Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which class to instantiate.
Factory Method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses.
首先是普通的 抽象 對象
package com.example.demo.FactoryMethod; /** * 抽象角色 * @author qubian * @data 2015年6月4日 * @email [email protected] * */ public interface Lottery { public String getLotteryName(); }實現:
package com.example.demo.FactoryMethod; /** * 具體角色 * @author qubian * @data 2015年6月4日 * @email [email protected] * */ public class SSQLottery implements Lottery{ @Override public String getLotteryName() { return "雙色球"; } } package com.example.demo.FactoryMethod; /** * 具體角色 * @author qubian * @data 2015年6月4日 * @email [email protected] * */ public class DLTLottery implements Lottery{ @Override public String getLotteryName() { return "大樂透"; } }
package com.example.demo.FactoryMethod; /** * 抽象工廠 * @author qubian * @data 2015年6月4日 * @email [email protected] * */ public interface LotteryFactory { public Lottery getLottery(); }
package com.example.demo.FactoryMethod; /** * 具體工廠 * @author qubian * @data 2015年6月4日 * @email [email protected] * */ public class SSQFactory implements LotteryFactory{ @Override public Lottery getLottery() { return new SSQLottery(); } } package com.example.demo.FactoryMethod; /** * 具體角色 * @author qubian * @data 2015年6月4日 * @email [email protected] * */ public class DLTLottery implements Lottery{ @Override public String getLotteryName() { return "大樂透"; } }
package com.example.demo.FactoryMethod; import android.util.Log; /** * 工廠方法的使用 * * @author qubian * @data 2015年6月4日 * @email [email protected] * */ public class UseFactory { private static final String TAG="UseFactory"; public void use() { //若是需要修改,只需要修改 new SSQFactory(); 即可; // LotteryFactory factory= new SSQFactory(); //此處的操作完成是,接口的操作; // 也就是說:使用工廠模式,調用者只關心產品的接口就可以了, //至於具體的實現,調用者根本無需關心。即使變更了具體的實現,對調用者來說沒有任何影響。 Lottery lottery = factory.getLottery(); Log.i(TAG,lottery.getLotteryName()); } }
1、 關於ArrayList,HashSet,與 Iterator 之間都能算是一種工廠方法;
Setset = new HashSet (); Iterator iterator = set.iterator(); while(iterator.hasNext()) { // 具體操作 } List list =new ArrayList (); Iterator it = list.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { // 具體操作 }
/** * A {@code Set} is a data structure which does not allow duplicate elements. * * @since 1.2 */ public interface Setextends Collection { /** * Returns an iterator on the elements of this {@code List}. The elements are * iterated in the same order as they occur in the {@code List}. * * @return an iterator on the elements of this {@code List}. * @see Iterator */ public Iterator iterator(); } /** * A {@code List} is a collection which maintains an ordering for its elements. Every * element in the {@code List} has an index. Each element can thus be accessed by its * index, with the first index being zero. Normally, {@code List}s allow duplicate * elements, as compared to Sets, where elements have to be unique. */ public interface List extends Collection { /** * Returns an iterator on the elements of this {@code List}. The elements are * iterated in the same order as they occur in the {@code List}. * * @return an iterator on the elements of this {@code List}. * @see Iterator */ public Iterator iterator(); }
自然,ArrayList與HashMap 都有關於其中的實現了。
public class ArrayListextends AbstractList implements Cloneable, Serializable, RandomAccess { @Override public Iterator iterator() { return new ArrayListIterator(); } private class ArrayListIterator implements Iterator { /** Number of elements remaining in this iteration */ private int remaining = size; /** Index of element that remove() would remove, or -1 if no such elt */ private int removalIndex = -1; /** The expected modCount value */ private int expectedModCount = modCount; public boolean hasNext() { return remaining != 0; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public E next() { ArrayList ourList = ArrayList.this; int rem = remaining; if (ourList.modCount != expectedModCount) { throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); } if (rem == 0) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } remaining = rem - 1; return (E) ourList.array[removalIndex = ourList.size - rem]; } public void remove() { Object[] a = array; int removalIdx = removalIndex; if (modCount != expectedModCount) { throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); } if (removalIdx < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } System.arraycopy(a, removalIdx + 1, a, removalIdx, remaining); a[--size] = null; // Prevent memory leak removalIndex = -1; expectedModCount = ++modCount; } } }
JsonOnlineViewer可實現直接在android studio中調試接口數據,可以選擇請求類型,自定義請求頭及請求體,json數據格式化後展示 下載完
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