在這裡說過AppBarLayout可以分為可滑出和不可滑出上下2部分,其實細致一點可以分三部分,如下圖所示,下滑最後出現(part 1),下滑立刻出現(part2),無法滑出(part3),其中part1和2合起來就是可以滑出的部分。
//AppBarLayout /** * Return the scroll range when scrolling down from a nested pre-scroll. */ private int getDownNestedPreScrollRange() { if (mDownPreScrollRange != INVALID_SCROLL_RANGE) { // If we already have a valid value, return it return mDownPreScrollRange; } int range = 0; for (int i = getChildCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final View child = getChildAt(i); final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams(); final int childHeight = child.getMeasuredHeight(); final int flags = lp.mScrollFlags; if ((flags & LayoutParams.FLAG_QUICK_RETURN) == LayoutParams.FLAG_QUICK_RETURN) { // First take the margin into account range += lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin; // The view has the quick return flag combination... if ((flags & LayoutParams.SCROLL_FLAG_ENTER_ALWAYS_COLLAPSED) != 0) { // If they're set to enter collapsed, use the minimum height range += ViewCompat.getMinimumHeight(child); } else if ((flags & LayoutParams.SCROLL_FLAG_EXIT_UNTIL_COLLAPSED) != 0) { // Only enter by the amount of the collapsed height range += childHeight - ViewCompat.getMinimumHeight(child); } else { // Else use the full height range += childHeight; } } else if (range > 0) { // If we've hit an non-quick return scrollable view, and we've already hit a // quick return view, return now break; } } return mDownPreScrollRange = Math.max(0, range - getTopInset()); } /** * Return the scroll range when scrolling down from a nested scroll. */ private int getDownNestedScrollRange() { if (mDownScrollRange != INVALID_SCROLL_RANGE) { // If we already have a valid value, return it return mDownScrollRange; } int range = 0; for (int i = 0, z = getChildCount(); i < z; i++) { final View child = getChildAt(i); final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams(); int childHeight = child.getMeasuredHeight(); childHeight += lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin; final int flags = lp.mScrollFlags; if ((flags & LayoutParams.SCROLL_FLAG_SCROLL) != 0) { // We're set to scroll so add the child's height range += childHeight; if ((flags & LayoutParams.SCROLL_FLAG_EXIT_UNTIL_COLLAPSED) != 0) { // For a collapsing exit scroll, we to take the collapsed height into account. // We also break the range straight away since later views can't scroll // beneath us range -= ViewCompat.getMinimumHeight(child) + getTopInset(); break; } } else { // As soon as a view doesn't have the scroll flag, we end the range calculation. // This is because views below can not scroll under a fixed view. break; } } return mDownScrollRange = Math.max(0, range); }
-enterAlwaysCollapsed下滑的時候在onNestedPreScroll階段先滑出一個最小高度,這個參數我試了下都存在一定問題,沒找到一個合適的場景。用enterAlwaysCollapsed必須先寫 scroll和enterAlways
-exitUntilCollapsed 向上滾動直到折疊,往往用於CollapsingToolbarLayout內,後邊會有介紹
在Eclipse完成上一個APP,決定轉到Studio2.0來。 這次主要進行的設置是 1、代碼區背景顏色的更改 2、注釋、代碼自動補全快捷鍵設定 3、工具欄自定
1.創建一個類繼承viewpublic class MyToggleButton extends View { private static final String N
MainActivity.java代碼:package siso.mycrawler;import android.app.Activity;import android