public void onClick(View v) { Object tag = v.getTag(); if (tag instanceof ShortcutInfo) { // Open shortcut final Intent intent = ((ShortcutInfo) tag).intent; int[] pos = new int[2]; v.getLocationOnScreen(pos); intent.setSourceBounds(new Rect(pos[0], pos[1], pos[0] + v.getWidth(), pos[1] + v.getHeight())); startActivitySafely(intent, tag); } else if (tag instanceof FolderInfo) { handleFolderClick((FolderInfo) tag); } else if (v == mHandleView) { if (isAllAppsVisible()) { closeAllApps(true); } else { showAllApps(true); } } }
void startActivitySafely(Intent intent, Object tag) { intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); try { startActivity(intent); } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) { Toast.makeText(this, R.string.activity_not_found, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); Log.e(TAG, "Unable to launch. tag=" + tag + " intent=" + intent, e); } catch (SecurityException e) { Toast.makeText(this, R.string.activity_not_found, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); Log.e(TAG, "Launcher does not have the permission to launch " + intent + ". Make sure to create a MAIN intent-filter for the corresponding activity " + "or use the exported attribute for this activity. " + "tag="+ tag + " intent=" + intent, e); } }
這裡的intent包含的信息為:action = "android.intent.action.Main",category="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER", cmp="shy.luo.activity/.MainActivity",表示它要啟動的Activity為shy.luo.activity.MainActivity。Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK表示要在一個新的Task中啟動這個Activity,注意,Task是Android系統中的概念,它不同於進程Process的概念。簡單地說,一個Task是一系列Activity的集合,這個集合是以堆棧的形式來組織的,遵循後進先出的原則。
我們知道,一個應用程序可以有多個Activity,每個Activity是同級別的。那麼在啟動程序時,最先啟動哪個Activity呢?有些程序可能需要顯示在程 序列表裡,有些不需要。怎麼定義呢?android.intent.action.MAIN決定應用程序最先啟動的Activity ,android.intent.category.LAUNCHER決定應用程序是否顯示在程序列表裡。Main和LAUNCHER同時設定才有意義,如果有多個同級的Activity都有過濾器
則只有最前面的Activity的 有 效,啟動該程序時,執行的是該Activity。且在程序列表中有多個圖標,這些Activity都在程序列表中顯示,該Application有多個入 口,執行不同的Activity,但是整個程序的主入口(整個程序最先運行的那個activity)只有最先定義的那個Activity。
如 果一個應用沒有LAUNCHER則該apk仍能安裝到設備上,但是在主程序圖中看不到。如果給那個Activity 設定了LAUNCHER,且同時設定了Main,則這個Activity就可出現在程序圖中;如果沒有Main,則不知啟動哪個Activity,故也不 會有圖標出現。
@Override public void startActivity(Intent intent) { this.startActivity(intent, null); }
@Override public void startActivity(Intent intent, @Nullable Bundle options) { if (options != null) { startActivityForResult(intent, -1, options); } else { // Note we want to go through this call for compatibility with // applications that may have overridden the method. startActivityForResult(intent, -1); } }
3. Activity.startActivityForResult
if (mParent == null) { Instrumentation.ActivityResult ar = mInstrumentation.execStartActivity( this, mMainThread.getApplicationThread(), mToken, this, intent, requestCode, options); if (ar != null) { mMainThread.sendActivityResult( mToken, mEmbeddedID, requestCode, ar.getResultCode(), ar.getResultData()); } if (requestCode >= 0) { mStartedActivity = true; } cancelInputsAndStartExitTransition(options); } else { if (options != null) { mParent.startActivityFromChild(this, intent, requestCode, options); } else { mParent.startActivityFromChild(this, intent, requestCode); } } }
4. Instrumentation.execStartActivity
public ActivityResult execStartActivity( Context who, IBinder contextThread, IBinder token, Activity target, Intent intent, int requestCode, Bundle options) { IApplicationThread whoThread = (IApplicationThread) contextThread; Uri referrer = target != null ? target.onProvideReferrer() : null; if (referrer != null) { intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_REFERRER, referrer); } if (mActivityMonitors != null) { synchronized (mSync) { final int N = mActivityMonitors.size(); for (int i=0; i= 0 ? am.getResult() : null; } break; } } } } try { intent.migrateExtraStreamToClipData(); intent.prepareToLeaveProcess(); int result = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault() .startActivity(whoThread, who.getBasePackageName(), intent, intent.resolveTypeIfNeeded(who.getContentResolver()), token, target != null ? target.mEmbeddedID : null, requestCode, 0, null, options); checkStartActivityResult(result, intent); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failure from system", e); } return null; }
5. ActivityManagerProxy.startActivity
public int startActivity(IApplicationThread caller, String callingPackage, Intent intent, String resolvedType, IBinder resultTo, String resultWho, int requestCode, int startFlags, ProfilerInfo profilerInfo, Bundle options) throws RemoteException { Parcel data = Parcel.obtain(); Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain(); data.writeInterfaceToken(IActivityManager.descriptor); data.writeStrongBinder(caller != null ? caller.asBinder() : null); data.writeString(callingPackage); intent.writeToParcel(data, 0); data.writeString(resolvedType); data.writeStrongBinder(resultTo); data.writeString(resultWho); data.writeInt(requestCode); data.writeInt(startFlags); if (profilerInfo != null) { data.writeInt(1); profilerInfo.writeToParcel(data, Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE); } else { data.writeInt(0); } if (options != null) { data.writeInt(1); options.writeToParcel(data, 0); } else { data.writeInt(0); } mRemote.transact(START_ACTIVITY_TRANSACTION, data, reply, 0); reply.readException(); int result = reply.readInt(); reply.recycle(); data.recycle(); return result; }
6. ActivityManagerService.startActivity
@Override public final int startActivity(IApplicationThread caller, String callingPackage, Intent intent, String resolvedType, IBinder resultTo, String resultWho, int requestCode, int startFlags, ProfilerInfo profilerInfo, Bundle options) { return startActivityAsUser(caller, callingPackage, intent, resolvedType, resultTo, resultWho, requestCode, startFlags, profilerInfo, options, UserHandle.getCallingUserId()); }
@Override public final int startActivityAsUser(IApplicationThread caller, String callingPackage, Intent intent, String resolvedType, IBinder resultTo, String resultWho, int requestCode, int startFlags, ProfilerInfo profilerInfo, Bundle options, int userId) { enforceNotIsolatedCaller("startActivity"); userId = handleIncomingUser(Binder.getCallingPid(), Binder.getCallingUid(), userId, false, ALLOW_FULL_ONLY, "startActivity", null); // TODO: Switch to user app stacks here. return mStackSupervisor.startActivityMayWait(caller, -1, callingPackage, intent, resolvedType, null, null, resultTo, resultWho, requestCode, startFlags, profilerInfo, null, null, options, false, userId, null, null); }
final int startActivityMayWait(IApplicationThread caller, int callingUid, String callingPackage, Intent intent, String resolvedType, IVoiceInteractionSession voiceSession, IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor, IBinder resultTo, String resultWho, int requestCode, int startFlags, ProfilerInfo profilerInfo, WaitResult outResult, Configuration config, Bundle options, boolean ignoreTargetSecurity, int userId, IActivityContainer iContainer, TaskRecord inTask) { ................................. ActivityInfo aInfo = resolveActivity(intent, resolvedType, startFlags, profilerInfo, userId); .................................................... int res = startActivityLocked(caller, intent, resolvedType, aInfo, voiceSession, voiceInteractor, resultTo, resultWho, requestCode, callingPid, callingUid, callingPackage, realCallingPid, realCallingUid, startFlags, options, ignoreTargetSecurity, componentSpecified, null, container, inTask); ........................................... return res; }
ActivityInfo resolveActivity(Intent intent, String resolvedType, int startFlags, ProfilerInfo profilerInfo, int userId) { ActivityInfo aInfo; try { ResolveInfo rInfo = AppGlobals.getPackageManager().resolveIntent( intent, resolvedType, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY | ActivityManagerService.STOCK_PM_FLAGS, userId); aInfo = rInfo != null ? rInfo.activityInfo : null; } ...................................... return aInfo; }
final int startActivityLocked(IApplicationThread caller, Intent intent, String resolvedType, ActivityInfo aInfo, IVoiceInteractionSession voiceSession, IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor, IBinder resultTo, String resultWho, int requestCode, int callingPid, int callingUid, String callingPackage, int realCallingPid, int realCallingUid, int startFlags, Bundle options, boolean ignoreTargetSecurity, boolean componentSpecified, ActivityRecord[] outActivity, ActivityContainer container, TaskRecord inTask) { int err = ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS; ProcessRecord callerApp = null; if (caller != null) { callerApp = mService.getRecordForAppLocked(caller); if (callerApp != null) { callingPid = callerApp.pid; callingUid = callerApp.info.uid; } else { ......................... } } ........................................... ActivityRecord sourceRecord = null; ActivityRecord resultRecord = null; if (resultTo != null) { sourceRecord = isInAnyStackLocked(resultTo); if (DEBUG_RESULTS) Slog.v(TAG_RESULTS, "Will send result to " + resultTo + " " + sourceRecord); if (sourceRecord != null) { if (requestCode >= 0 && !sourceRecord.finishing) { resultRecord = sourceRecord; } } } final int launchFlags = intent.getFlags(); if ((launchFlags & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT) != 0 && sourceRecord != null) { // Transfer the result target from the source activity to the new // one being started, including any failures. if (requestCode >= 0) { ActivityOptions.abort(options); return ActivityManager.START_FORWARD_AND_REQUEST_CONFLICT; .................................. } } if (err == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS && intent.getComponent() == null) { ................. } if (err == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS && aInfo == null) { ................ } if (err == ActivityManager.START_SUCCESS ................. } ........................................... ActivityRecord r = new ActivityRecord(mService, callerApp, callingUid, callingPackage, intent, resolvedType, aInfo, mService.mConfiguration, resultRecord, resultWho, requestCode, componentSpecified, voiceSession != null, this, container, options); ....................................
err = startActivityUncheckedLocked(r, sourceRecord, voiceSession, voiceInteractor, startFlags, true, options, inTask);
ActivityRecord r = new ActivityRecord(mService, callerApp, callingUid, callingPackage, intent, resolvedType, aInfo, mService.mConfiguration, resultRecord, resultWho, requestCode, componentSpecified, voiceSession != null, this, container, options);
final boolean resumeTopActivityLocked(ActivityRecord prev, Bundle options) { if (mStackSupervisor.inResumeTopActivity) { // Don't even start recursing. return false; } boolean result = false; try { // Protect against recursion. mStackSupervisor.inResumeTopActivity = true; if (mService.mLockScreenShown == ActivityManagerService.LOCK_SCREEN_LEAVING) { mService.mLockScreenShown = ActivityManagerService.LOCK_SCREEN_HIDDEN; mService.updateSleepIfNeededLocked(); } result = resumeTopActivityInnerLocked(prev, options); } finally { mStackSupervisor.inResumeTopActivity = false; } return result; }
private boolean resumeTopActivityInnerLocked(ActivityRecord prev, Bundle options) { ................................. if (mResumedActivity != null) { if (DEBUG_STATES) Slog.d(TAG_STATES, "resumeTopActivityLocked: Pausing " + mResumedActivity); pausing |= startPausingLocked(userLeaving, false, true, dontWaitForPause); } ............................... mStackSupervisor.startSpecificActivityLocked(next, true, true); ........................ return true; }
void startSpecificActivityLocked(ActivityRecord r, boolean andResume, boolean checkConfig) { // Is this activity's application already running? ProcessRecord app = mService.getProcessRecordLocked(r.processName, r.info.applicationInfo.uid, true); r.task.stack.setLaunchTime(r); if (app != null && app.thread != null) { try { if ((r.info.flags&ActivityInfo.FLAG_MULTIPROCESS) == 0 || !"android".equals(r.info.packageName)) { // Don't add this if it is a platform component that is marked // to run in multiple processes, because this is actually // part of the framework so doesn't make sense to track as a // separate apk in the process. app.addPackage(r.info.packageName, r.info.applicationInfo.versionCode, mService.mProcessStats); } realStartActivityLocked(r, app, andResume, checkConfig); return; } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.w(TAG, "Exception when starting activity " + r.intent.getComponent().flattenToShortString(), e); } // If a dead object exception was thrown -- fall through to // restart the application. } mService.startProcessLocked(r.processName, r.info.applicationInfo, true, 0, "activity", r.intent.getComponent(), false, false, true); }
ProcessRecord app = mService.getProcessRecordLocked(r.processName, r.info.applicationInfo.uid, true);
注意,這裡由於是第一次啟動應用程序的Activity,取回來的app為null。在Activity應用程序中的AndroidManifest.xml配置文件中,我們沒有指定Application標簽的process屬性,系統就會默認使用package的名稱。每一個應用程序都有自己的uid,因此,這裡uid + process的組合就可以為每一個應用程序創建一個ProcessRecord。
所以下面if (app != null && app.thread != null)條件不成立,那麼條件裡面realStartActivityLocked 方法就不會執行,而是執行ActivityManagerService.startProcessLocked函數進行下一步操作。
13. ActivityManagerService.startProcessLocked
final ProcessRecord startProcessLocked(String processName, ApplicationInfo info, boolean knownToBeDead, int intentFlags, String hostingType, ComponentName hostingName, boolean allowWhileBooting, boolean isolated, int isolatedUid, boolean keepIfLarge, String abiOverride, String entryPoint, String[] entryPointArgs, Runnable crashHandler) { ............................. app = getProcessRecordLocked(processName, info.uid, keepIfLarge); ................... String hostingNameStr = hostingName != null ? hostingName.flattenToShortString() : null; if (app == null) { checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: creating new process record"); // 創建一個新的ProcessRecord app = newProcessRecordLocked(info, processName, isolated, isolatedUid); if (app == null) { Slog.w(TAG, "Failed making new process record for " + processName + "/" + info.uid + " isolated=" + isolated); return null; } app.crashHandler = crashHandler; checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: done creating new process record"); } else { ............................ } ............................... startProcessLocked( app, hostingType, hostingNameStr, abiOverride, entryPoint, entryPointArgs); ........ return (app.pid != 0) ? app : null; }
app = newProcessRecordLocked(info, processName, isolated, isolatedUid);
mProcessNames.put(proc.processName, proc.uid, proc);
private final void startProcessLocked(ProcessRecord app, String hostingType, String hostingNameStr, String abiOverride, String entryPoint, String[] entryPointArgs) { ............................. try { checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: getting gids from package manager"); final IPackageManager pm = AppGlobals.getPackageManager(); permGids = pm.getPackageGids(app.info.packageName, app.userId); MountServiceInternal mountServiceInternal = LocalServices.getService( MountServiceInternal.class); mountExternal = mountServiceInternal.getExternalStorageMountMode(uid, app.info.packageName); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw e.rethrowAsRuntimeException(); } ..................................... entryPoint = "android.app.ActivityThread" Process.ProcessStartResult startResult = Process.start(entryPoint, app.processName, uid, uid, gids, debugFlags, mountExternal, app.info.targetSdkVersion, app.info.seinfo, requiredAbi, instructionSet, app.info.dataDir, entryPointArgs); ....................... }
public static final ProcessStartResult start(final String processClass, final String niceName, int uid, int gid, int[] gids, int debugFlags, int mountExternal, int targetSdkVersion, String seInfo, String abi, String instructionSet, String appDataDir, String[] zygoteArgs) { try { return startViaZygote(processClass, niceName, uid, gid, gids, debugFlags, mountExternal, targetSdkVersion, seInfo, abi, instructionSet, appDataDir, zygoteArgs); } catch (ZygoteStartFailedEx ex) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Starting VM process through Zygote failed"); throw new RuntimeException( "Starting VM process through Zygote failed", ex); } }
Starts a new process via the zygote mechanism.會通過zygote機制開啟一個新的進程。由於我們導入的類名是android.app.ActivityThread,開啟一個ActivityThread進程,這也是為什麼一個應用程序只有一個ActivityThread,然後會執行他的main方法。
public static void main(String[] args) { ......................... Looper.prepareMainLooper(); ActivityThread thread = new ActivityThread(); thread.attach(false); ...................... Looper.loop(); }
private void attach(boolean system) { ......... final IActivityManager mgr = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault(); try { mgr.attachApplication(mAppThread); } catch (RemoteException ex) { } .................. }
@Override public final void attachApplication(IApplicationThread thread) { synchronized (this) { int callingPid = Binder.getCallingPid(); final long origId = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); attachApplicationLocked(thread, callingPid); Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(origId); } }
private final boolean attachApplicationLocked(IApplicationThread thread, int pid) { ProcessRecord app; if (pid != MY_PID && pid >= 0) { synchronized (mPidsSelfLocked) { app = mPidsSelfLocked.get(pid); } } else { app = null; } ................................. final String processName = app.processName; try { AppDeathRecipient adr = new AppDeathRecipient( app, pid, thread); thread.asBinder().linkToDeath(adr, 0); app.deathRecipient = adr; } catch (RemoteException e) { app.resetPackageList(mProcessStats); startProcessLocked(app, "link fail", processName); return false; } EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.AM_PROC_BOUND, app.userId, app.pid, app.processName); app.makeActive(thread, mProcessStats); app.curAdj = app.setAdj = -100; app.curSchedGroup = app.setSchedGroup = Process.THREAD_GROUP_DEFAULT; app.forcingToForeground = null; updateProcessForegroundLocked(app, false, false); app.hasShownUi = false; app.debugging = false; app.cached = false; app.killedByAm = false; mHandler.removeMessages(PROC_START_TIMEOUT_MSG, app); boolean normalMode = mProcessesReady || isAllowedWhileBooting(app.info); .............. boolean badApp = false; boolean didSomething = false; // See if the top visible activity is waiting to run in this process... if (normalMode) { try { if (mStackSupervisor.attachApplicationLocked(app)) { didSomething = true; } } catch (Exception e) { Slog.wtf(TAG, "Exception thrown launching activities in " + app, e); badApp = true; } } .............................. return true; }
boolean attachApplicationLocked(ProcessRecord app) throws RemoteException { final String processName = app.processName; boolean didSomething = false; for (int displayNdx = mActivityDisplays.size() - 1; displayNdx >= 0; --displayNdx) { ArrayList stacks = mActivityDisplays.valueAt(displayNdx).mStacks; for (int stackNdx = stacks.size() - 1; stackNdx >= 0; --stackNdx) { final ActivityStack stack = stacks.get(stackNdx); if (!isFrontStack(stack)) { continue; } ActivityRecord hr = stack.topRunningActivityLocked(null); if (hr != null) { if (hr.app == null && app.uid == hr.info.applicationInfo.uid && processName.equals(hr.processName)) { try { if (realStartActivityLocked(hr, app, true, true)) { didSomething = true; } } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.w(TAG, "Exception in new application when starting activity " + hr.intent.getComponent().flattenToShortString(), e); throw e; } } } } } if (!didSomething) { ensureActivitiesVisibleLocked(null, 0); } return didSomething; }
final boolean realStartActivityLocked(ActivityRecord r, ProcessRecord app, boolean andResume, boolean checkConfig) throws RemoteException { ..................... app.thread.scheduleLaunchActivity(new Intent(r.intent), r.appToken, System.identityHashCode(r), r.info, new Configuration(mService.mConfiguration), new Configuration(stack.mOverrideConfig), r.compat, r.launchedFromPackage, task.voiceInteractor, app.repProcState, r.icicle, r.persistentState, results, newIntents, !andResume, mService.isNextTransitionForward(), profilerInfo); .......................... return true; }
@Override public final void scheduleLaunchActivity(Intent intent, IBinder token, int ident, ActivityInfo info, Configuration curConfig, Configuration overrideConfig, CompatibilityInfo compatInfo, String referrer, IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor, int procState, Bundle state, PersistableBundle persistentState, ListpendingResults, List pendingNewIntents, boolean notResumed, boolean isForward, ProfilerInfo profilerInfo) { updateProcessState(procState, false); ActivityClientRecord r = new ActivityClientRecord(); r.token = token; r.ident = ident; r.intent = intent; r.referrer = referrer; r.voiceInteractor = voiceInteractor; r.activityInfo = info; r.compatInfo = compatInfo; r.state = state; r.persistentState = persistentState; r.pendingResults = pendingResults; r.pendingIntents = pendingNewIntents; r.startsNotResumed = notResumed; r.isForward = isForward; r.profilerInfo = profilerInfo; r.overrideConfig = overrideConfig; updatePendingConfiguration(curConfig); sendMessage(H.LAUNCH_ACTIVITY, r); }
19. H.handleMessage
public void handleMessage(Message msg) { if (DEBUG_MESSAGES) Slog.v(TAG, ">>> handling: " + codeToString(msg.what)); switch (msg.what) { case LAUNCH_ACTIVITY: { Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, "activityStart"); final ActivityClientRecord r = (ActivityClientRecord) msg.obj; r.packageInfo = getPackageInfoNoCheck( r.activityInfo.applicationInfo, r.compatInfo); handleLaunchActivity(r, null); Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER); } break; ................................... }
private final void handleLaunchActivity(ActivityClientRecord r, Intent customIntent) { ...... Activity a = performLaunchActivity(r, customIntent); if (a != null) { r.createdConfig = new Configuration(mConfiguration); Bundle oldState = r.state; handleResumeActivity(r.token, false, r.isForward); ...... } else { ...... } }
ActivityInfo aInfo = r.activityInfo; if (r.packageInfo == null) { r.packageInfo = getPackageInfo(aInfo.applicationInfo, r.compatInfo, Context.CONTEXT_INCLUDE_CODE); } ComponentName component = r.intent.getComponent(); if (component == null) { component = r.intent.resolveActivity( mInitialApplication.getPackageManager()); r.intent.setComponent(component); } if (r.activityInfo.targetActivity != null) { component = new ComponentName(r.activityInfo.packageName, r.activityInfo.targetActivity); }
Activity activity = null; try { java.lang.ClassLoader cl = r.packageInfo.getClassLoader(); activity = mInstrumentation.newActivity( cl, component.getClassName(), r.intent); StrictMode.incrementExpectedActivityCount(activity.getClass()); r.intent.setExtrasClassLoader(cl); r.intent.prepareToEnterProcess(); if (r.state != null) { r.state.setClassLoader(cl); } } catch (Exception e) { if (!mInstrumentation.onException(activity, e)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to instantiate activity " + component + ": " + e.toString(), e); } }
Application app = r.packageInfo.makeApplication(false, mInstrumentation);
public Application makeApplication(boolean forceDefaultAppClass, Instrumentation instrumentation) { if (mApplication != null) { return mApplication; } Application app = null; String appClass = mApplicationInfo.className; if (forceDefaultAppClass || (appClass == null)) { appClass = "android.app.Application"; } try { java.lang.ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader(); if (!mPackageName.equals("android")) { initializeJavaContextClassLoader(); } ContextImpl appContext = ContextImpl.createAppContext(mActivityThread, this); app = mActivityThread.mInstrumentation.newApplication( cl, appClass, appContext); appContext.setOuterContext(app); } catch (Exception e) { if (!mActivityThread.mInstrumentation.onException(app, e)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to instantiate application " + appClass + ": " + e.toString(), e); } } mActivityThread.mAllApplications.add(app); mApplication = app; if (instrumentation != null) { try { instrumentation.callApplicationOnCreate(app); } catch (Exception e) { if (!instrumentation.onException(app, e)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to create application " + app.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.toString(), e); } } } // Rewrite the R 'constants' for all library apks. SparseArraypackageIdentifiers = getAssets(mActivityThread) .getAssignedPackageIdentifiers(); final int N = packageIdentifiers.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { final int id = packageIdentifiers.keyAt(i); if (id == 0x01 || id == 0x7f) { continue; } rewriteRValues(getClassLoader(), packageIdentifiers.valueAt(i), id); } return app; }
Context appContext = createBaseContextForActivity(r, activity); CharSequence title = r.activityInfo.loadLabel(appContext.getPackageManager()); Configuration config = new Configuration(mCompatConfiguration); if (DEBUG_CONFIGURATION) Slog.v(TAG, "Launching activity " + r.activityInfo.name + " with config " + config); activity.attach(appContext, this, getInstrumentation(), r.token, r.ident, app, r.intent, r.activityInfo, title, r.parent, r.embeddedID, r.lastNonConfigurationInstances, config, r.referrer, r.voiceInteractor);
mInstrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(activity, r.state, r.persistentState);
ToDoList(定制ArrayAdapter) 本文地址: http://blog.csdn.net/caroline_wendy/article/details/
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