public class HttpHelper { public static HttpWebResponse CreateGetHttpResponse(string url, int timeout, string userAgent, CookieCollection cookies) { HttpWebRequest request = null; if (url.StartsWith("https", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { //對服務端證書進行有效性校驗(非第三方權威機構頒發的證書,如自己生成的,不進行驗證,這裡返回true) ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(CheckValidationResult); request = WebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest; request.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version10; //http版本,默認是1.1,這裡設置為1.0 } else { request = WebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest; } request.Method = "GET"; //設置代理UserAgent和超時 //request.UserAgent = userAgent; //request.Timeout = timeout; if (cookies != null) { request.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); request.CookieContainer.Add(cookies); } return request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; } ////// 創建POST方式的HTTP請求 /// public static HttpWebResponse CreatePostHttpResponse(string url, IDictionaryparameters, int timeout, string userAgent, CookieCollection cookies) { HttpWebRequest request = null; //如果是發送HTTPS請求 if (url.StartsWith("https", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { //ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(CheckValidationResult); request = WebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest; //request.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version10; } else { request = WebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest; } request.Method = "POST"; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; //設置代理UserAgent和超時 //request.UserAgent = userAgent; //request.Timeout = timeout; if (cookies != null) { request.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); request.CookieContainer.Add(cookies); } if ((parameters == null || parameters.Count == 0)) { request.ContentLength = 0; } //發送POST數據 if (!(parameters == null || parameters.Count == 0)) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; foreach (string key in parameters.Keys) { if (i > 0) { buffer.AppendFormat("&{0}={1}", key, parameters[key]); } else { buffer.AppendFormat("{0}={1}", key, parameters[key]); i++; } } byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(buffer.ToString()); using (Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream()) { stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } } string[] values = request.Headers.GetValues("Content-Type"); return request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; } /// /// 獲取請求的數據 /// public static string GetResponseString(HttpWebResponse webresponse) { using (Stream s = webresponse.GetResponseStream()) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(s, Encoding.UTF8); return reader.ReadToEnd(); } } ////// 驗證證書 /// private static bool CheckValidationResult(object sender, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors) { if (errors == SslPolicyErrors.None) return true; return false; } }
天氣預報采用了中國天氣網接口 如http://www.weather.com.cn/data/cityinfo/101270101.html
using System; using Android.App; using Android.Content; using Android.Runtime; using Android.Views; using Android.Widget; using Android.OS; using System.Threading; using Android.Util; using System.Net; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace TestAndroidWeather { [Activity(Label = "TestAndroidWeather", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@drawable/icon")] public class MainActivity : Activity , Android.Widget.Spinner.IOnItemSelectedListener { int count = 1; public string str_code= "101010100"; Spinner spn_sf, spn_cs; String[] citys, ctcode; ArrayAdapter adapt, adapt2; protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); // Set our view from the "main" layout resource SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); // Get our button from the layout resource, // and attach an event to it Button button = FindViewById<button>(Resource.Id.MyButton); TextView textView1 = FindViewById<textview>(Resource.Id.textView1); spn_sf = FindViewById<spinner>(Resource.Id.spn_sf); spn_cs = FindViewById<spinner>(Resource.Id.spn_cs); adapt = new ArrayAdapter<string>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerItem, new String[] { "北京", "上海", "天津", "重慶", "香港", "澳門", "黑龍江", "吉林", "遼寧", "內蒙古", "河北", "河南", "山東", "山西", "江蘇", "安徽", "陝西", "寧夏", "甘肅", "青海", "湖北", "湖南", "浙江", "江西", "福建", "貴州", "四川", "廣東", "廣西", "雲南", "海南", "新疆", "西藏", "台灣" }); adapt.SetDropDownViewResource(Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerDropDownItem); spn_sf.Adapter = adapt; // spn_sf. spn_sf.OnItemSelectedListener = this; button.Click += delegate { new Thread( () => { try { Dictionary<string, string=""> seatDic = new Dictionary<string, string="">{ }; str_code= ctcode[spn_cs.SelectedItemPosition]; RunOnUiThread(() => { textView1.Text = "正在連接服務器"; }); string str = HttpHelper.HttpHelper.GetResponseString(HttpHelper.HttpHelper.CreatePostHttpResponse("http://www.weather.com.cn/data/cityinfo/" + str_code + ".html", seatDic, 5000, "", new CookieCollection())); Org.Json.JSONObject json = new Org.Json.JSONObject(str); Org.Json.JSONObject weatherinfo = json.GetJSONObject("weatherinfo"); RunOnUiThread(()=> { textView1.Text = String.Format("城市::{0}\n天氣狀況{1}\n溫度{2}-{3}", weatherinfo.GetString("city"), weatherinfo.GetString("weather") ,weatherinfo.GetString("temp1"), weatherinfo.GetString("temp2")) ; }); Log.Error("tag", "str==>>{0}" , str); } catch (Exception e) { RunOnUiThread(() => { textView1.Text = String.Format("錯誤{0}", e.Message); }); Log.Error("err", "err==>>{0}" , e.Message); } }).Start(); }; } public void setitems(String cf) { try { String[] maincitys = new String[] { "北京", "上海", "天津", "重慶", "香港", "澳門", "黑龍江", "吉林", "遼寧", "內蒙古", "河北", "河南", "山東", "山西", "江蘇", "安徽", "陝西", "寧夏", "甘肅", "青海", "湖北", "湖南", "浙江", "江西", "福建", "貴州", "四川", "廣東", "廣西", "雲南", "海南", "新疆", "西藏", "台灣" }; for (int i = 0; i < maincitys.Length; i++) { if (maincitys[i].Equals(cf.ToString())) { switch (i + 1) { case 1: citys = new String[] { "北京" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101010100" }; break; case 2: citys = new String[] { "上海" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101020100" }; break; case 3: citys = new String[] { "天津" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101030100" }; break; case 4: citys = new String[] { "重慶" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101040100" }; break; case 5: citys = new String[] { "香港" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101320101" }; break; case 6: citys = new String[] { "澳門" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101330101" }; break; case 7: citys = new String[] { "哈爾濱", "齊齊哈爾", "牡丹江", "大慶", "伊春", "雙鴨山", "鶴崗", "雞西", "佳木斯", "七台河", "黑河", "綏化", "大興安嶺" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101050101", "101050201", "101050301", "101050901", "101050801", "101051301", "101051201", "101051101", "101050401", "101051002", "101050601", "101050501", "101050701" }; break; case 8: citys = new String[] { "長春", "延吉", "吉林", "白山", "白城", "四平", "松原", "遼源", "大安", "通化" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101060101", "101060301", "101060201", "101060901", "101060601", "101060401", "101060801", "101060701", "101060603", "101060501" }; break; case 9: citys = new String[] { "沈陽", "大連", "葫蘆島", "盤錦", "本溪", "撫順", "鐵嶺", "遼陽", "營口", "阜新", "朝陽", "錦州", "丹東", "鞍山" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101070101", "101070201", "101071401", "101071301", "101070501", "101070401", "101071101", "101071001", "101070801", "101070901", "101071201", "101070701", "101070601", "101070301" }; break; case 10: citys = new String[] { "呼和浩特", "呼倫貝爾", "錫林浩特", "包頭", "赤峰", "海拉爾", "烏海", "鄂爾多斯", "通遼" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101080101", "101081000", "101080901", "101080201", "101080601", "101081001", "101080301", "101080701", "101080501" }; break; case 11: citys = new String[] { "石家莊", "唐山", "張家口", "廊坊", "邢台", "邯鄲", "滄州", "衡水", "承德", "保定", "秦皇島" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101090101", "101090501", "101090301", "101090601", "101090901", "101091001", "101090701", "101090801", "101090402", "101090201", "101091101" }; break; case 12: citys = new String[] { "鄭州", "開封", "洛陽", "平頂山", "焦作", "鶴壁", "新鄉", "安陽", "濮陽", "許昌", "漯河", "三門峽", "南陽", "商丘", "信陽", "周口", "駐馬店" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101180101", "101180801", "101180901", "101180501", "101181101", "101181201", "101180301", "101180201", "101181301", "101180401", "101181501", "101181701", "101180701", "101181001", "101180601", "101181401", "101181601" }; break; case 13: citys = new String[] { "濟南", "青島", "淄博", "威海", "曲阜", "臨沂", "煙台", "棗莊", "聊城", "濟寧", "菏澤", "泰安", "日照", "東營", "德州", "濱州", "萊蕪", "濰坊" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101120101", "101120201", "101120301", "101121301", "101120710", "101120901", "101120501", "101121401", "101121701", "101120701", "101121001", "101120801", "101121501", "101121201", "101120401", "101121101", "101121601", "101120601" }; break; case 14: citys = new String[] { "太原", "陽泉", "晉城", "晉中", "臨汾", "運城", "長治", "朔州", "忻州", "大同", "呂梁" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101100101", "101100301", "101100601", "101100401", "101100701", "101100801", "101100501", "101100901", "101101001", "101100201", "101101101" }; break; case 15: citys = new String[] { "南京", "蘇州", "昆山", "南通", "太倉", "吳縣", "徐州", "宜興", "鎮江", "淮安", "常熟", "鹽城", "泰州", "無錫", "連雲港", "揚州", "常州", "宿遷" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101190101", "101190401", "101190404", "101190501", "101190408", "101190406", "101190801", "101190203", "101190301", "101190901", "101190402", "101190701", "101191201", "101190201", "101191001", "101190601", "101191101", "101191301" }; break; case 16: citys = new String[] { "合肥", "巢湖", "蚌埠", "安慶", "六安", "滁州", "馬鞍山", "阜陽", "宣城", "銅陵", "淮北", "蕪湖", "毫州", "宿州", "淮南", "池州" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101220101", "101221601", "101220201", "101220601", "101221501", "101221101", "101220501", "101220801", "101221401", "101221301", "101221201", "101220301", "101220901", "101220701", "101220401", "101221701" }; break; case 17: citys = new String[] { "西安", "韓城", "安康", "漢中", "寶雞", "鹹陽", "榆林", "渭南", "商洛", "銅川", "延安" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101110101", "101110510", "101110701", "101110801", "101110901", "101110200", "101110401", "101110501", "101110601", "101111001", "101110300" }; break; case 18: citys = new String[] { "銀川", "固原", "中衛", "石嘴山", "吳忠" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101170101", "101170401", "101170501", "101170201", "101170301" }; break; case 19: citys = new String[] { "蘭州", "白銀", "慶陽", "酒泉", "天水", "武威", "張掖", "甘南", "臨夏", "平涼", "定西", "金昌" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101160101", "101161301", "101160401", "101160801", "101160901", "101160501", "101160701", "101050204", "101161101", "101160301", "101160201", "101160601" }; break; case 20: citys = new String[] { "西寧", "海北", "海西", "黃南", "果洛", "玉樹", "海東", "海南" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101150101", "101150801", "101150701", "101150301", "101150501", "101150601", "101150201", "101150401" }; break; case 21: citys = new String[] { "武漢", "宜昌", "黃岡", "恩施", "荊州", "神農架", "十堰", "鹹寧", "襄陽", "孝感", "隨州", "黃石", "荊門", "鄂州" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101200101", "101200901", "101200501", "101201001", "101200801", "101201201", "101201101", "101200701", "101200201", "101200401", "101201301", "101200601", "101201401", "101200301" }; break; case 22: citys = new String[] { "長沙", "邵陽", "常德", "郴州", "吉首", "株洲", "婁底", "湘潭", "益陽", "永州", "岳陽", "衡陽", "懷化", "韶山", "張家界" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101250101", "101250901", "101250601", "101250501", "101251501", "101250301", "101250801", "101250201", "101250701", "101251401", "101251001", "101250401", "101251201", "101250202", "101251101" }; break; case 23: citys = new String[] { "杭州", "湖州", "金華", "寧波", "麗水", "紹興", "衢州", "嘉興", "台州", "舟山", "溫州" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101210101", "101210201", "101210901", "101210401", "101210801", "101210501", "101211001", "101210301", "101210601", "101211101", "101210701" }; break; case 24: citys = new String[] { "南昌", "萍鄉", "九江", "上饒", "撫州", "吉安", "鷹潭", "宜春", "新余", "景德鎮", "贛州" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101240101", "101240901", "101240201", "101240301", "101240401", "101240601", "101241101", "101240501", "101241001", "101240801", "101240701" }; break; case 25: citys = new String[] { "福州", "廈門", "龍巖", "南平", "寧德", "莆田", "泉州", "三明", "漳州" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101230101", "101230201", "101230701", "101230901", "101230301", "101230401", "101230501", "101230801", "101230601" }; break; case 26: citys = new String[] { "貴陽", "安順", "赤水", "遵義", "銅仁", "六盤水", "畢節", "凱裡", "都勻" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101260101", "101260301", "101260208", "101260201", "101260601", "101260801", "101260701", "101260501", "101260401" }; break; case 27: citys = new String[] { "成都", "泸州", "內江", "涼山", "阿壩", "巴中", "廣元", "樂山", "綿陽", "德陽", "攀枝花", "雅安", "宜賓", "自貢", "甘孜州", "達州", "資陽", "廣安", "遂寧", "眉山", "南充" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101270101", "101271001", "101271201", "101271601", "101271901", "101270901", "101272101", "101271401", "101270401", "101272001", "101270201", "101271701", "101271101", "101270301", "101271801", "101270601", "101271301", "101270801", "101270701", "101271501", "101270501" }; break; case 28: citys = new String[] { "廣州", "深圳", "潮州", "韶關", "湛江", "惠州", "清遠", "東莞", "江門", "茂名", "肇慶", "汕尾", "河源", "揭陽", "梅州", "中山", "德慶", "陽江", "雲浮", "珠海", "汕頭", "佛山" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101280101", "101280601", "101281501", "101280201", "101281001", "101280301", "101281301", "101281601", "101281101", "101282001", "101280901", "101282101", "101281201", "101281901", "101280401", "101281701", "101280905", "101281801", "101281401", "101280701", "101280501", "101280800" }; break; case 29: citys = new String[] { "南寧", "桂林", "陽朔", "柳州", "梧州", "玉林", "桂平", "賀州", "欽州", "貴港", "防城港", "百色", "北海", "河池", "來賓", "崇左" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101300101", "101300501", "101300510", "101300301", "101300601", "101300901", "101300802", "101300701", "101301101", "101300801", "101301401", "101301001", "101301301", "101301201", "101300401", "101300201" }; break; case 30: citys = new String[] { "昆明", "保山", "楚雄", "德宏", "紅河", "臨滄", "怒江", "曲靖", "思茅", "文山", "玉溪", "昭通", "麗江", "大理" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101290101", "101290501", "101290801", "101291501", "101290301", "101291101", "101291201", "101290401", "101290901", "101290601", "101290701", "101291001", "101291401", "101290201" }; break; case 31: citys = new String[] { "海口", "三亞", "儋州", "瓊山", "通什", "文昌" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101310101", "101310201", "101310205", "101310102", "101310222", "101310212" }; break; case 32: citys = new String[] { "烏魯木齊", "阿勒泰", "阿克蘇", "昌吉", "哈密", "和田", "喀什", "克拉瑪依", "石河子", "塔城", "庫爾勒", "吐魯番", "伊寧" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101130101", "101131401", "101130801", "101130401", "101131201", "101131301", "101130901", "101130201", "101130301", "101131101", "101130601", "101130501", "101131001" }; break; case 33: citys = new String[] { "拉薩", "阿裡", "昌都", "那曲", "日喀則", "山南", "林芝" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101140101", "101140701", "101140501", "101140601", "101140201", "101140301", "101140401" }; break; case 34: citys = new String[] { "台北", "高雄" }; ctcode = new String[] { "101340102", "101340201" }; break; default: break; } } adapt2 = new ArrayAdapter<string>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerItem, citys); // adapt2 = new ArrayAdapter<string>(this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, citys); adapt2.SetDropDownViewResource(Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerDropDownItem); spn_cs.Adapter = adapt2; // spn_cs.setAdapter(adapt2); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } public void OnItemSelected(AdapterView parent, View view, int position, long id) { String selectsf = spn_sf.SelectedItem.ToString(); //Toast.makeText(setcity.this, selectsf, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); setitems(selectsf); } public void OnNothingSelected(AdapterView parent) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); } } } </string></string></string,></string,></string></spinner></spinner></textview></button>
方式一:Action本身作為Model對象,通過屬性注入(Setter)方法講參數數據封裝到Action中 具體為:在Action中,提供和參數名相同的幾個屬性,並
實現刮刮卡我們可以Get到哪些技能?* 圓形圓角圖片的實現原理* 雙緩沖技術繪圖* Bitmap獲取像素值數據* 獲取繪制文本的長寬* 自定義View的掌握* 獲取屏幕密