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寫在前面: Reference本身是一個接口,表示一個引用,不能直接使用,有四個它的派生類供我們使用,它們分別是:SoftReference,WeakReference,PhantomReference,FinalizerReference .其中SoftReference,WeakReference和 PhantomReference的區別與使用Google一下已經有大把的介紹資料,因此本文對此只簡單說明帶過,主要給大家介紹你不知道的Reference.

一. SoftReference

SoftReference表示一個對象的軟引用, SoftReference所引用的對象在發生GC時,如果該對象只被這個SoftReference所引用,那麼在內存使用情況已經比較緊張的情況下會釋放其所占用的內存,若內存比較充實,則不會釋放其所占用的內存.比較常用於一些Cache的實現.


public class SoftReference extends Reference {

     * Constructs a new soft reference to the given referent. The newly created
     * reference is not registered with any reference queue.
     * @param r the referent to track
    public SoftReference(T r) {
        super(r, null);

     * Constructs a new soft reference to the given referent. The newly created
     * reference is registered with the given reference queue.
     * @param r the referent to track
     * @param q the queue to register to the reference object with. A null value
     *          results in a weak reference that is not associated with any
     *          queue.
    public SoftReference(T r, ReferenceQueue q) {
        super(r, q);





public class WeakReference extends Reference {

     * Constructs a new weak reference to the given referent. The newly created
     * reference is not registered with any reference queue.
     * @param r the referent to track
    public WeakReference(T r) {
        super(r, null);

     * Constructs a new weak reference to the given referent. The newly created
     * reference is registered with the given reference queue.
     * @param r the referent to track
     * @param q the queue to register to the reference object with. A null value
     *          results in a weak reference that is not associated with any
     *          queue.
    public WeakReference(T r, ReferenceQueue q) {
        super(r, q);

三. PhantomReference

PhantomReference表示一個虛引用, 說白了其無法引用一個對象,即對對象的生命周期沒有影響.


public class PhantomReference extends Reference {

     * Constructs a new phantom reference and registers it with the given
     * reference queue. The reference queue may be {@code null}, but this case
     * does not make any sense, since the reference will never be enqueued, and
     * the {@link #get()} method always returns {@code null}.
     * @param r the referent to track
     * @param q the queue to register the phantom reference object with
    public PhantomReference(T r, ReferenceQueue q) {
        super(r, q);

     * Returns {@code null}.  The referent of a phantom reference is not
     * accessible.
     * @return {@code null} (always)
    public T get() {
        return null;



在介紹 ReferenceQueue 之前,先關注下前面介紹的三個引用類的共同的父類Reference.

public abstract class Reference {


     * The object to which this reference refers.
     * VM requirement: this field must be called "referent"
     * and be an object.
    volatile T referent;

     * If non-null, the queue on which this reference will be enqueued
     * when the referent is appropriately reachable.
     * VM requirement: this field must be called "queue"
     * and be a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.
    volatile ReferenceQueue queue;

     * Used internally by java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.
     * VM requirement: this field must be called "queueNext"
     * and be a java.lang.ref.Reference.
    volatile Reference queueNext;

     * Constructs a new instance of this class.
    Reference() {

    Reference(T r, ReferenceQueue q) {
        referent = r;
        queue = q;

     * Adds an object to its reference queue.
     * @return {@code true} if this call has caused the {@code Reference} to
     * become enqueued, or {@code false} otherwise
     * @hide
    public final synchronized boolean enqueueInternal() {
        if (queue != null && queueNext == null) {
            queue = null;
            return true;
        return false;

     * Forces the reference object to be enqueued if it has been associated with
     * a queue.
     * @return {@code true} if this call has caused the {@code Reference} to
     * become enqueued, or {@code false} otherwise
    public boolean enqueue() {
        return enqueueInternal();




public class ReferenceQueue {
    private static final int NANOS_PER_MILLI = 1000000;

    private Reference head;
    private Reference tail;

     * Constructs a new instance of this class.
    public ReferenceQueue() {

     * Returns the next available reference from the queue, removing it in the
     * process. Does not wait for a reference to become available.
     * @return the next available reference, or {@code null} if no reference is
     *         immediately available
    public synchronized Reference poll() {
        if (head == null) {
            return null;

        Reference ret = head;

        if (head == tail) {
            tail = null;
            head = null;
        } else {
            head = head.queueNext;

        ret.queueNext = null;
        return ret;

     * Returns the next available reference from the queue, removing it in the
     * process. Waits indefinitely for a reference to become available.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the blocking call was interrupted
    public Reference remove() throws InterruptedException {
        return remove(0L);

     * Returns the next available reference from the queue, removing it in the
     * process. Waits for a reference to become available or the given timeout
     * period to elapse, whichever happens first.
     * @param timeoutMillis maximum time to spend waiting for a reference object
     *     to become available. A value of {@code 0} results in the method
     *     waiting indefinitely.
     * @return the next available reference, or {@code null} if no reference
     *     becomes available within the timeout period
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code timeoutMillis < 0}.
     * @throws InterruptedException if the blocking call was interrupted
    public synchronized Reference remove(long timeoutMillis)
            throws InterruptedException {
        if (timeoutMillis < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout < 0: " + timeoutMillis);

        if (head != null) {
            return poll();

        // avoid overflow: if total > 292 years, just wait forever
        if (timeoutMillis == 0 || (timeoutMillis > Long.MAX_VALUE / NANOS_PER_MILLI)) {
            do {
            } while (head == null);
            return poll();

        // guaranteed to not overflow
        long nanosToWait = timeoutMillis * NANOS_PER_MILLI;
        int timeoutNanos = 0;

        // wait until notified or the timeout has elapsed
        long startTime = System.nanoTime();
        while (true) {
            wait(timeoutMillis, timeoutNanos);
            if (head != null) {
            long nanosElapsed = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
            long nanosRemaining = nanosToWait - nanosElapsed;
            if (nanosRemaining <= 0) {
            timeoutMillis = nanosRemaining / NANOS_PER_MILLI;
            timeoutNanos = (int) (nanosRemaining - timeoutMillis * NANOS_PER_MILLI);
        return poll();

     * Enqueue the reference object on the receiver.
     * @param reference
     *            reference object to be enqueued.
    synchronized void enqueue(Reference reference) {
        if (tail == null) {
            head = reference;
        } else {
            tail.queueNext = reference;

        // The newly enqueued reference becomes the new tail, and always
        // points to itself.
        tail = reference;
        tail.queueNext = reference;

    /** @hide */
    public static Reference unenqueued = null;

    static void add(Reference list) {
        synchronized (ReferenceQueue.class) {
            if (unenqueued == null) {
                unenqueued = list;
            } else {
                // Find the last element in unenqueued.
                Reference last = unenqueued;
                while (last.pendingNext != unenqueued) {
                  last = last.pendingNext;
                // Add our list to the end. Update the pendingNext to point back to enqueued.
                last.pendingNext = list;
                last = list;
                while (last.pendingNext != list) {
                    last = last.pendingNext;
                last.pendingNext = unenqueued;


public final class Daemons {
     * This heap management thread moves elements from the garbage collector's
     * pending list to the managed reference queue.
    private static class ReferenceQueueDaemon extends Daemon {
        private static final ReferenceQueueDaemon INSTANCE = new ReferenceQueueDaemon();

        ReferenceQueueDaemon() {

        @Override public void run() {
            while (isRunning()) {
                Reference list;
                try {
                    synchronized (ReferenceQueue.class) {
                        while (ReferenceQueue.unenqueued == null) {
                        list = ReferenceQueue.unenqueued;
                        ReferenceQueue.unenqueued = null;
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        private void enqueue(Reference list) {
            Reference start = list;
            do {
                // pendingNext is owned by the GC so no synchronization is required.
                Reference next = list.pendingNext;
                list.pendingNext = null;
                list = next;
            } while (list != start);








五. FinalizerReference.


 * @hide
public final class FinalizerReference extends Reference {
    // This queue contains those objects eligible for finalization.
    public static final ReferenceQueue

可以看到 FinalizerReference內部定義了一個static的ReferenceQueue對象queue.這個queue在add方法中作為FinalizerReference的構造方法參數構造了一個FinalizerReference對象,並將構造的FinalizerReference對象加入到他自身維護的一個隊列中.remove方法從其自身維護的隊列中刪除指定的Reference。另外看到FinalizerReference的get方法返回的是zombie成員。這個成員是在虛擬機中從referent拷貝過來的(後面介紹GC時會詳細說明)。



public final class Daemons {

        private static class FinalizerDaemon extends Daemon {
        private static final FinalizerDaemon INSTANCE = new FinalizerDaemon();
        private final ReferenceQueue



上面提到的FinalizerWatchdogDaemon同樣是定義在Daemons.java中的一個守護線程。它的代碼比較簡單,感興趣的朋友可以去看一下。這裡主要介紹下它的作用。它主要用來監控finalize方法執行的時長,並在finalize執行超時時會拋出finalize() timed out異常並退出進程。所以我們在實現finalize方法的時候一定不能在finalize方法內做太過負責的事情。另外從這裡也看出,如果對象實現了finalize方法,那麼它的內存會等到其finalize方法執行完成才真正釋放,這從某種程度上說也推遲啦GC回收內存的進度。所以不是萬不得已個人是不建議實現finalize方法的。


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