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 Android教程網 >> Android技術 >> 關於Android編程 >> Android-貝塞爾曲線









































 * Add a quadratic bezier from the last point, approaching control point
 * (x1,y1), and ending at (x2,y2). If no moveTo() call has been made for
 * this contour, the first point is automatically set to (0,0).
 * @param x1 The x-coordinate of the control point on a quadratic curve
 * @param y1 The y-coordinate of the control point on a quadratic curve
 * @param x2 The x-coordinate of the end point on a quadratic curve
 * @param y2 The y-coordinate of the end point on a quadratic curve
public void quadTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
    isSimplePath = false;
    native_quadTo(mNativePath, x1, y1, x2, y2);






 * Add a cubic bezier from the last point, approaching control points
 * (x1,y1) and (x2,y2), and ending at (x3,y3). If no moveTo() call has been
 * made for this contour, the first point is automatically set to (0,0).
 * @param x1 The x-coordinate of the 1st control point on a cubic curve
 * @param y1 The y-coordinate of the 1st control point on a cubic curve
 * @param x2 The x-coordinate of the 2nd control point on a cubic curve
 * @param y2 The y-coordinate of the 2nd control point on a cubic curve
 * @param x3 The x-coordinate of the end point on a cubic curve
 * @param y3 The y-coordinate of the end point on a cubic curve
public void cubicTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,
                    float x3, float y3) {
    isSimplePath = false;
    native_cubicTo(mNativePath, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);





















onDraw() 代碼:

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    if (!mIsRunning || !mHasInit)
    mPath.moveTo(mLeft1.x, mLeft1.y);
    mPath.quadTo(mControlLeft1.x, mControlLeft1.y, mLeft2.x, mLeft2.y);
    mPath.quadTo(mControlLeft2.x, mControlLeft2.y, mFirst.x, mFirst.y);
    mPath.quadTo(mControlFirst.x, mControlFirst.y, mSecond.x, mSecond.y);
    mPath.quadTo(mControlSecond.x, mControlSecond.y, mRight.x, mRight.y);
    mPath.lineTo(mRight.x, mHeight);
    mPath.lineTo(mLeft1.x, mHeight);
    mPath.lineTo(mLeft1.x, mLeft1.y);
    canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint);














 * 畫粘連體
 * @param cx1     圓心x1
 * @param cy1     圓心y1
 * @param r1      圓半徑r1
 * @param offset1 貝塞爾曲線偏移角度offset1
 * @param cx2     圓心x2
 * @param cy2     圓心y2
 * @param r2      圓半徑r2
 * @param offset2 貝塞爾曲線偏移角度offset2
 * @return
public static Path drawAdhesionBody(float cx1, float cy1, float r1, float offset1, float 
        cx2, float cy2, float r2, float offset2) {
    /* 求三角函數 */
    float degrees =(float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(Math.abs(cy2 - cy1) / Math.abs(cx2 - cx1)));
    /* 根據圓1與圓2的相對位置求四個點 */
    float differenceX = cx1 - cx2;
    float differenceY = cy1 - cy2;

    /* 兩條貝塞爾曲線的四個端點 */
    float x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4;
    /* 圓1在圓2的下邊 */
    if (differenceX == 0 && differenceY > 0) {
        x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));
        y2 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));
        x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));
        y4 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));
        x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));
        y1 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));
        x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));
        y3 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));
    /* 圓1在圓2的上邊 */
    else if (differenceX == 0 && differenceY < 0) {
        x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));
        y2 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));
        x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));
        y4 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));
        x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));
        y1 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));
        x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));
        y3 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));
    /* 圓1在圓2的右邊 */
    else if (differenceX > 0 && differenceY == 0) {
        x2 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));
        y2 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));
        x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));
        y4 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));
        x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));
        y1 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));
        x3 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));
        y3 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));
    /* 圓1在圓2的左邊 */
    else if (differenceX < 0 && differenceY == 0 ) {
        x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));
        y2 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));
        x4 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset2));
        y4 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset2));
        x1 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));
        y1 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));
        x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(offset1));
        y3 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(offset1));
    /* 圓1在圓2的右下角 */
    else if (differenceX > 0 && differenceY > 0) {
        x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));
        y2 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));
        x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));
        y4 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));
        x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));
        y1 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));
        x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));
        y3 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));
    /* 圓1在圓2的左上角 */
    else if (differenceX < 0 && differenceY < 0) {
        x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));
        y2 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));
        x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));
        y4 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));
        x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));
        y1 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));
        x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));
        y3 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));
    /* 圓1在圓2的左下角 */
    else if (differenceX < 0 && differenceY > 0) {
        x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));
        y2 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));
        x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));
        y4 = cy2 + r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));
        x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));
        y1 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));
        x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));
        y3 = cy1 - r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));
    /* 圓1在圓2的右上角 */
    else {
        x2 = cx2 - r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));
        y2 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset2 - degrees));
        x4 = cx2 + r2 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));
        y4 = cy2 - r2 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset2));
        x1 = cx1 - r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));
        y1 = cy1 + r1* (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees - offset1));
        x3 = cx1 + r1 * (float) Math.cos(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));
        y3 = cy1 + r1 * (float) Math.sin(Math.toRadians(180 - offset1 - degrees));
    /* 貝塞爾曲線的控制點 */
    float anchorX1,anchorY1,anchorX2,anchorY2;
    /* 圓1大於圓2 */
    if (r1 > r2) {
        anchorX1 = (x2 + x3) / 2;
        anchorY1 = (y2 + y3) / 2;
        anchorX2 = (x1 + x4) / 2;
        anchorY2 = (y1 + y4) / 2;
    /* 圓1小於或等於圓2 */
    else {
        anchorX1 = (x1 + x4) / 2;
        anchorY1 = (y1 + y4) / 2;
        anchorX2 = (x2 + x3) / 2;
        anchorY2 = (y2 + y3) / 2;
    /* 畫粘連體 */
    Path path = new Path();
    path.moveTo(x1, y1);
    path.quadTo(anchorX1, anchorY1, x2, y2);
    path.lineTo(x4, y4);
    path.quadTo(anchorX2, anchorY2, x3, y3);
    path.lineTo(x1, y1);
    return path;

















































import android.animation.Animator;
import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
import android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator;

 * 彈性球
 * @author linzewu
 * @date 2016/6/1
public class ElasticBall extends Ball {
     * 向上運動
    private static final int DIRECTION_UP = 1;
     * 向下運動
    private static final int DIRECTION_DOWN = 2;
     * 向左運動
    private static final int DIRECTION_LEFT = 3;
     * 向右運動
    private static final int DIRECTION_RIGHT = 4;
     * 運動方向
    private int mDirection;
     * 動畫完成百分比(0~1)
    private float mAnimPercent;
     * 彈性距離
    private float mElasticDistance;
     * 彈性比例
    private float mElasticPercent = 0.8f;
     * 位移距離
    private float mMoveDistance;
     * 動畫消費時間
    private long mDuration = 1500;
     * 偏移值
    private float offsetTop, offsetBottom, offsetLeft, offsetRight;
     * 圓形偏移比例
    private float c = 0.551915024494f;
    private float c2 = 0.65f;
     * 動畫開始點
    private Ball mStartPoint;

     * 動畫結束點
    private Ball mEndPoint;
     * 構造方法
     * @param x 圓心橫坐標
     * @param y 圓心縱坐標
     * @param radius 圓半徑
    public ElasticBall(float x, float y, float radius) {
        super(x, y, radius);
    private void init() {
        mElasticDistance = mElasticPercent * radius;
        offsetTop = c * radius;
        offsetBottom = c * radius;
        offsetLeft = c * radius;
        offsetRight = c * radius;
    public interface ElasticBallInterface{
        void onChange(Path path);
        void onFinish();

    private ElasticBallInterface mElasticBallInterface;

     * 對外公布方法,設置彈性比例 (0~1)
     * @param elasticPercent
    public void setElasticPercent(float elasticPercent) {
     * 對外公布方法,設置動畫時間
     * @param duration
    public void setDuration(long duration) {
        this.mDuration = duration;
     * 對外公布方法, 開啟動畫
     * @param endPoint
    public void startElasticAnim(PointF endPoint, ElasticBallInterface elasticBallInterface) {
        this.mEndPoint = new ElasticBall(endPoint.x, endPoint.y, radius);
        this.mStartPoint = new ElasticBall(x, y, radius);
        this.mStatusPoint1 = new ElasticBall(x, y, radius);
        this.mStatusPoint2 = new ElasticBall(x, y, radius);
        this.mStatusPoint3 = new ElasticBall(x, y, radius);
        this.mStatusPoint4 = new ElasticBall(x, y, radius);
        this.mStatusPoint5 = new ElasticBall(x, y, radius);
        this.mElasticBallInterface = elasticBallInterface;
        mMoveDistance = getDistance(mStartPoint.x, mStatusPoint1.y, endPoint.x, endPoint.y);
        ValueAnimator valueAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0, 1);
        valueAnimator.setInterpolator(new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator());
        valueAnimator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {
            public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
                mAnimPercent = (float) animation.getAnimatedValue();
                if(mAnimPercent>=0 && mAnimPercent <= 0.2){
                else if(mAnimPercent > 0.2 && mAnimPercent <= 0.5){
                else if(mAnimPercent > 0.5 && mAnimPercent <= 0.8){
                else if(mAnimPercent > 0.8 && mAnimPercent <= 0.9){
                else if(mAnimPercent > 0.9&&mAnimPercent <= 1){
                if (mElasticBallInterface != null) {
                    mElasticBallInterface.onChange(drawElasticCircle(topX, topY, offsetTop, offsetTop,
                            bottomX, bottomY, offsetBottom, offsetBottom,
                            leftX, leftY, offsetLeft, offsetLeft,
                            rightX, rightY, offsetRight, offsetRight));
        valueAnimator.addListener(new Animator.AnimatorListener() {
            public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {

            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
                if (mElasticBallInterface != null) {

            public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {


            public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {


    private void judgeDirection() {
        if (mEndPoint.x - mStartPoint.x > 0) {
            mDirection = DIRECTION_RIGHT;
        }else if (mEndPoint.x - mStartPoint.x < 0) {
            mDirection = DIRECTION_LEFT;
        }else if (mEndPoint.y - mStartPoint.x > 0) {
            mDirection = DIRECTION_DOWN;
        }else if (mEndPoint.y - mStartPoint.y < 0){
            mDirection = DIRECTION_UP;
     * 動畫狀態0 (初始狀態:圓形)
    private void animStatus0() {
        offsetTop = c * radius;
        offsetBottom = c * radius;
        offsetLeft = c * radius;
        offsetRight = c * radius;
    private Ball mStatusPoint1;
     * 動畫狀態1 (0~0.2)
    private void animStatus1() {
        float percent = mAnimPercent * 5f;
        if (mDirection == DIRECTION_LEFT) {
            leftX = mStartPoint.leftX - percent * mElasticDistance;
        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_RIGHT) {
            rightX = mStartPoint.rightX + percent * mElasticDistance;
        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_UP) {
            topY = mStartPoint.topY - percent * mElasticDistance;
        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_DOWN) {
            bottomY = mStartPoint.bottomY + percent * mElasticDistance;
        mStatusPoint1.refresh(x, y, topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY,
                leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY);

    private Ball mStatusPoint2;
     * 動畫狀態2 (0.2~0.5)
    private void animStatus2() {
        float percent = (float) ((mAnimPercent - 0.2) * (10f / 3));
        if (mDirection == DIRECTION_LEFT) {
            leftX = mStatusPoint1.leftX - percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );
            x = mStatusPoint1.x - percent * (mMoveDistance / 2);
            rightX = mStatusPoint1.rightX - percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );
            topX = x;
            bottomX = x;
            offsetTop = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;
            offsetBottom = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;
        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_RIGHT) {
            rightX = mStatusPoint1.rightX + percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );
            x = mStatusPoint1.x + percent * (mMoveDistance / 2);
            leftX = mStatusPoint1.leftX + percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );
            topX = x;
            bottomX = x;
            offsetTop = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;
            offsetBottom = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;
        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_UP) {
            topY = mStatusPoint1.topY - percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );
            y = mStatusPoint1.y - percent * (mMoveDistance / 2);
            bottomY = mStatusPoint1.bottomY - percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );
            leftY = y;
            rightY = y;
            offsetLeft = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;
            offsetRight = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;
        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_DOWN) {
            bottomY = mStatusPoint1.bottomY + percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );
            y = mStatusPoint1.y + percent * (mMoveDistance / 2);
            topY = mStatusPoint1.topY + percent * (mMoveDistance / 2 - mElasticDistance / 2 );
            leftY = y;
            rightY = y;
            offsetLeft = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;
            offsetRight = radius * c + radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;
        mStatusPoint2.refresh(x, y, topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY,
                leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY);

    private Ball mStatusPoint3;
     * 動畫狀態3 (0.5~0.8)
    private void animStatus3() {
        float percent = (mAnimPercent - 0.5f) * (10f / 3f);
        if (mDirection == DIRECTION_LEFT) {
            leftX = mStatusPoint2.leftX - Math.abs(percent * (mEndPoint.rightX - mStatusPoint2
            x = mStatusPoint2.x - Math.abs(percent * (mEndPoint.x - mStatusPoint2.x));
            rightX = mStatusPoint2.rightX - Math.abs(percent * (mEndPoint.x - mStatusPoint2.x));
            topX = x;
            bottomX = x;
            offsetTop = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;
            offsetBottom = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;
        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_RIGHT) {
            rightX = mStatusPoint2.rightX + percent * (mEndPoint.rightX - mStatusPoint2.rightX);
            x = mStatusPoint2.x + percent * (mEndPoint.x - mStatusPoint2.x);
            leftX = mStatusPoint2.leftX + percent * (mEndPoint.x - mStatusPoint2.x);
            topX = x;
            bottomX = x;
            offsetTop = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;
            offsetBottom = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;
        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_UP) {
            topY = mStatusPoint2.topY - Math.abs(percent * (mEndPoint.topY - mStatusPoint2
            y = mStatusPoint2.y - Math.abs(percent * (mEndPoint.y - mStatusPoint2.y));
            bottomY = mStatusPoint2.bottomY - Math.abs(percent * (mEndPoint.y - mStatusPoint2.y));
            leftY = y;
            rightY = y;
            offsetLeft = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;
            offsetRight = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;
        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_DOWN) {
            bottomY = mStatusPoint2.bottomY + percent * (mEndPoint.bottomY - mStatusPoint2
            y = mStatusPoint2.y + percent * (mEndPoint.y - mStatusPoint2.y);
            topY = mStatusPoint2.topY + percent * (mEndPoint.y - mStatusPoint2.y);
            leftY = y;
            rightY = y;
            offsetLeft = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;
            offsetRight = radius * c2 - radius * ( c2 - c ) * percent;
        mStatusPoint3.refresh(x, y, topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY,
                leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY);

    private Ball mStatusPoint4;
     * 動畫狀態4 (0.8~0.9)
    private void animStatus4() {
        float percent = (float) (mAnimPercent - 0.8) * 10;
        if (mDirection == DIRECTION_LEFT) {
            rightX = mStatusPoint3.rightX - percent * (Math.abs(mEndPoint.rightX - mStatusPoint3
                    .rightX) + mElasticDistance/2);
            leftX = mEndPoint.leftX;
            x = mEndPoint.x;
            bottomX = mEndPoint.bottomX;
            topX = mEndPoint.topX;
        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_RIGHT) {
            leftX = mStatusPoint3.leftX + percent * (mEndPoint.leftX - mStatusPoint3.leftX +
            rightX = mEndPoint.rightX;
            x = mEndPoint.x;
            bottomX = mEndPoint.bottomX;
            topX = mEndPoint.topX;
        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_UP) {
            bottomY = mStatusPoint3.bottomY - percent * (Math.abs(mEndPoint.bottomY - mStatusPoint3
                    .bottomY) + mElasticDistance/2);
            topY = mEndPoint.topY;
            y = mEndPoint.y;
            leftY = mEndPoint.leftY;
            rightY = mEndPoint.rightY;
        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_DOWN) {
            topY = mStatusPoint3.topY + percent * (mEndPoint.topY - mStatusPoint3
                    .topY + mElasticDistance/2);
            bottomY = mEndPoint.bottomY;
            y = mEndPoint.y;
            leftY = mEndPoint.leftY;
            rightY = mEndPoint.rightY;
        mStatusPoint4.refresh(x, y, topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY,
                leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY);

    private Ball mStatusPoint5;
     * 動畫狀態5 (0.9~1)回彈
    private void animStatus5() {
        float percent = (float) (mAnimPercent - 0.9) * 10;
        if (mDirection == DIRECTION_LEFT) {
            rightX = mStatusPoint4.rightX + percent * (mEndPoint.rightX - mStatusPoint4.rightX);
        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_RIGHT) {
            leftX = mStatusPoint4.leftX + percent * (mEndPoint.leftX - mStatusPoint4.leftX);
        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_UP) {
            bottomY = mStatusPoint4.bottomY + percent * (mEndPoint.bottomY - mStatusPoint4.bottomY);
        } else if (mDirection == DIRECTION_DOWN) {
            topY = mStatusPoint4.topY + percent * (mEndPoint.topY - mStatusPoint4.topY);
        mStatusPoint5.refresh(x, y, topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY,
                leftX, leftY, rightX, rightY);

     * 繪制彈性圓
     * 通過繪制四段三階貝塞爾曲線,來實現有彈性變化的圓
     * @param topX
     * @param topY
     * @param offsetTop1
     * @param offsetTop2
     * @param bottomX
     * @param bottomY
     * @param offsetBottom1
     * @param offsetBottom2
     * @param leftX
     * @param leftY
     * @param offsetLeft1
     * @param offsetLeft2
     * @param rightX
     * @param rightY
     * @param offsetRight1
     * @param offsetRight2
     * @return
    private Path drawElasticCircle(
            float topX, float topY, float offsetTop1, float offsetTop2,
            float bottomX, float bottomY, float offsetBottom1, float offsetBottom2,
            float leftX, float leftY, float offsetLeft1, float offsetLeft2,
            float rightX, float rightY, float offsetRight1, float offsetRight2
    ) {
         * 繪制每一段三階貝塞爾曲線需要兩個控制點
        PointF controlTop1, controlTop2, controlBottom1, controlBottom2,
                controlLeft1, controlLeft2, controlRight1, controlRight2;
        controlTop1 = new PointF();
        controlTop1.x = topX - offsetTop1;
        controlTop1.y = topY;
        controlTop2 = new PointF();
        controlTop2.x = topX + offsetTop2;
        controlTop2.y = topY;
        controlBottom1 = new PointF();
        controlBottom1.x = bottomX - offsetBottom1;
        controlBottom1.y = bottomY;
        controlBottom2 = new PointF();
        controlBottom2.x = bottomX + offsetBottom2;
        controlBottom2.y = bottomY;
        controlLeft1 = new PointF();
        controlLeft1.x = leftX;
        controlLeft1.y = leftY - offsetLeft1;
        controlLeft2 = new PointF();
        controlLeft2.x = leftX;
        controlLeft2.y = leftY + offsetLeft2;
        controlRight1 = new PointF();
        controlRight1.x = rightX;
        controlRight1.y = rightY - offsetRight1;
        controlRight2 = new PointF();
        controlRight2.x = rightX;
        controlRight2.y = rightY + offsetRight2;

        Path path = new Path();
         * 繪制top到left的圓弧
        path.moveTo(topX, topY);
        path.cubicTo(controlTop1.x, controlTop1.y, controlLeft1.x, controlLeft1.y, leftX, leftY);
         * 繪制left到bottom的圓弧
        path.cubicTo(controlLeft2.x ,controlLeft2.y, controlBottom1.x, controlBottom1.y, bottomX,
         * 繪制bottom到right的圓弧
        path.cubicTo(controlBottom2.x, controlBottom2.y, controlRight2.x, controlRight2.y,
                rightX, rightY);
         * 繪制right到top的圓弧
        path.cubicTo(controlRight1.x, controlRight1.y, controlTop2.x, controlTop2.y, topX, topY);
        return path;

     * 求兩點之間的距離
     * @param x1 第一個點的橫坐標
     * @param y1 第一個點的縱坐標
     * @param x2 第二個點的橫坐標
     * @param y2 第二個點的縱坐標
     * @return 兩點距離
    private float getDistance(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
        return (float) Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2));








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