般與WakeLock Level組合使用,使用的時候參照一下注釋即可。
WakeLock(int flags, String tag, String packageName) { //level and flag mFlags = flags; //創建類對應的打印Tag mTag = tag; //創建類的類名 mPackageName = packageName; //創建一個Binder對象 //PMS將作為該Binder的客戶端監聽對應進程是否死亡 mToken = new Binder(); mTraceName = "WakeLock (" + mTag + ")"; }
二、Acquire WakeLock
這種將WakeLock通知到PMS的過程,就被稱為acquire WakeLock。
private void send(RILRequest rr) { Message msg; if (mSocket == null) { rr.onError(RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE, null); rr.release(); return; } msg = mSender.obtainMessage(EVENT_SEND, rr); //重點在這裡 acquireWakeLock(rr, FOR_WAKELOCK); msg.sendToTarget(); }
private void acquireWakeLock(RILRequest rr, int wakeLockType) { synchronized(rr) { ............. switch(wakeLockType) { case FOR_WAKELOCK: synchronized (mWakeLock) { //調用acquire函數 mWakeLock.acquire(); mWakeLockCount++; mWlSequenceNum++; ............ } break; ......... } rr.mWakeLockType = wakeLockType; } }
public void acquire() { synchronized (mToken) { acquireLocked(); } } private void acquireLocked() { //前面已經提過,RIL.java中已經將mRefCounted置為false //如果不將mRefCounted置為false,意味著acquire和release必須一一對應 //那麼每個WakeLock只能acquire一次 if (!mRefCounted || mCount++ == 0) { ........ try { mService.acquireWakeLock(mToken, mFlags, mTag, mPackageName, mWorkSource, mHistoryTag); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer(); } mHeld = true; } }
public void acquireWakeLock(IBinder lock, int flags, String tag, String packageName, WorkSource ws, String historyTag) { //參數和權限檢查 ............ final int uid = Binder.getCallingUid(); final int pid = Binder.getCallingPid(); final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { acquireWakeLockInternal(lock, flags, tag, packageName, ws, historyTag, uid, pid); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident); } } private void acquireWakeLockInternal(IBinder lock, int flags, String tag, String packageName, WorkSource ws, String historyTag, int uid, int pid) { synchronized (mLock) { ........... //PMS中也定義了WakeLock內部類 WakeLock wakeLock; //PMS中維持了一個ArrayList,記錄當前已申請的WakeLock //findWakeLockIndexLocked查找ArrayList,判斷參數對應的WakeLock,是否在之前被申請過 int index = findWakeLockIndexLocked(lock); boolean notifyAcquire; if (index >= 0) { //如果index大於0,說明此時Acquire的是一個舊的WakeLock //例如RIL會多次調用send函數,於是除第一次外,都會進入這個分支 wakeLock = mWakeLocks.get(index); //這是判斷WakeLock對應的成員變量是否發生改變 if (!wakeLock.hasSameProperties(flags, tag, ws, uid, pid)) { // Update existing wake lock. This shouldn't happen but is harmless. notifyWakeLockChangingLocked(wakeLock, flags, tag, packageName, uid, pid, ws, historyTag); //若wakelock屬性發生了變化,更新該屬性 wakeLock.updateProperties(flags, tag, packageName, ws, historyTag, uid, pid); } notifyAcquire = false; } else { //創建一個新的WakeLock,例如RIL第一次調用send就會進入該分支 wakeLock = new WakeLock(lock, flags, tag, packageName, ws, historyTag, uid, pid); try { //1、監控申請WakeLock的進程是否死亡 lock.linkToDeath(wakeLock, 0); } catch (RemoteException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wake lock is already dead."); } //添加到wakelock列表 mWakeLocks.add(wakeLock); //2、特殊處理PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK //實際上,根據Doze模式的白名單更新wakelock的disabled變量 setWakeLockDisabledStateLocked(wakeLock); notifyAcquire = true; } //3、處理WakeLock對應的Flag //實際上判斷WakeLock是否有ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP,在必要時喚醒屏幕 applyWakeLockFlagsOnAcquireLocked(wakeLock, uid); mDirty |= DIRTY_WAKE_LOCKS; //更新電源狀態,以後單獨分析 updatePowerStateLocked(); if (notifyAcquire) { // This needs to be done last so we are sure we have acquired the // kernel wake lock. Otherwise we have a race where the system may // go to sleep between the time we start the accounting in battery // stats and when we actually get around to telling the kernel to // stay awake. //通知wakeLock發生變化 //電量統計服務做相關統計 notifyWakeLockAcquiredLocked(wakeLock); } } }
......... lock.linkToDeath(wakeLock, 0); .........
我們將acquire WakeLock的進程定義為PMS的客戶端進程,那麼上面代碼的lock,就是客戶端進程中創建的Binder對象的代理。對於RIL而言,就是存在於Phone進程中的Binder的代理。
private final class WakeLock implements IBinder.DeathRecipient { ........... @Override public void binderDied() { //發現客戶端進程死亡後,調用PMS的handleWakeLockDeath進行處理,傳入的參數為WakeLock自己 PowerManagerService.this.handleWakeLockDeath(this); } ....... }
private void handleWakeLockDeath(WakeLock wakeLock) { synchronized (mLock) { .......... int index = mWakeLocks.indexOf(wakeLock); if (index < 0) { return; } removeWakeLockLocked(wakeLock, index); } }
private void removeWakeLockLocked(WakeLock wakeLock, int index) { mWakeLocks.remove(index); //通知到BatteryStatsService notifyWakeLockReleasedLocked(wakeLock); //處理WakeLock對應的flag,與後文applyWakeLockFlagsOnAcquireLocked一起分析 //實際上是判斷是否需要立即息屏 applyWakeLockFlagsOnReleaseLocked(wakeLock); mDirty |= DIRTY_WAKE_LOCKS; //鎖移除後,還是利用updatePowerStateLocked更新電源狀態 updatePowerStateLocked(); }
private boolean setWakeLockDisabledStateLocked(WakeLock wakeLock) { //僅會特殊處理PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK,畢竟PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK要求按Power鍵後CPU依然可以工作 if ((wakeLock.mFlags & PowerManager.WAKE_LOCK_LEVEL_MASK) == PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK) { boolean disabled = false; //設備處於Doze定義的device idle模式時 if (mDeviceIdleMode) { final int appid = UserHandle.getAppId(wakeLock.mOwnerUid); // If we are in idle mode, we will ignore all partial wake locks that are // for application uids that are not whitelisted. //判斷是否為非系統應用 if (appid >= Process.FIRST_APPLICATION_UID && //白名單search Arrays.binarySearch(mDeviceIdleWhitelist, appid) < 0 && Arrays.binarySearch(mDeviceIdleTempWhitelist, appid) < 0 && //判斷進程的類型 //ActivityManager中定義的數字最小的為:常駐的操作UI的系統進程 //因此大概可理解為:數字越大,對處理事件的時效性要求越低 mUidState.get(wakeLock.mOwnerUid, ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY) > ActivityManager.PROCESS_STATE_FOREGROUND_SERVICE) { disabled = true; } } if (wakeLock.mDisabled != disabled) { wakeLock.mDisabled = disabled; return true; } } return false; }
在Android Doze模式下,當終端處於device Idle Mode時,
前面的代碼已經提到,當acquire WakeLock時,將調用applyWakeLockFlagsOnAcquireLocked處理WakeLock對應的flag;
3.1 applyWakeLockFlagsOnAcquireLocked
private void applyWakeLockFlagsOnAcquireLocked(WakeLock wakeLock, int uid) { //僅處理ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP flag,同時要求WakeLock的level是與screen有關的, //即FULL_WAKE_LOCK、SCREEN_BRIGHT_WAKE_LOCK和SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK if ((wakeLock.mFlags & PowerManager.ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP) != 0 && isScreenLock(wakeLock)) { .............. wakeUpNoUpdateLocked(SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), wakeLock.mTag, opUid, opPackageName, opUid); } } private boolean wakeUpNoUpdateLocked(long eventTime, String reason, int reasonUid, String opPackageName, int opUid) { ............ //不滿足以下條件,沒有喚醒屏幕的必要 if (eventTime < mLastSleepTime || mWakefulness == WAKEFULNESS_AWAKE || !mBootCompleted || !mSystemReady) { return false; } try { mLastWakeTime = eventTime; //修改PMS的一些成員變量,並進行通知 //其中主要的是將mDirty變量的DIRTY_WAKEFULNESS位置為了1 //PMS根據mDirty的位信息管理電源狀態,同時喚醒屏幕 setWakefulnessLocked(WAKEFULNESS_AWAKE, 0); //通知給電源統計服務 mNotifier.onWakeUp(reason, reasonUid, opPackageName, opUid); //調用userActivityNoUpdateLocked函數 userActivityNoUpdateLocked( eventTime, PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_EVENT_OTHER, 0, reasonUid); } ..... return true; }
3.1.1 setWakefulnessLocked
private void setWakefulnessLocked(int wakefulness, int reason) { if (mWakefulness != wakefulness) { mWakefulness = wakefulness; mWakefulnessChanging = true; mDirty |= DIRTY_WAKEFULNESS; //定義於frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/power/Notifier.java中 mNotifier.onWakefulnessChangeStarted(wakefulness, reason); } }
public void onWakefulnessChangeStarted(final int wakefulness, int reason) { final boolean interactive = PowerManagerInternal.isInteractive(wakefulness); ....... // Tell the activity manager about changes in wakefulness, not just interactivity. mHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mActivityManagerInternal.onWakefulnessChanged(wakefulness); } }); // Handle any early interactive state changes. // Finish pending incomplete ones from a previous cycle. if (mInteractive != interactive) { // Finish up late behaviors if needed. if (mInteractiveChanging) { handleLateInteractiveChange(); } // Start input as soon as we start waking up or going to sleep. mInputManagerInternal.setInteractive(interactive); mInputMethodManagerInternal.setInteractive(interactive); // Notify battery stats. try { mBatteryStats.noteInteractive(interactive); } catch (RemoteException ex) { } // Handle early behaviors. mInteractive = interactive; mInteractiveChangeReason = reason; mInteractiveChanging = true; //重點在這個位置 handleEarlyInteractiveChange(); } } /** * Handle early interactive state changes such as getting applications or the lock * screen running and ready for the user to see (such as when turning on the screen). */ private void handleEarlyInteractiveChange() { synchronized (mLock) { if (mInteractive) { // Waking up... mHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.POWER_SCREEN_STATE, 1, 0, 0, 0); //mPolicy對應於PhoneWindowManager mPolicy.startedWakingUp(); } }); // Send interactive broadcast. mPendingInteractiveState = INTERACTIVE_STATE_AWAKE; mPendingWakeUpBroadcast = true; updatePendingBroadcastLocked(); } else { // Going to sleep... // Tell the policy that we started going to sleep. final int why = translateOffReason(mInteractiveChangeReason); mHandler.post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mPolicy.startedGoingToSleep(why); } }); } } }
3.2 applyWakeLockFlagsOnReleaseLocked
private void applyWakeLockFlagsOnReleaseLocked(WakeLock wakeLock) { //僅處理ON_AFTER_RELEASE,同樣要求WakeLock的level是與screen有關的 //ON_AFTER_RELEASE並不會立即息屏 if ((wakeLock.mFlags & PowerManager.ON_AFTER_RELEASE) != 0 && isScreenLock(wakeLock)) { userActivityNoUpdateLocked(SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_EVENT_OTHER, PowerManager.USER_ACTIVITY_FLAG_NO_CHANGE_LIGHTS, wakeLock.mOwnerUid); } }
3.3 userActivityNoUpdateLocked
private boolean userActivityNoUpdateLocked(long eventTime, int event, int flags, int uid) { ............. //過時的事件不需要處理 if (eventTime < mLastSleepTime || eventTime < mLastWakeTime || !mBootCompleted || !mSystemReady) { return false; } ........... try { if (eventTime > mLastInteractivePowerHintTime) { //調用native加載的動態庫的powerHint函數,具體意義不是很清楚 powerHintInternal(POWER_HINT_INTERACTION, 0); mLastInteractivePowerHintTime = eventTime; } //調用BatteryStatsService的noteUserActivity函數,看代碼好像是做一些記錄 mNotifier.onUserActivity(event, uid); //根據參數信息修改mDirty的一些變量 ............. } finally { ........ } }
從以上代碼來看,acquire WakeLock將申請信息遞交給PMS統一進行處理。
上述acquire WakeLock主要的工作大致可以總結為下圖:
private void processResponse (Parcel p) { int type; type = p.readInt(); if (type == RESPONSE_UNSOLICITED || type == RESPONSE_UNSOLICITED_ACK_EXP) { ........... } else if (type == RESPONSE_SOLICITED || type == RESPONSE_SOLICITED_ACK_EXP) { //處理請求對應的回復信息 RILRequest rr = processSolicited (p, type); if (rr != null) { if (type == RESPONSE_SOLICITED) { //重點在這裡 decrementWakeLock(rr); } rr.release(); return; } } else if (type == RESPONSE_SOLICITED_ACK) { ........... } }
private void decrementWakeLock(RILRequest rr) { synchronized(rr) { switch(rr.mWakeLockType) { case FOR_WAKELOCK: synchronized (mWakeLock) { //前面已經提到過,RIL.java多個請求復用同一個WakeLock //並且利用mWakeLockCount記錄復用的次數 //這麼設計的目的是:RIL發送請求的數量非常多,復用WakeLock可以避免多次構造釋放 //同時減少與PMS之間Binder通信的次數 if (mWakeLockCount > 1) { mWakeLockCount--; } else { mWakeLockCount = 0; //所有請求均得到了處理,調用PowerManager中WakeLock的release函數 mWakeLock.release(); } } break; ........ } } ........ }
/** * Releases the wake lock with flags to modify the release behavior. * * This method releases your claim to the CPU or screen being on. * The screen may turn off shortly after you release the wake lock, or it may * not if there are other wake locks still held. * */ public void release(int flags) { synchronized (mToken) { if (!mRefCounted || --mCount == 0) { mHandler.removeCallbacks(mReleaser); if (mHeld) { ....... try { //還是會調用到PMS中的函數 mService.releaseWakeLock(mToken, flags); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer(); } mHeld = false; } } .... } }
public void releaseWakeLock(IBinder lock, int flags) { //參數和權限檢查 ............. final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { releaseWakeLockInternal(lock, flags); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(ident); } } private void releaseWakeLockInternal(IBinder lock, int flags) { synchronized (mLock) { //根據Binder代理,從存儲的ArrayList中找到對應WakeLock的序號 int index = findWakeLockIndexLocked(lock); ........... WakeLock wakeLock = mWakeLocks.get(index); ........... //RELEASE_FLAG_WAIT_FOR_NO_PROXIMITY,表示當sensor判斷終端離物體較遠時, //才真正釋放PROXIMITY_SCREEN_OFF_WAKE_LOCK等級的WakeLock if ((flags & PowerManager.RELEASE_FLAG_WAIT_FOR_NO_PROXIMITY) != 0) { mRequestWaitForNegativeProximity = true; } //PMS不再關注客戶端進程是否死亡 wakeLock.mLock.unlinkToDeath(wakeLock, 0); removeWakeLockLocked(wakeLock, index); } } private void removeWakeLockLocked(WakeLock wakeLock, int index) { mWakeLocks.remove(index); //通知BatteryStatsService notifyWakeLockReleasedLocked(wakeLock); //之前分析過,會做一些記錄信息等 applyWakeLockFlagsOnReleaseLocked(wakeLock); mDirty |= DIRTY_WAKE_LOCKS; //依然靠updatePowerStateLocked函數更新終端的電源狀態 updatePowerStateLocked(); }
........ //1、創建 PowerManager pm = (PowerManager)context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); mWakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, RILJ_LOG_TAG); ...... //2、acquire mWakeLock.acquire(); ......... //3、release mWakeLock.release(); ...........
無論是acquire還是release WakeLock,PMS最終將利用updatePowerStateLocked函數對終端的電源狀態進行調整。
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