public class SvrBgThread extends Thread { private static String TAG = "SvrBgThread"; private Handler mBgTaskHandler; public static final class TaskCmd { /** * 接收後台消息 */ public static final int ACCEPT_MSG = 1; /** * 拒絕後台消息 */ public static final int REFUSE_MSG = ACCEPT_MSG + 1; /** * 退出後台線程 */ public static final int EXIT_TASK = REFUSE_MSG + 1; } private Runnable currentRunnable; @Override public void run() { synchronized (SvrBgThread.this) { Looper.prepare(); mBgTaskHandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { int what = msg.what; switch (what) { case TaskCmd.ACCEPT_MSG: break; case TaskCmd.REFUSE_MSG: cancelTask(currentRunnable); break; case TaskCmd.EXIT_TASK: Looper.getMainLooper().quit(); break; } } @Override public void dispatchMessage(Message msg) { if (msg.getCallback() != null) { currentRunnable = msg.getCallback(); } super.dispatchMessage(msg); } }; Looper.loop(); } } private void cancelTask(Runnable runnable) { if (runnable == null) { return; } } public synchronized void cancelCurrentTask() { cancelTask(currentRunnable); } public synchronized void cancelAllTask() { if (mBgTaskHandler == null) return; //移除所有命令 mBgTaskHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); cancelCurrentTask(); } public synchronized Handler getBgTaskHandler() { return mBgTaskHandler; } public synchronized void exit() { if (mBgTaskHandler == null) return; mBgTaskHandler.sendEmptyMessage(TaskCmd.EXIT_TASK); } }
public interface IStudentProvider { String URL_STUDENT = "datainfo/getStudentInfo"; /** * 統一的學生信息接口 * * @param reqType * @param uiHandler * @param requestUrl * @param statisticTime * @param userName */ boolean requestStudentInfo(Handler uiHandler,String url,int msgType); }
public class StudentProvider implements IStudentProvider { public static final String TAG = "StudentProvider"; private SvrBgThread mSvrBgThread; private StudentProvider() { super(); mSvrBgThread = new SvrBgThread(); } private static class InstanceHolder { static final StudentProvider INSTANCE = new StudentProvider(); } /** * 單例模式,延遲加載 */ public static StudentProvider getInstance() { return InstanceHolder.INSTANCE; } public void init() { mSvrBgThread.setName(TAG); mSvrBgThread.start(); } @Override public boolean requestStudentInfo(Handler uiHandler, String url, int msgType) { if (uiHandler == null || url == null) { return false } HttpGet httpGet = null; try { // 獲取Post對象,輸入參數以JSON格式放置在body中 httpGet = HttpClientProxy.getJsonHttpGet(requestUrl); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Exception", e); return false; } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Exception", e); return false; } Student student = new Student(); // 創建http請求對象 HttpRequestRunnable requestRunnable = new HttpRequestRunnable(uiHandler, student, msgType, httpGet ); if (mSvrBgThread == null || !mSvrBgThread.isAlive()) { Log.e(TAG, "svrBgThread not initialized !"); return false; } // 發送http請求 return mSvrBgThread.getBgTaskHandler().post(requestRunnable); } }
注意在init()方法中對工作線程的實例化,在requestStudentInfo方法中通過構造HttpRequestRunnable 具體的請求,隨後將該具體請求 推入到了工作線程中對應的Handler(mSvrBgThread.getBgTaskHandler().post(requestRunnable))中,當Handler取出該Runnable執行後就得到了請求的結果,其中HttpClientProxy提供具體的請求方式,比如post,get,put等
具體的HttpRequestRunnable :
public class HttpRequestRunnable implements Runnable { private Handler mMsgHandler; private IUserDataBuilder mUserData; private int msgType; private HttpUriRequest httpUriRequest; public HttpRequestRunnable(Handler msgHandler, IUserDataBuilder userData, int msgType, HttpUriRequest httpUriRequest) { this.mMsgHandler = msgHandler; this.mUserData = userData; this.msgType = msgType; this.httpUriRequest = httpUriRequest; } /** * 處理 服務端響應數據 * * @param databuilder * 用戶數據構造器,解析數據後的結果會填入該類中 * @param response * http 響應結果 */ private void handleResponse(IUserDataBuilder databuilder, HttpResponse response) throws Exception { int StatusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); switch (StatusCode) { case HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND: Log.e(TAG, "Response StatusCode:" + StatusCode); databuilder.setServerRet(ServerRet.NOTFOUND); throw new Exception(); case HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED: Log.e(TAG, "Response StatusCode:" + StatusCode); databuilder.setServerRet(ServerRet.UNAUTHORIZED); throw new Exception(); case HttpStatus.SC_OK: Log.d(TAG, "Response StatusCode:" + StatusCode); // 設置默認值,有的接口不會攜帶retCode字段,平台統一添加該字段 databuilder.setServerRet(ServerRet.OK); // 解析返回數據 JSONObject retJsonObject = createJSONFromHttpEntity(response.getEntity()); if (retJsonObject == null) { // 創建默認的JSON數據,保證解析框架正常 Log.e(TAG, "Create default Json data."); retJsonObject = HttpUtil.createHttpJson(ServerRet.ILLEGAL_STATE_EXCEPTION); databuilder.setServerRet(ServerRet.ILLEGAL_STATE_EXCEPTION); } databuilder.parseJson(retJsonObject); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Response StatusCode:" + StatusCode); throw new Exception(); } } /** * 提取HTTPEntity中的JSON對象 * * @param httpEntity * @return */ private JSONObject createJSONFromHttpEntity(HttpEntity httpEntity) { JSONObject jsonObj = null; String entity = null; try { entity = EntityUtils.toString(httpEntity, HttpClientProxy.ENCODING); jsonObj = new JSONObject(entity); } catch(Exception e) { Log.e(TAG,"Exception",e); } return jsonObj; } @Override public void run() { if (!isConditionMet()) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid RequestRunnable:" + toString()); return; } try { // 向遠程服務端發送數據請求並獲取請求結果 HttpClient client = HttpClientProxy.httpClientBuilder(); HttpResponse response = client.execute(mHttpUriRequest); handleResponse(mUserDatabuilder, response); client.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); } catch (Exception e) { if (httpUriRequest.isAborted()) { mUserData.setServerRet(ServerRet.CLIENT_ABORT_REQUEST); } else { mUserData.setServerRet(transformException(e)); } Log.e(TAG, "Exception", e); } finally { synchronized (mMsgHandler) { Message message = Message.obtain(mMsgHandler, msgType, mUserData); boolean success = mMsgHandler.sendMessage(message); if (!success) { Log.e(TAG, "send message back to user fail," + "usually because the looper processing the message queue is exiting"); } } } } private boolean isConditionMet() { if (mUserData == null) { return false; } if (mMsgHandler == null) { return false; } if (httpUriRequest == null) { return false; } return true; } }
在HttpRequestRunnable 中其構造函數的參數分別是UI中的Handler,請求結果對象,請求的標志,和請求的方式。該類主要負責請求的執行,在執行結束後將數據設置到UI的Handler中( Message message = Message.obtain(mMsgHandler, msgType, mUserData);)。
IUserDataBuilder :
public interface IUserDataBuilder { /** * 將JSON數據解析成用戶期望的數據類型 * * @param jsonObject * JSON對象 * @return 解析成功返回true,否則返回時報 * @throws Exception */ boolean parseJson(JSONObject jsonObject) throws Exception; ServerRet getServerRet(); void setServerRet(); }
public enum ServerRet { OK(000,"ok"); private int retCode; private String msg; ServerRet(int retCode,String msg) { this.retCode = retCode; this.msg = msg; } }
可以看到IUserDataBuilder ,所有實體類需要實現的接口,都必須有對解析Json的過程,還有設置與獲取請求的結果(成功與否)
public class Student implements IUserDataBuilder { private ServerRet mServerRet; private String name; private int age; private String mAddr; @Override public boolean parseJson(JSONObject jsonObject) throws Exception { if (jsonObject == null){ return false; } Student temp = HttpUtils.fromJson(jsonObject.toString(),Student.class); name = temp.getName(); age = temp.getAge(); mAddr = temp.getAddr(); return true; } public String getName() { return name; } public int getAge() { return age; } public String getAddr() { return mAddr; } @Override public ServerRet getServerRet() { return null; } @Override public void setServerRet() { } @Override public String toString() { return "Student{" + "mServerRet=" + mServerRet + ", name='" + name + '\'' + ", age=" + age + ", mAddr='" + mAddr + '\'' + '}'; } }
public staticT fromJson(String jsonStr, Class mClass) { Gson mGson = new Gson(); T mt = mGson.fromJson(jsonStr, mClass); return mt; }
public class StudentInfoActivity extends Activity { public static final String TAG = "StudentInfoActivity"; public static final String URL = ""; public static final int MSGTYPE = 1; private static Handler handler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { int what = msg.what; if (what == MSGTYPE) { Student student = (Student) msg.obj; if (student.getServerRet() == ServerRet.OK) { Log.i(TAG, student.toString()) } else { Log.i(TAG, "student parse failed"); } } } }; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); IStudentProvider studentProvider = StudentProvider.getInstance(); studentProvider.requestStudentInfo(handler, URL, MSGTYPE); } }
最後記得將StudentProvider .getInstance().init()方法放在Application的onCreate方法中,在程序啟動時將其初始化了。在退出是cancel。
在UI發送請求時,將UI中的Handler等傳入到具體的請求方法中(StudentProvider 的requestStudent方法中),在該方法中實現了具體的請求HttpRequestRunnable ,隨後將HttpRequestRunnable推入到工作線程的Handler對應的MessageQueue中,在Handler輪訓執行到HttpRequestRunnable後,將執行具體的請求同時將傳遞過來的JsonObject解析為具體的實體類,然後傳遞給UI的Handler,返回給UI。
1. 前言前幾篇學習了jni開發的基本流程、動態注冊native函數以及相關編譯文件的編寫,咱們也算是知道了jni開發,但是還不夠,今天咱們來學習下,java和jni的數