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Android Studio JNI開發基礎篇





通過android studio去下載NDK插件;打開File–>Project Structure–>SDK Location–>Android NDK Location,如下圖:







 * native
public class SmartCardJniUtil {
     * 加載so庫
    static {

     * 獲取密鑰
     * @return 密鑰
    public native String getKey();

通過Build–>Make Project項目



javah -d jni -classpath ;….\build\intermediates\classes\debug 類的包名。
按著以上說明,首先通過cd app\src\main跳轉到main目錄下,然後輸入如下指令:
javah -d jni -classpath E:**\sdk\platforms\android-20\android.jar;….\build\intermediates\classes\debug com.a.b.c.SmartCardJniUtil

在jni目錄下右鍵–>New–>C/C++ Source File創建一個SmartCardJniUtil.c文件,然後引入頭文件,返回密鑰,如下代碼:

#include "com_a_b_c_SmartCardJniUtil.h"

JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_com_a_b_c_SmartCardJniUtil_getKey
    (JNIEnv *env, jobject jobject1) {
return (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "1122334455667788");


buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
            ndk {
                moduleName "SCJniUtil"             //生成的so名字
                abiFilters "armeabi", "armeabi-v7a", "x86"  //輸出指定三種abi體系結構下的so庫。
        debug {
            ndk {
                moduleName "SCJniUtil"             //生成的so名字
                abiFilters "armeabi", "armeabi-v7a", "x86"  //輸出指定三種abi體系結構下的so庫。

    sourceSets {
        main {
            jniLibs.srcDirs = ['libs']


通過eclipse開發jni的時候,需要進行一個Android.mk文件的配置,但是Android Studio中並沒有做,沒有做不代表沒有,AS自動幫我們生成了,不需要我們自己去創建並配置,如下圖:


-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
native ;



SmartCardJniUtil jniUtil = new SmartCardJniUtil();


public class DesUtil {

     * 數據加密,算法(DES)
     * @param data 要進行加密的數據
     * @return 加密後的數據
    public static String encryptBasedDes(String data, String keyStr) {
        keyStr = StringUtilsSimple.leftPad(keyStr, 16, "0");
        byte[] DES_KEY = ByteUtil.hexStr2Byte(keyStr);
        String encryptedData = null;
        try {
            // DES算法要求有一個可信任的隨機數源
            SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();
            DESKeySpec deskey = new DESKeySpec(DES_KEY);
            // 創建一個密匙工廠,然後用它把DESKeySpec轉換成一個SecretKey對象
            SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES");
            SecretKey key = keyFactory.generateSecret(deskey);
            // 加密對象
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES");
            cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, sr);
            // 加密,並把字節數組編碼成字符串
            encryptedData = ByteUtil.hexToStr(cipher.doFinal(data.getBytes()));
        } catch (Exception e) {
//            log.error("加密錯誤,錯誤信息:", e);
            throw new RuntimeException("加密錯誤,錯誤信息:", e);
        return encryptedData;

     * 數據解密,算法(DES)
     * @param cryptData 加密數據
     * @return 解密後的數據
    public static String decryptBasedDes(String cryptData, String keyStr) {
        keyStr = StringUtilsSimple.leftPad(keyStr, 16, "0");
        byte[] DES_KEY = ByteUtil.hexStr2Byte(keyStr);
        String decryptedData = null;
        try {
            // DES算法要求有一個可信任的隨機數源
            SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();
            DESKeySpec deskey = new DESKeySpec(DES_KEY);
            // 創建一個密匙工廠,然後用它把DESKeySpec轉換成一個SecretKey對象
            SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES");
            SecretKey key = keyFactory.generateSecret(deskey);
            // 解密對象
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES");
            cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, sr);
            // 把字符串解碼為字節數組,並解密
            decryptedData = new String(cipher.doFinal(ByteUtil.hexStr2Byte(cryptData)));
        } catch (Exception e) {
//            log.error("解密錯誤,錯誤信息:", e);
            throw new RuntimeException("解密錯誤,錯誤信息:", e);
        return decryptedData;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        String str = "123456789";

        // DES數據加密
        long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        String s1 = encryptBasedDes(str, "1122334411223344");
        System.out.println("time1:" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time));


        // DES數據解密
        long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        String s2 = decryptBasedDes(s1, "1122334411223344");
        System.out.println("time2:" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time2));




public class StringUtilsSimple
     * A String for a space character.
     * @since 3.2
    public static final String SPACE = " ";

The maximum size to which the padding constant(s) can expand.

*/ private static final int PAD_LIMIT = 8192; // Empty checks // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** *
* Checks if a CharSequence is empty ("") or null. *

* *
     * StringUtils.isEmpty(null)      = true
     * StringUtils.isEmpty("")        = true
     * StringUtils.isEmpty(" ")       = false
     * StringUtils.isEmpty("bob")     = false
     * StringUtils.isEmpty("  bob  ") = false
* *
* NOTE: This method changed in Lang version 2.0. It no longer trims the * CharSequence. That functionality is available in isBlank(). *

* * @param cs * the CharSequence to check, may be null * @return {@code true} if the CharSequence is empty or null * @since 3.0 Changed signature from isEmpty(String) to * isEmpty(CharSequence) */ public static boolean isEmpty(final CharSequence cs) { return cs == null || cs.length() == 0; } /** *
* Left pad a String with a specified String. *

* *
* Pad to a size of {@code size}. *

* *
     * StringUtils.leftPad(null, *, *)      = null
     * StringUtils.leftPad("", 3, "z")      = "zzz"
     * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 3, "yz")  = "bat"
     * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, "yz")  = "yzbat"
     * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 8, "yz")  = "yzyzybat"
     * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 1, "yz")  = "bat"
     * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", -1, "yz") = "bat"
     * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, null)  = "  bat"
     * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, "")    = "  bat"
* * @param str * the String to pad out, may be null * @param size * the size to pad to * @param padStr * the String to pad with, null or empty treated as single space * @return left padded String or original String if no padding is necessary, * {@code null} if null String input */ public static String leftPad(final String str, final int size, String padStr) { if (str == null) { return null; } if (isEmpty(padStr)) { padStr = SPACE; } final int padLen = padStr.length(); final int strLen = str.length(); final int pads = size - strLen; if (pads <= 0) { return str; // returns original String when possible } if (padLen == 1 && pads <= PAD_LIMIT) { return leftPad(str, size, padStr.charAt(0)); } if (pads == padLen) { return padStr.concat(str); } else if (pads < padLen) { return padStr.substring(0, pads).concat(str); } else { final char[] padding = new char[pads]; final char[] padChars = padStr.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < pads; i++) { padding[i] = padChars[i % padLen]; } return new String(padding).concat(str); } } /** *
Left pad a String with a specified character.

* *
Pad to a size of {@code size}.

* *
     * StringUtils.leftPad(null, *, *)     = null
     * StringUtils.leftPad("", 3, 'z')     = "zzz"
     * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 3, 'z')  = "bat"
     * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, 'z')  = "zzbat"
     * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 1, 'z')  = "bat"
     * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", -1, 'z') = "bat"
* * @param str the String to pad out, may be null * @param size the size to pad to * @param padChar the character to pad with * @return left padded String or original String if no padding is necessary, * {@code null} if null String input * @since 2.0 */ public static String leftPad(final String str, final int size, final char padChar) { if (str == null) { return null; } final int pads = size - str.length(); if (pads <= 0) { return str; // returns original String when possible } if (pads > PAD_LIMIT) { return leftPad(str, size, String.valueOf(padChar)); } return repeat(padChar, pads).concat(str); } /** *
Returns padding using the specified delimiter repeated * to a given length.

* *
     * StringUtils.repeat('e', 0)  = ""
     * StringUtils.repeat('e', 3)  = "eee"
     * StringUtils.repeat('e', -2) = ""
* *
Note: this method doesn't not support padding with * Unicode Supplementary Characters * as they require a pair of {@code char}s to be represented. * If you are needing to support full I18N of your applications * consider using {@link #repeat(String, int)} instead. *

* * @param ch character to repeat * @param repeat number of times to repeat char, negative treated as zero * @return String with repeated character * @see #repeat(String, int) */ public static String repeat(final char ch, final int repeat) { final char[] buf = new char[repeat]; for (int i = repeat - 1; i >= 0; i--) { buf[i] = ch; } return new String(buf); } /** *
Right pad a String with a specified String.

* *
The String is padded to the size of {@code size}.

* *
     * StringUtils.rightPad(null, *, *)      = null
     * StringUtils.rightPad("", 3, "z")      = "zzz"
     * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 3, "yz")  = "bat"
     * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 5, "yz")  = "batyz"
     * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 8, "yz")  = "batyzyzy"
     * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 1, "yz")  = "bat"
     * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", -1, "yz") = "bat"
     * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 5, null)  = "bat  "
     * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 5, "")    = "bat  "
* * @param str the String to pad out, may be null * @param size the size to pad to * @param padStr the String to pad with, null or empty treated as single space * @return right padded String or original String if no padding is necessary, * {@code null} if null String input */ public static String rightPad(final String str, final int size, String padStr) { if (str == null) { return null; } if (isEmpty(padStr)) { padStr = SPACE; } final int padLen = padStr.length(); final int strLen = str.length(); final int pads = size - strLen; if (pads <= 0) { return str; // returns original String when possible } if (padLen == 1 && pads <= PAD_LIMIT) { return rightPad(str, size, padStr.charAt(0)); } if (pads == padLen) { return str.concat(padStr); } else if (pads < padLen) { return str.concat(padStr.substring(0, pads)); } else { final char[] padding = new char[pads]; final char[] padChars = padStr.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < pads; i++) { padding[i] = padChars[i % padLen]; } return str.concat(new String(padding)); } } /** *
Right pad a String with a specified character.

* *
The String is padded to the size of {@code size}.

* *
     * StringUtils.rightPad(null, *, *)     = null
     * StringUtils.rightPad("", 3, 'z')     = "zzz"
     * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 3, 'z')  = "bat"
     * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 5, 'z')  = "batzz"
     * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", 1, 'z')  = "bat"
     * StringUtils.rightPad("bat", -1, 'z') = "bat"
* * @param str the String to pad out, may be null * @param size the size to pad to * @param padChar the character to pad with * @return right padded String or original String if no padding is necessary, * {@code null} if null String input * @since 2.0 */ public static String rightPad(final String str, final int size, final char padChar) { if (str == null) { return null; } final int pads = size - str.length(); if (pads <= 0) { return str; // returns original String when possible } if (pads > PAD_LIMIT) { return rightPad(str, size, String.valueOf(padChar)); } return str.concat(repeat(padChar, pads)); } }
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