static void android_media_MediaScanner_native_init(JNIEnv *env) { ALOGV("native_init"); jclass clazz = env->FindClass(kClassMediaScanner); if (clazz == NULL) { return; } //將之後創建的native對象的指針保存到MediaScanner.java的mNativeContext字段中 fields.context = env->GetFieldID(clazz, "mNativeContext", "J"); if (fields.context == NULL) { return; } }
static void android_media_MediaScanner_native_setup(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz) { //獲取Stagefright的MediaScanner對象 MediaScanner *mp = new StagefrightMediaScanner; if (mp == NULL) { jniThrowException(env, kRunTimeException, "Out of memory"); return; } //將對象保存到mNativeContext中 env->SetLongField(thiz, fields.context, (jlong)mp); }
static void android_media_MediaScanner_processDirectory( JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jstring path, jobject client) { //傳入的參數path是需要掃描的路徑,client是MediaScannerClient.java對象 //獲取之前保存到mNativeContext的StagefrightMediaScanner對象 MediaScanner *mp = getNativeScanner_l(env, thiz); if (mp == NULL) { jniThrowException(env, kRunTimeException, "No scanner available"); return; } if (path == NULL) { jniThrowException(env, kIllegalArgumentException, NULL); return; } const char *pathStr = env->GetStringUTFChars(path, NULL); if (pathStr == NULL) { // Out of memory return; } //構造native層的MyMediaScannerClient對象,參數是java層的MyMediaScannerClient //對象 MyMediaScannerClient myClient(env, client); //調用native層processDirectory方法,參數是掃描路徑和native的MyMediaScannerClient //對象 MediaScanResult result = mp->processDirectory(pathStr, myClient); if (result == MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_ERROR) { ALOGE("An error occurred while scanning directory '%s'.", pathStr); } env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(path, pathStr); }
MediaScanResult MediaScanner::processDirectory( const char *path, MediaScannerClient &client) { //前期的一些准備工作 int pathLength = strlen(path); if (pathLength >= PATH_MAX) { return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_SKIPPED; } char* pathBuffer = (char *)malloc(PATH_MAX + 1); if (!pathBuffer) { return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_ERROR; } int pathRemaining = PATH_MAX - pathLength; strcpy(pathBuffer, path); if (pathLength > 0 && pathBuffer[pathLength - 1] != '/') { pathBuffer[pathLength] = '/'; pathBuffer[pathLength + 1] = 0; --pathRemaining; } //設置native的MyMediaScannerClient對象的local信息 client.setLocale(locale()); //執行doProcessDirectory方法 MediaScanResult result = doProcessDirectory(pathBuffer, pathRemaining, client, false); //釋放資源 free(pathBuffer); return result; } MediaScanResult MediaScanner::doProcessDirectory( char *path, int pathRemaining, MediaScannerClient &client, bool noMedia) { // place to copy file or directory name char* fileSpot = path + strlen(path); struct dirent* entry; if (shouldSkipDirectory(path)) { ALOGD("Skipping: %s", path); return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_OK; } // Treat all files as non-media in directories that contain a ".nomedia" file if (pathRemaining >= 8 /* strlen(".nomedia") */ ) { strcpy(fileSpot, ".nomedia"); if (access(path, F_OK) == 0) { ALOGV("found .nomedia, setting noMedia flag"); noMedia = true; } // restore path fileSpot[0] = 0; } //打開對應的文件夾路徑 DIR* dir = opendir(path); if (!dir) { ALOGW("Error opening directory '%s', skipping: %s.", path, strerror(errno)); return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_SKIPPED; } MediaScanResult result = MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_OK; //循環遍歷所有文件 while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { //調用doProcessDirectoryEntry方法 if (doProcessDirectoryEntry(path, pathRemaining, client, noMedia, entry, fileSpot) == MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_ERROR) { result = MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_ERROR; break; } } //關閉文件夾 closedir(dir); return result; } MediaScanResult MediaScanner::doProcessDirectoryEntry( char *path, int pathRemaining, MediaScannerClient &client, bool noMedia, struct dirent* entry, char* fileSpot) { struct stat statbuf; //枚舉目錄中的文件和子文件夾信息 const char* name = entry->d_name; // ignore "." and ".." if (name[0] == '.' && (name[1] == 0 || (name[1] == '.' && name[2] == 0))) { return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_SKIPPED; } int nameLength = strlen(name); if (nameLength + 1 > pathRemaining) { // path too long! return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_SKIPPED; } strcpy(fileSpot, name); int type = entry->d_type; if (type == DT_UNKNOWN) { // If the type is unknown, stat() the file instead. // This is sometimes necessary when accessing NFS mounted filesystems, but // could be needed in other cases well. //執行stat方法,獲取文件的所有屬性,成功返回0失敗返回-1 if (stat(path, &statbuf) == 0) { if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) { type = DT_REG; } else if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { type = DT_DIR; } } else { ALOGD("stat() failed for %s: %s", path, strerror(errno) ); } } if (type == DT_DIR) { bool childNoMedia = noMedia; // set noMedia flag on directories with a name that starts with '.' // for example, the Mac ".Trashes" directory if (name[0] == '.') childNoMedia = true; // report the directory to the client if (stat(path, &statbuf) == 0) { //調用MyMediaScannerClient的scanFile函數 status_t status = client.scanFile(path, statbuf.st_mtime, 0, true /*isDirectory*/, childNoMedia); if (status) { //返回值是checkAndClearExceptionFromCallback,如果是true就出錯 return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_ERROR; } } // and now process its contents strcat(fileSpot, "/"); MediaScanResult result = doProcessDirectory(path, pathRemaining - nameLength - 1, client, childNoMedia); if (result == MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_ERROR) { return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_ERROR; } } else if (type == DT_REG) { stat(path, &statbuf); status_t status = client.scanFile(path, statbuf.st_mtime, statbuf.st_size, false /*isDirectory*/, noMedia); if (status) { return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_ERROR; } } return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_OK; }
virtual status_t scanFile(const char* path, long long lastModified, long long fileSize, bool isDirectory, bool noMedia) { jstring pathStr; if ((pathStr = mEnv->NewStringUTF(path)) == NULL) { mEnv->ExceptionClear(); return NO_MEMORY; } //此處的mClient是java層的MyMediaScannerClient,調用的也是java層的scanFile方法 mEnv->CallVoidMethod(mClient, mScanFileMethodID, pathStr, lastModified, fileSize, isDirectory, noMedia); mEnv->DeleteLocalRef(pathStr); return checkAndClearExceptionFromCallback(mEnv, "scanFile"); }
public void scanFile(String path, long lastModified, long fileSize, boolean isDirectory, boolean noMedia) { // This is the callback funtion from native codes. //調用了doScanFile方法 doScanFile(path, null, lastModified, fileSize, isDirectory, false, noMedia); } public Uri doScanFile(String path, String mimeType, long lastModified, long fileSize, boolean isDirectory, boolean scanAlways, boolean noMedia) { //參數scanAlways控制是否強制掃描 Uri result = null; try { // beginFile方法的作用主要是1. 生成FileEntry,2.判斷是否有修改文件 FileEntry entry = beginFile(path, mimeType, lastModified, fileSize, isDirectory, noMedia); // if this file was just inserted via mtp, set the rowid to zero // (even though it already exists in the database), to trigger // the correct code path for updating its entry if (mMtpObjectHandle != 0) { entry.mRowId = 0; } // rescan for metadata if file was modified since last scan if (entry != null && (entry.mLastModifiedChanged || scanAlways)) { if (noMedia) { //不是media的情況 result = endFile(entry, false, false, false, false, false); } else { //重新掃描獲取的信息 String lowpath = path.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); boolean ringtones = (lowpath.indexOf(RINGTONES_DIR) > 0); boolean notifications = (lowpath.indexOf(NOTIFICATIONS_DIR) > 0); boolean alarms = (lowpath.indexOf(ALARMS_DIR) > 0); boolean podcasts = (lowpath.indexOf(PODCAST_DIR) > 0); boolean music = (lowpath.indexOf(MUSIC_DIR) > 0) || (!ringtones && !notifications && !alarms && !podcasts); boolean isaudio = MediaFile.isAudioFileType(mFileType); boolean isvideo = MediaFile.isVideoFileType(mFileType); boolean isimage = MediaFile.isImageFileType(mFileType); if (isaudio || isvideo || isimage) { //如過類型是音頻、視頻和圖片的話,對路徑進行處理 //If the given path exists on emulated external storage, //return the translated backing path hosted on internal storage. path = Environment.maybeTranslateEmulatedPathToInternal (new File(path)).getAbsolutePath(); } // we only extract metadata for audio and video files if (isaudio || isvideo) { //調用processFile方法,把MyMediaScannerClient作為參數傳入 // processFile方法是native方法,稍後分析 processFile(path, mimeType, this); } if (isimage) { //如果是圖片,單獨處理,調用processImageFile方法 //Decode a file path into a bitmap. processImageFile(path); } // endFile方法是更新數據庫 result = endFile(entry, ringtones, notifications, alarms, music, podcasts); } } } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "RemoteException in MediaScanner.scanFile()", e); } return result; }
static void android_media_MediaScanner_processFile( JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jstring path, jstring mimeType, jobject client) { // Lock already hold by processDirectory //獲取的還是native層的MediaScanner對象,實際類型是StagefrightMediaScanner對象 MediaScanner *mp = getNativeScanner_l(env, thiz); const char *pathStr = env->GetStringUTFChars(path, NULL); if (pathStr == NULL) { // Out of memory return; } //構造了新的native層的MyMediaScannerClient對象,傳入的還是java層的MyMediaScannerClient對象 MyMediaScannerClient myClient(env, client); //調用的是StagefrightMediaScanner對象的processFile方法,等會分析 MediaScanResult result = mp->processFile(pathStr, mimeTypeStr, myClient); if (result == MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_ERROR) { ALOGE("An error occurred while scanning file '%s'.", pathStr); } env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(path, pathStr); if (mimeType) { env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(mimeType, mimeTypeStr); } }
MediaScanResult StagefrightMediaScanner::processFile( const char *path, const char *mimeType, MediaScannerClient &client) { //調用native層的MyMediaScannerClient對象進行local信息,語言設置 client.setLocale(locale()); //beginFile方法是由MyMediaScannerClient的父類實現的,其實谷歌並沒有實現此方法 client.beginFile(); //具體的方法是調用processFileInternal實現的 MediaScanResult result = processFileInternal(path, mimeType, client); //根據設置的區域信息來對字符串進行轉換 client.endFile(); return result; } MediaScanResult StagefrightMediaScanner::processFileInternal( const char *path, const char * /* mimeType */, MediaScannerClient &client) { //獲取擴展名信息 const char *extension = strrchr(path, '.'); if (!extension) { return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_SKIPPED; } //對擴展名不符合的跳過掃描 if (!FileHasAcceptableExtension(extension) && !AVUtils::get()->isEnhancedExtension(extension)) { return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_SKIPPED; } // MediaMetadataRetriever將一個輸入媒體文件中設置幀和元數據 spmRetriever(new MediaMetadataRetriever); //打開資源 int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE); status_t status; if (fd < 0) { // couldn't open it locally, maybe the media server can? //打開資源失敗 status = mRetriever->setDataSource(NULL /* httpService */, path); } else { //設置資源 status = mRetriever->setDataSource(fd, 0, 0x7ffffffffffffffL); close(fd); } if (status) { return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_ERROR; } const char *value; if ((value = mRetriever->extractMetadata( METADATA_KEY_MIMETYPE)) != NULL) { //設置類型 status = client.setMimeType(value); if (status) { return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_ERROR; } } //構造元數據的tag struct KeyMap { const char *tag; int key; }; static const KeyMap kKeyMap[] = { { "tracknumber", METADATA_KEY_CD_TRACK_NUMBER }, { "discnumber", METADATA_KEY_DISC_NUMBER }, { "album", METADATA_KEY_ALBUM }, { "artist", METADATA_KEY_ARTIST }, { "albumartist", METADATA_KEY_ALBUMARTIST }, { "composer", METADATA_KEY_COMPOSER }, { "genre", METADATA_KEY_GENRE }, { "title", METADATA_KEY_TITLE }, { "year", METADATA_KEY_YEAR }, { "duration", METADATA_KEY_DURATION }, { "writer", METADATA_KEY_WRITER }, { "compilation", METADATA_KEY_COMPILATION }, { "isdrm", METADATA_KEY_IS_DRM }, { "width", METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_WIDTH }, { "height", METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_HEIGHT }, }; static const size_t kNumEntries = sizeof(kKeyMap) / sizeof(kKeyMap[0]); //循環遍歷 for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumEntries; ++i) { const char *value; if ((value = mRetriever->extractMetadata(kKeyMap[i].key)) != NULL) { //設置tag和value到MyMediaScannerClient中,稍後分析 status = client.addStringTag(kKeyMap[i].tag, value); if (status != OK) { return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_ERROR; } } } return MEDIA_SCAN_RESULT_OK; }
status_t MediaScannerClient::addStringTag(const char* name, const char* value) { //調用子類的handleStringTag方法 handleStringTag(name, value); return OK; }
virtual status_t handleStringTag(const char* name, const char* value) { jstring nameStr, valueStr; //獲取字符串的值 if ((nameStr = mEnv->NewStringUTF(name)) == NULL) { mEnv->ExceptionClear(); return NO_MEMORY; } char *cleaned = NULL; //如果value的值不是utf-8編碼,則需要特殊處理 if (!isValidUtf8(value)) { cleaned = strdup(value); char *chp = cleaned; char ch; while ((ch = *chp)) { if (ch & 0x80) { *chp = '?'; } chp++; } value = cleaned; } //將處理完成的值賦值到新的字符串valueStr中 valueStr = mEnv->NewStringUTF(value); //釋放資源 free(cleaned); if (valueStr == NULL) { mEnv->DeleteLocalRef(nameStr); mEnv->ExceptionClear(); return NO_MEMORY; } //調用java層MyMediaScanner的handleStringTag方法 mEnv->CallVoidMethod( mClient, mHandleStringTagMethodID, nameStr, valueStr); mEnv->DeleteLocalRef(nameStr); mEnv->DeleteLocalRef(valueStr); return checkAndClearExceptionFromCallback(mEnv, "handleStringTag"); }
public void handleStringTag(String name, String value) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("title") || name.startsWith("title;")) { // Don't trim() here, to preserve the special \001 character // used to force sorting. The media provider will trim() before // inserting the title in to the database. //將tag信息中的value值都賦值到了成員變量中 mTitle = value; } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("artist") || name.startsWith("artist;")) { mArtist = value.trim(); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("albumartist") || name.startsWith("albumartist;") || name.equalsIgnoreCase("band") || name.startsWith("band;")) { mAlbumArtist = value.trim(); ... ... }
/** * MediaScannerConnection provides a way for applications to pass a * newly created or downloaded media file to the media scanner service. * The media scanner service will read metadata from the file and add * the file to the media content provider. * The MediaScannerConnectionClient provides an interface for the * media scanner service to return the Uri for a newly scanned file * to the client of the MediaScannerConnection class. */
//監聽掃描完成的接口 public interface OnScanCompletedListener { public void onScanCompleted(String path, Uri uri); } //客戶端需要實現的接口,同時也是在服務端所獲取的客戶端的實例 public interface MediaScannerConnectionClient extends OnScanCompletedListener { public void onMediaScannerConnected(); public void onScanCompleted(String path, Uri uri); } //構造方法,傳入的參數是客戶端的上下文環境和客戶端的實例 public MediaScannerConnection(Context context, MediaScannerConnectionClient client) { mContext = context; mClient = client; } // ServiceConnection的回調方法,當service連接時回調 public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) { synchronized (this) { //獲取IMediaScannerService的實例mService mService = IMediaScannerService.Stub.asInterface(service); if (mService != null && mClient != null) { //當service連接上時,回調到客戶端的onMediaScannerConnected方法 mClient.onMediaScannerConnected(); } } } // IMediaScannerListener是AIDL文件,只有一個方法scanCompleted //這裡獲取了服務端IMediaScannerListener的實例 private final IMediaScannerListener.Stub mListener = new IMediaScannerListener.Stub() { public void scanCompleted(String path, Uri uri) { MediaScannerConnectionClient client = mClient; if (client != null) { //當回調到scanCompleted時,調用客戶端的onScanCompleted方法 client.onScanCompleted(path, uri); } } }; //此方法是在客戶端處調用,傳入需要掃描的路徑和文件類型 public void scanFile(String path, String mimeType) { synchronized (this) { if (mService == null || !mConnected) { throw new IllegalStateException("not connected to MediaScannerService"); } try { //調用IMediaScannerService的方法 mService.requestScanFile(path, mimeType, mListener); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } } //在客戶端調用方法,bindService到MediaScannerService public void connect() { synchronized (this) { if (!mConnected) { Intent intent = new Intent(IMediaScannerService.class.getName()); intent.setComponent( new ComponentName("com.android.providers.media", "com.android.providers.media.MediaScannerService")); mContext.bindService(intent, this, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE); mConnected = true; } } }
@Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent){ return mBinder; } //在綁定之後獲取到了服務端的實例,實現requestScanFile的具體方法 private final IMediaScannerService.Stub mBinder = new IMediaScannerService.Stub() { //此處是requestScanFile實現的具體方法 public void requestScanFile(String path, String mimeType, IMediaScannerListener listener){ Bundle args = new Bundle(); //將相關的參數都放入到了bundle中 args.putString("filepath", path); args.putString("mimetype", mimeType); if (listener != null) { args.putIBinder("listener", listener.asBinder()); } // 用startService的啟動方式去啟動,傳入bundle startService(new Intent(MediaScannerService.this, MediaScannerService.class).putExtras(args)); } //此處是scanFile實現的具體方法 public void scanFile(String path, String mimeType) { requestScanFile(path, mimeType, null); } }; //在onStartCommand方法中將intent的值發送到了ServiceHandler處理 private final class ServiceHandler extends Handler { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { Bundle arguments = (Bundle) msg.obj; String filePath = arguments.getString("filepath"); try { if (filePath != null) { //從intent中獲取IBinder對象 IBinder binder = arguments.getIBinder("listener"); //獲取IMediaScannerListener的實例 IMediaScannerListener listener = (binder == null ? null : IMediaScannerListener.Stub.asInterface(binder)); Uri uri = null; try { uri = scanFile(filePath, arguments.getString("mimetype")); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Exception scanning file", e); } if (listener != null) { //查詢完成後,回調到IMediaScannerListener,客戶端處也隨之回調 listener.scanCompleted(filePath, uri); } ... ...
(2) 靜態方法實現
public static void scanFile(Context context, String[] paths, String[] mimeTypes, OnScanCompletedListener callback) { //實例化ClientProxy,並給構造函數傳參 ClientProxy client = new ClientProxy(paths, mimeTypes, callback); //實例化MediaScannerConnection,並給構造函數傳參 MediaScannerConnection connection = new MediaScannerConnection(context, client); client.mConnection = connection; //調用connect函數 connection.connect(); } //客戶端的遠程代理類 static class ClientProxy implements MediaScannerConnectionClient { final String[] mPaths; final String[] mMimeTypes; final OnScanCompletedListener mClient; MediaScannerConnection mConnection; int mNextPath; //構造函數,配置參數 ClientProxy(String[] paths, String[] mimeTypes, OnScanCompletedListener client) { mPaths = paths; mMimeTypes = mimeTypes; mClient = client; } //實現回調方法 public void onMediaScannerConnected() { scanNextPath(); } public void onScanCompleted(String path, Uri uri) { if (mClient != null) { mClient.onScanCompleted(path, uri); } scanNextPath(); } //因為傳入的路徑是數組,進行循環掃描 void scanNextPath() { if (mNextPath >= mPaths.length) { mConnection.disconnect(); return; } String mimeType = mMimeTypes != null ? mMimeTypes[mNextPath] : null; mConnection.scanFile(mPaths[mNextPath], mimeType); mNextPath++; } }
Android3.0提供了drag/drop框架,利用此框架可以實現使用拖放手勢將一個view拖放到當前布局中的另外一個view中。本文將介紹如何使用拖放框架。 一、實