PullToRefresh 這個庫用的是非常至多,github 今天主要分析一下源碼實現.
整個下拉刷新 父View是LinearLayout, 在LinearLayout添加了Header View ,Footer View,和ListView
PullToRefreshBase 是父類 擴展了 LinearLayout水平布局 如果我們使用ListView 需要觀看子類 PullToRefreshAdapterViewBase -> PullToRefreshListView
初始化代碼在PullToRefreshBase init方法中
// Refreshable View // By passing the attrs, we can add ListView/GridView params via XML mRefreshableView = createRefreshableView(context, attrs);//通過子類傳入的View,ListView或者ScrollView等 addRefreshableView(context, mRefreshableView);//添加view到布局中 // We need to create now layouts now 創建Header和Footer視圖,默認是INVISIBLE,要添加到父窗口 mHeaderLayout = createLoadingLayout(context, Mode.PULL_FROM_START, a); mFooterLayout = createLoadingLayout(context, Mode.PULL_FROM_END, a); handleStyledAttributes(a);//添加loadingView效果,這裡是把View添加到ListView HeaderView裡面去 updateUIForMode(); //把布局添加到父View中
protected void updateUIForMode() { final LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = getLoadingLayoutLayoutParams(); // Remove Header, and then add Header Loading View again if needed if (this == mHeaderLayout.getParent()) { removeView(mHeaderLayout); } if (mMode.showHeaderLoadingLayout()) { addViewInternal(mHeaderLayout, 0, lp);//加入View到LinearLayout } // Remove Footer, and then add Footer Loading View again if needed if (this == mFooterLayout.getParent()) { removeView(mFooterLayout); } if (mMode.showFooterLoadingLayout()) { addViewInternal(mFooterLayout, lp);//加入View到LinearLayout } // Hide Loading Views refreshLoadingViewsSize();//把headerView隱藏起來,其實用的是padding的方式 設置為負值 就到屏幕頂部的外面了 // If we're not using Mode.BOTH, set mCurrentMode to mMode, otherwise // set it to pull down mCurrentMode = (mMode != Mode.BOTH) ? mMode : Mode.PULL_FROM_START; }
看看handleStyledAttributes方法 定位到子類復寫的地方
FrameLayout frame = new FrameLayout(getContext());
mHeaderLoadingView = createLoadingLayout(getContext(), Mode.PULL_FROM_START, a);
frame.addView(mHeaderLoadingView, lp);
mRefreshableView.addHeaderView(frame, null, false);//添加LoadingView到ListView Header上
看看LoadingLayout 有2種 FlipLoadingLayout 和 RotateLoadingLayout 一般我們用旋轉的加載動畫
第一個LoadingLayout主要顯示 :下拉刷新,放開以刷新
當UI初始化好,下面看看onTouch 下拉捕獲事件
public final boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { if (!isPullToRefreshEnabled()) { return false; } // If we're refreshing, and the flag is set. Eat the event if (!mScrollingWhileRefreshingEnabled && isRefreshing()) { return true; } if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN && event.getEdgeFlags() != 0) { return false; } switch (event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: { if (mIsBeingDragged) { mLastMotionY = event.getY(); mLastMotionX = event.getX(); pullEvent();//開始下拉,移動 return true; } break; } case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: { if (isReadyForPull()) {//按下 開始下拉 mLastMotionY = mInitialMotionY = event.getY(); mLastMotionX = mInitialMotionX = event.getX(); return true; } break; } case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: { //停止下拉的時候 if (mIsBeingDragged) { mIsBeingDragged = false; if (mState == State.RELEASE_TO_REFRESH && (null != mOnRefreshListener || null != mOnRefreshListener2)) { setState(State.REFRESHING, true);//放下手指開始回調,執行我們的回調任務 return true; } // If we're already refreshing, just scroll back to the top if (isRefreshing()) { smoothScrollTo(0); return true; } // If we haven't returned by here, then we're not in a state // to pull, so just reset setState(State.RESET); //恢復到原來的UI狀態 return true; } break; } } return false; }
看看pullEvent方法 private void pullEvent() { final int newScrollValue; final int itemDimension; final float initialMotionValue, lastMotionValue; switch (getPullToRefreshScrollDirection()) { case HORIZONTAL: initialMotionValue = mInitialMotionX; lastMotionValue = mLastMotionX; break; case VERTICAL: default: initialMotionValue = mInitialMotionY; lastMotionValue = mLastMotionY; break; } //計算下拉移動了多少 switch (mCurrentMode) { case PULL_FROM_END://上拉 newScrollValue = Math.round(Math.max(initialMotionValue - lastMotionValue, 0) / FRICTION); itemDimension = getFooterSize(); break; case PULL_FROM_START://下拉 default: newScrollValue = Math.round(Math.min(initialMotionValue - lastMotionValue, 0) / FRICTION); itemDimension = getHeaderSize(); break; } //顯示HeaderView 得到移動的值,可以讓LoadingView顯示出來 setHeaderScroll(newScrollValue); if (newScrollValue != 0 && !isRefreshing()) { float scale = Math.abs(newScrollValue) / (float) itemDimension; switch (mCurrentMode) { case PULL_FROM_END: mFooterLayout.onPull(scale); break; case PULL_FROM_START: default: mHeaderLayout.onPull(scale);//旋轉左邊的加載圖片,顯示文字和圖片 這個地方最終會執行LoadingLayout中的 onPullImpl方法 break; } //更新狀態 包括2中 釋放按下觸摸,還有就是 沒釋放手的觸摸 if (mState != State.PULL_TO_REFRESH && itemDimension >= Math.abs(newScrollValue)) { setState(State.PULL_TO_REFRESH); } else if (mState == State.PULL_TO_REFRESH && itemDimension < Math.abs(newScrollValue)) { setState(State.RELEASE_TO_REFRESH);//下拉松手 可以松手了 } } }
再看看setHeaderScroll方法代碼 protected final void setHeaderScroll(int value) { if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "setHeaderScroll: " + value); } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "setHeaderScroll:" + value ); } // Clamp value to with pull scroll range final int maximumPullScroll = getMaximumPullScroll(); value = Math.min(maximumPullScroll, Math.max(-maximumPullScroll, value)); if (mLayoutVisibilityChangesEnabled) { if (value < 0) { //有位移才顯示 mHeaderLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else if (value > 0) { //有位移才顯示 mFooterLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { mHeaderLayout.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); mFooterLayout.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } } if (USE_HW_LAYERS) { /** * Use a Hardware Layer on the Refreshable View if we've scrolled at * all. We don't use them on the Header/Footer Views as they change * often, which would negate any HW layer performance boost. */ ViewCompat.setLayerType(mRefreshableViewWrapper, value != 0 ? View.LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE : View.LAYER_TYPE_NONE); } //回到最原始的scrollTo 最常用的 移動布局 switch (getPullToRefreshScrollDirection()) { case VERTICAL: scrollTo(0, value); break; case HORIZONTAL: scrollTo(value, 0); break; } }
protected void onRefreshing(final boolean doScroll) { if (mMode.showHeaderLoadingLayout()) { mHeaderLayout.refreshing(); } if (mMode.showFooterLoadingLayout()) { mFooterLayout.refreshing(); } if (doScroll) { if (mShowViewWhileRefreshing) { // Call Refresh Listener when the Scroll has finished OnSmoothScrollFinishedListener listener = new OnSmoothScrollFinishedListener() { @Override public void onSmoothScrollFinished() { callRefreshListener();//回調接口執行 } }; switch (mCurrentMode) { case MANUAL_REFRESH_ONLY: case PULL_FROM_END: smoothScrollTo(getFooterSize(), listener); break; default: case PULL_FROM_START: smoothScrollTo(-getHeaderSize(), listener); break; } } else { smoothScrollTo(0);//回到原來的位置 } } else { // We're not scrolling, so just call Refresh Listener now callRefreshListener();//回調接口執行 } }
private void callRefreshListener() { if (null != mOnRefreshListener) { mOnRefreshListener.onRefresh(this);//回調 } else if (null != mOnRefreshListener2) { //這個是上拉,下拉都可以的情況,使用 onRefreshListener2 if (mCurrentMode == Mode.PULL_FROM_START) { mOnRefreshListener2.onPullDownToRefresh(this); } else if (mCurrentMode == Mode.PULL_FROM_END) { mOnRefreshListener2.onPullUpToRefresh(this); } } }
一丶效果演示 二丶實現功能介紹及思路設計前幾篇的博客被指出:純貼代碼沒什麼用,解釋下,本博客是由視頻轉博客的筆記及自己加深的一些功能,覺得提供代碼是最有效的,雖然如此還是