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DexClassLoader:A class loader that loads classes from .jar and .apk files containing a classes.dex entry. This can be used to execute code not installed as part of an application.
PathClassLoader:Provides a simple ClassLoader implementation that operates on a list of files and directories in the local file system, but does not attempt to load classes from the network. Android uses this class for its system class loader and for its application class loader(s).

 * Base class for common functionality between various dex-based
 * {@link ClassLoader} implementations.
public class BaseDexClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
    private final DexPathList pathList;

     * Constructs an instance.
     * @param dexPath the list of jar/apk files containing classes and
     * resources, delimited by {@code File.pathSeparator}, which
     * defaults to {@code ":"} on Android
     * @param optimizedDirectory directory where optimized dex files
     * should be written; may be {@code null}
     * @param librarySearchPath the list of directories containing native
     * libraries, delimited by {@code File.pathSeparator}; may be
     * {@code null}
     * @param parent the parent class loader
    public BaseDexClassLoader(String dexPath, File optimizedDirectory,
            String librarySearchPath, ClassLoader parent) {
        this.pathList = new DexPathList(this, dexPath, librarySearchPath, optimizedDirectory);

    protected Class findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
        List suppressedExceptions = new ArrayList();
        Class c = pathList.findClass(name, suppressedExceptions);
        if (c == null) {
            ClassNotFoundException cnfe = new ClassNotFoundException("Didn't find class \"" + name + "\" on path: " + pathList);
            for (Throwable t : suppressedExceptions) {
            throw cnfe;
        return c;

     * @hide
    public void addDexPath(String dexPath) {
        pathList.addDexPath(dexPath, null /*optimizedDirectory*/);

    protected URL findResource(String name) {
        return pathList.findResource(name);

    protected Enumeration findResources(String name) {
        return pathList.findResources(name);

    public String findLibrary(String name) {
        return pathList.findLibrary(name);

     * Returns package information for the given package.
     * Unfortunately, instances of this class don't really have this
     * information, and as a non-secure {@code ClassLoader}, it isn't
     * even required to, according to the spec. Yet, we want to
     * provide it, in order to make all those hopeful callers of
     * {@code myClass.getPackage().getName()} happy. Thus we construct
     * a {@code Package} object the first time it is being requested
     * and fill most of the fields with dummy values. The {@code
     * Package} object is then put into the {@code ClassLoader}'s
     * package cache, so we see the same one next time. We don't
     * create {@code Package} objects for {@code null} arguments or
     * for the default package.

There is a limited chance that we end up with multiple * {@code Package} objects representing the same package: It can * happen when when a package is scattered across different JAR * files which were loaded by different {@code ClassLoader} * instances. This is rather unlikely, and given that this whole * thing is more or less a workaround, probably not worth the * effort to address. * * @param name the name of the class * @return the package information for the class, or {@code null} * if there is no package information available for it */ @Override protected synchronized Package getPackage(String name) { if (name != null && !name.isEmpty()) { Package pack = super.getPackage(name); if (pack == null) { pack = definePackage(name, "Unknown", "0.0", "Unknown", "Unknown", "0.0", "Unknown", null); } return pack; } return null; } /** * @hide */ public String getLdLibraryPath() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (File directory : pathList.getNativeLibraryDirectories()) { if (result.length() > 0) { result.append(':'); } result.append(directory); } return result.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + "[" + pathList + "]"; } }


 protected Class loadClass(String name, boolean resolve)
        throws ClassNotFoundException
            // First, check if the class has already been loaded
            Class c = findLoadedClass(name);
            if (c == null) {
                long t0 = System.nanoTime();
                try {
                    if (parent != null) {
                        c = parent.loadClass(name, false);
                    } else {
                        c = findBootstrapClassOrNull(name);
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    // ClassNotFoundException thrown if class not found
                    // from the non-null parent class loader

                if (c == null) {
                    // If still not found, then invoke findClass in order
                    // to find the class.
                    long t1 = System.nanoTime();
                    c = findClass(name);
                    // this is the defining class loader; record the stats
            return c;


     * Finds the named class in one of the dex files pointed at by
     * this instance. This will find the one in the earliest listed
     * path element. If the class is found but has not yet been
     * defined, then this method will define it in the defining
     * context that this instance was constructed with.
     * @param name of class to find
     * @param suppressed exceptions encountered whilst finding the class
     * @return the named class or {@code null} if the class is not
     * found in any of the dex files
    public Class findClass(String name, List suppressed) {
        for (Element element : dexElements) {
            DexFile dex = element.dexFile;
            if (dex != null) {
                Class clazz = dex.loadClassBinaryName(name, definingContext, suppressed);
                if (clazz != null) {
                    return clazz;
        if (dexElementsSuppressedExceptions != null) {
        return null;


     * See {@link #loadClass(String, ClassLoader)}.
     * This takes a "binary" class name to better match ClassLoader semantics.
     * @hide
    public Class loadClassBinaryName(String name, ClassLoader loader, List suppressed) {
        return defineClass(name, loader, mCookie, this, suppressed);

    private static Class defineClass(String name, ClassLoader loader, Object cookie,
                                     DexFile dexFile, List suppressed) {
        Class result = null;
        try {
            result = defineClassNative(name, loader, cookie, dexFile);
        } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
            if (suppressed != null) {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            if (suppressed != null) {
        return result;


static jclass DexFile_defineClassNative(JNIEnv* env,
                                        jstring javaName,
                                        jobject javaLoader,
                                        jobject cookie,
                                        jobject dexFile) {
  std::vector dex_files;
  const OatFile* oat_file;
  if (!ConvertJavaArrayToDexFiles(env, cookie, /*out*/ dex_files, /*out*/ oat_file)) {
    VLOG(class_linker) << "Failed to find dex_file";
    return nullptr;

  ScopedUtfChars class_name(env, javaName);
  if (class_name.c_str() == nullptr) {
    VLOG(class_linker) << "Failed to find class_name";
    return nullptr;
  const std::string descriptor(DotToDescriptor(class_name.c_str()));
  const size_t hash(ComputeModifiedUtf8Hash(descriptor.c_str()));
  for (auto& dex_file : dex_files) {
    const DexFile::ClassDef* dex_class_def = dex_file->FindClassDef(descriptor.c_str(), hash);
    if (dex_class_def != nullptr) {
      ScopedObjectAccess soa(env);
      ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
      StackHandleScope<1> hs(soa.Self());
      Handle class_loader(
      class_linker->RegisterDexFile(*dex_file, class_loader.Get());
      mirror::Class* result = class_linker->DefineClass(soa.Self(),
      // Add the used dex file. This only required for the DexFile.loadClass API since normal
      // class loaders already keep their dex files live.
      if (result != nullptr) {
        VLOG(class_linker) << "DexFile_defineClassNative returning " << result
                           << " for " << class_name.c_str();
        return soa.AddLocalReference(result);
  VLOG(class_linker) << "Failed to find dex_class_def " << class_name.c_str();
  return nullptr;


mirror::Class* ClassLinker::DefineClass(Thread* self,
                                        const char* descriptor,
                                        size_t hash,
                                        Handle class_loader,
                                        const DexFile& dex_file,
                                        const DexFile::ClassDef& dex_class_def) {
  StackHandleScope<3> hs(self);
  auto klass = hs.NewHandle(nullptr);

  // Load the class from the dex file.
  if (UNLIKELY(!init_done_)) {
    // finish up init of hand crafted class_roots_
    if (strcmp(descriptor, "Ljava/lang/Object;") == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(descriptor, "Ljava/lang/Class;") == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(descriptor, "Ljava/lang/String;") == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(descriptor, "Ljava/lang/ref/Reference;") == 0) {
    } else if (strcmp(descriptor, "Ljava/lang/DexCache;") == 0) {
  if (klass.Get() == nullptr) {
    // Allocate a class with the status of not ready.
    // Interface object should get the right size here. Regular class will
    // figure out the right size later and be replaced with one of the right
    // size when the class becomes resolved.    
    klass.Assign(AllocClass(self, SizeOfClassWithoutEmbeddedTables(dex_file, dex_class_def)));
  if (UNLIKELY(klass.Get() == nullptr)) {
    return nullptr;
  mirror::DexCache* dex_cache = RegisterDexFile(dex_file, class_loader.Get());
  if (dex_cache == nullptr) {
    return nullptr;
  SetupClass(dex_file, dex_class_def, klass, class_loader.Get());

  // Mark the string class by setting its access flag.
  if (UNLIKELY(!init_done_)) {
    if (strcmp(descriptor, "Ljava/lang/String;") == 0) {

  ObjectLock lock(self, klass);

  // Add the newly loaded class to the loaded classes table.
  mirror::Class* existing = InsertClass(descriptor, klass.Get(), hash);
  if (existing != nullptr) {
    // We failed to insert because we raced with another thread. Calling EnsureResolved may cause
    // this thread to block.
    return EnsureResolved(self, descriptor, existing);

  // Load the fields and other things after we are inserted in the table. This is so that we don't
  // end up allocating unfree-able linear alloc resources and then lose the race condition. The
  // other reason is that the field roots are only visited from the class table. So we need to be
  // inserted before we allocate / fill in these fields. 
  LoadClass(self, dex_file, dex_class_def, klass);
  if (self->IsExceptionPending()) {
    VLOG(class_linker) << self->GetException()->Dump();
    // An exception occured during load, set status to erroneous while holding klass' lock in case
    // notification is necessary.
    if (!klass->IsErroneous()) {
      mirror::Class::SetStatus(klass, mirror::Class::kStatusError, self);
    return nullptr;

  // Finish loading (if necessary) by finding parents
  if (!LoadSuperAndInterfaces(klass, dex_file)) {
    // Loading failed.
    if (!klass->IsErroneous()) {
      mirror::Class::SetStatus(klass, mirror::Class::kStatusError, self);
    return nullptr;
  // Link the class (if necessary)
  // TODO: Use fast jobjects?
  auto interfaces = hs.NewHandle>(nullptr);

  MutableHandle h_new_class = hs.NewHandle(nullptr);
  if (!LinkClass(self, descriptor, klass, interfaces, &h_new_class)) {
    // Linking failed.
    if (!klass->IsErroneous()) {
      mirror::Class::SetStatus(klass, mirror::Class::kStatusError, self);
    return nullptr;
  CHECK(h_new_class.Get() != nullptr) << descriptor;
  CHECK(h_new_class->IsResolved()) << descriptor;

  // Instrumentation may have updated entrypoints for all methods of all
  // classes. However it could not update methods of this class while we
  // were loading it. Now the class is resolved, we can update entrypoints
  // as required by instrumentation.
  if (Runtime::Current()->GetInstrumentation()->AreExitStubsInstalled()) {
    // We must be in the kRunnable state to prevent instrumentation from
    // suspending all threads to update entrypoints while we are doing it
    // for this class.
    DCHECK_EQ(self->GetState(), kRunnable);

   * We send CLASS_PREPARE events to the debugger from here.  The
   * definition of "preparation" is creating the static fields for a
   * class and initializing them to the standard default values, but not
   * executing any code (that comes later, during "initialization").
   * We did the static preparation in LinkClass.
   * The class has been prepared and resolved but possibly not yet verified
   * at this point.

  // Notify native debugger of the new class and its layout.

  return h_new_class.Get();
void ClassLinker::LoadClass(Thread* self,
                            const DexFile& dex_file,
                            const DexFile::ClassDef& dex_class_def,
                            Handle klass) {
  const uint8_t* class_data = dex_file.GetClassData(dex_class_def);
  if (class_data == nullptr) {
    return;  // no fields or methods - for example a marker interface
  bool has_oat_class = false;
  if (Runtime::Current()->IsStarted() && !Runtime::Current()->IsAotCompiler()) {
    OatFile::OatClass oat_class = FindOatClass(dex_file, klass->GetDexClassDefIndex(),
    if (has_oat_class) {
      LoadClassMembers(self, dex_file, class_data, klass, &oat_class);
  if (!has_oat_class) {
    LoadClassMembers(self, dex_file, class_data, klass, nullptr);


     * Encapsulates the set of parallel capable loader types.
    private static ClassLoader createSystemClassLoader() {
        String classPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path", ".");
        String librarySearchPath = System.getProperty("java.library.path", "");
          return new PathClassLoader(classPath, librarySearchPath, BootClassLoader.getInstance());
    static private class SystemClassLoader {
        public static ClassLoader loader = ClassLoader.createSystemClassLoader();
    public static ClassLoader getSystemClassLoader() {
        return SystemClassLoader.loader;




  public interface IDynamic {
    String getTip();
    Drawable getDrawable(Resources res, @DrawableRes int id);
    String getString(Resources res);
    public void startPluginActivity(Context context,Class cls);
    public void startPluginActivity(Context context);

public class DynamicClass1 implements IDynamic {

    public DynamicClass1() {
       // Log.i(DynamicClass1.class.getName(),"加載動態類");
    public String getTip(){
        return "插件動態加載";

    public Drawable getDrawable(Resources resources, @DrawableRes int i) {
        return null;

    public String getString(Resources resources) {
        return resources.getString(R.string.test);

    public void startPluginActivity(Context context, Class Cls) {
        Intent   intent = new Intent(context,Cls);

    public void startPluginActivity(Context context) {
        Intent   intent = new Intent(context,DynamicActivity.class);

    public String toString() {
        return "插件";

    private void copyFileToDexDir(Context context, String path, String dirpath, String apkName) {
        InputStream inputStream;
        BufferedInputStream buffer = null;
        File file;
        FileOutputStream out = null;
        try {
            inputStream = context.getAssets().open(path);
            buffer = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream);
            byte[] content = new byte[1024];
            file = new File(dirpath, apkName);
            out = new FileOutputStream(file);
            int length = -1;
            while ((length = != -1) {
                out.write(content, 0, length);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {

    private void dnyLoadPluCls() {
        String path = "plugindemo1-debug.apk";
        String dir = getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath();
        copyFileToDexDir(this, path, dir, path);
        String packName = "com.scau.beyondboy.plugindemo1";
        String apkPath = dir + File.separator + path;
        String dexOutputDir = getApplicationInfo().dataDir;
        String libPath = getApplicationInfo().nativeLibraryDir;
        DexClassLoader classLoader = new DexClassLoader(apkPath, dexOutputDir, libPath, this.getClassLoader());
        try {
            Class clazz = classLoader.loadClass(packName + ".DynamicClass1");
            IDynamic object = (IDynamic) clazz.newInstance();
            String showTip = object.getTip();
            Toast.makeText(this, showTip, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        } catch (Exception e) {


 compile files('libs/plugininterface.jar')
provided files('libs/plugininterface.jar')




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