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 Android教程網 >> Android技術 >> 關於Android編程 >> 觀察者模式在Android開發場景中運用之通過Java源碼分析(一)






 * created by zm on 2016-5-28
 * 繼承Observable,此類等同於上述UML的Devil(小鬼子),其它對號入座
 * 觀察鬼子是否來襲擊 
public class DevilsSubject extends Observable
    private String assault;

    public String isAssault() {
        return assault;

    public void setAssault(String assault) {
        this.assault = assault;

 * created by zm on 2016-5-28
 * VillagerObserver(放哨的村民),觀察小鬼子行動
public class VillagerObserver implements Observer

    public void update(Observable o, Object obj) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        String assault = (String) obj;

public class Client
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        VillagerObserver yes = new VillagerObserver();
        VillagerObserver no = new VillagerObserver();
        DevilsSubject devilsSubject = new DevilsSubject();
        //返回 Observable 對象的觀察者數目




package java.util;

 * This class represents an observable object, or "data"
 * in the model-view paradigm. It can be subclassed to represent an
 * object that the application wants to have observed.

* An observable object can have one or more observers. An observer * may be any object that implements interface Observer. After an * observable instance changes, an application calling the * Observable's notifyObservers method * causes all of its observers to be notified of the change by a call * to their update method. *

* The order in which notifications will be delivered is unspecified. * The default implementation provided in the Observable class will * notify Observers in the order in which they registered interest, but * subclasses may change this order, use no guaranteed order, deliver * notifications on separate threads, or may guarantee that their * subclass follows this order, as they choose. *

* Note that this notification mechanism has nothing to do with threads * and is completely separate from the wait and notify * mechanism of class Object. *

* When an observable object is newly created, its set of observers is * empty. Two observers are considered the same if and only if the * equals method returns true for them. * * @author Chris Warth * @see java.util.Observable#notifyObservers() * @see java.util.Observable#notifyObservers(java.lang.Object) * @see java.util.Observer * @see java.util.Observer#update(java.util.Observable, java.lang.Object) * @since JDK1.0 */ public class Observable { private boolean changed = false; private Vector obs; /** Construct an Observable with zero Observers. */ public Observable() { obs = new Vector<>(); } /** * Adds an observer to the set of observers for this object, provided * that it is not the same as some observer already in the set. * The order in which notifications will be delivered to multiple * observers is not specified. See the class comment. * * @param o an observer to be added. * @throws NullPointerException if the parameter o is null. */ public synchronized void addObserver(Observer o) { if (o == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (!obs.contains(o)) { obs.addElement(o); } } /** * Deletes an observer from the set of observers of this object. * Passing null to this method will have no effect. * @param o the observer to be deleted. */ public synchronized void deleteObserver(Observer o) { obs.removeElement(o); } /** * If this object has changed, as indicated by the * hasChanged method, then notify all of its observers * and then call the clearChanged method to * indicate that this object has no longer changed. *

* Each observer has its update method called with two * arguments: this observable object and null. In other * words, this method is equivalent to: *

* notifyObservers(null)
* * @see java.util.Observable#clearChanged() * @see java.util.Observable#hasChanged() * @see java.util.Observer#update(java.util.Observable, java.lang.Object) */ public void notifyObservers() { notifyObservers(null); } /** * If this object has changed, as indicated by the * hasChanged method, then notify all of its observers * and then call the clearChanged method to indicate * that this object has no longer changed. *

* Each observer has its update method called with two * arguments: this observable object and the arg argument. * * @param arg any object. * @see java.util.Observable#clearChanged() * @see java.util.Observable#hasChanged() * @see java.util.Observer#update(java.util.Observable, java.lang.Object) */ public void notifyObservers(Object arg) { /* * a temporary array buffer, used as a snapshot of the state of * current Observers. */ Object[] arrLocal; synchronized (this) { /* We don't want the Observer doing callbacks into * arbitrary code while holding its own Monitor. * The code where we extract each Observable from * the Vector and store the state of the Observer * needs synchronization, but notifying observers * does not (should not). The worst result of any * potential race-condition here is that: * 1) a newly-added Observer will miss a * notification in progress * 2) a recently unregistered Observer will be * wrongly notified when it doesn't care */ if (!changed) return; arrLocal = obs.toArray(); clearChanged(); } for (int i = arrLocal.length-1; i>=0; i--) ((Observer)arrLocal[i]).update(this, arg); } /** * Clears the observer list so that this object no longer has any observers. */ public synchronized void deleteObservers() { obs.removeAllElements(); } /** * Marks this Observable object as having been changed; the * hasChanged method will now return true. */ protected synchronized void setChanged() { changed = true; } /** * Indicates that this object has no longer changed, or that it has * already notified all of its observers of its most recent change, * so that the hasChanged method will now return false. * This method is called automatically by the * notifyObservers methods. * * @see java.util.Observable#notifyObservers() * @see java.util.Observable#notifyObservers(java.lang.Object) */ protected synchronized void clearChanged() { changed = false; } /** * Tests if this object has changed. * * @return true if and only if the setChanged * method has been called more recently than the * clearChanged method on this object; * false otherwise. * @see java.util.Observable#clearChanged() * @see java.util.Observable#setChanged() */ public synchronized boolean hasChanged() { return changed; } /** * Returns the number of observers of this Observable object. * * @return the number of observers of this object. */ public synchronized int countObservers() { return obs.size(); } }


根據源碼中最上部分的注釋,翻譯成中文後,大體的意思是此類是一個被觀察者。它可以派生子類來表示一個應用程序想要觀察的對象。一個可觀察到的對象(observable)可以有一個或多個觀察者(observer)。一個觀察者可以是任何實現接口的觀察者的對象。修改後可觀察到的實例,應用程序調用notifyObservers方法使所有的觀察者調用更新方法。通知的順序將是未指定的。請注意,這與線程通知機制無關,完全獨立於類對象的等待和通知機制。當一個可觀察的對象是新創建的,它的觀察是空的。當且僅當這個方法返回true,兩個觀察者是同步的。<喎?/kf/ware/vc/" target="_blank" class="keylink">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"brush:java;"> public void notifyObservers(Object arg) { Object[] arrLocal; synchronized (this) { if (!changed) return; arrLocal = obs.toArray(); clearChanged(); } for (int i = arrLocal.length-1; i>=0; i--) ((Observer)arrLocal[i]).update(this, arg); }


 * A class can implement the Observer interface when it
 * wants to be informed of changes in observable objects.
 * @author  Chris Warth
 * @see     java.util.Observable
 * @since   JDK1.0
public interface Observer {
     * This method is called whenever the observed object is changed. An
     * application calls an Observable object's
     * notifyObservers method to have all the object's
     * observers notified of the change.
     * @param   o     the observable object.
     * @param   arg   an argument passed to the notifyObservers
     *                 method.
    void update(Observable o, Object arg);








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