UsbService,在系統啟動時創建,在該文件中,和usb狀態息息相關的操作類是UsbDeviceManager,大部分的usb以及adb相關的邏輯,在這個類中做處理。UsbDeviceManager中,我們需要關注三部分內容。一、配置文件。二、 private final UEventObserver mUEventObserver = new UEventObserver() ,接受UEvent事件。三、UsbHandler。
mDefaultFunctions = SystemProperties.get(persist.sys.usb.config, adb); // Check if USB mode needs to be overridden depending on OEM specific bootmode. mDefaultFunctions = processOemUsbOverride(mDefaultFunctions); // sanity check the sys.usb.config system property // this may be necessary if we crashed while switching USB configurations String config = SystemProperties.get(sys.usb.config, none); if (!config.equals(mDefaultFunctions)) { Slog.w(TAG, resetting config to persistent property: + mDefaultFunctions); SystemProperties.set(sys.usb.config, mDefaultFunctions); } mCurrentFunctions = mDefaultFunctions;
04-17 14:20:03.352 V/UsbDeviceManager( 759): USB UEVENT: {USB_STATE=DISCONNECTED, SUBSYSTEM=android_usb, SEQNUM=7528, ACTION=change, DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0}然後執行UsbHandler的updateState方法。
private final UEventObserver mUEventObserver = new UEventObserver() { @Override public void onUEvent(UEventObserver.UEvent event) { if (DEBUG) Slog.v(TAG, USB UEVENT: + event.toString()); String state = event.get(USB_STATE); String accessory = event.get(ACCESSORY); if (state != null) { mHandler.updateState(state); } else if (START.equals(accessory)) { if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, got accessory start); startAccessoryMode(); } } };
public void updateState(String state) { int connected, configured; if (DISCONNECTED.equals(state)) { connected = 0; configured = 0; } else if (CONNECTED.equals(state)) { connected = 1; configured = 0; } else if (CONFIGURED.equals(state)) { connected = 1; configured = 1; } else { Slog.e(TAG, unknown state + state); return; } removeMessages(MSG_UPDATE_STATE); Message msg = Message.obtain(this, MSG_UPDATE_STATE); msg.arg1 = connected; msg.arg2 = configured; // debounce disconnects to avoid problems bringing up USB tethering sendMessageDelayed(msg, (connected == 0) ? UPDATE_DELAY : 0); }最後在UsbHandler中進行更新狀態,進而彈出adb以及usb的Notification
case MSG_UPDATE_STATE: mConnected = (msg.arg1 == 1); mConfigured = (msg.arg2 == 1); updateUsbNotification(); updateAdbNotification(); if (containsFunction(mCurrentFunctions, UsbManager.USB_FUNCTION_ACCESSORY)) { updateCurrentAccessory(); } else if (!mConnected) { // restore defaults when USB is disconnected setEnabledFunctions(mDefaultFunctions, false); } if (mBootCompleted) { updateUsbState(); updateAudioSourceFunction(); } break;4、可設置的usb類型有哪些?
public static final String USB_FUNCTION_MASS_STORAGE = mass_storage; /** * Name of the adb USB function. * Used in extras for the {@link #ACTION_USB_STATE} broadcast * * {@hide} */ public static final String USB_FUNCTION_ADB = adb; /** * Name of the RNDIS ethernet USB function. * Used in extras for the {@link #ACTION_USB_STATE} broadcast * * {@hide} */ public static final String USB_FUNCTION_RNDIS = rndis; /** * Name of the MTP USB function. * Used in extras for the {@link #ACTION_USB_STATE} broadcast * * {@hide} */ public static final String USB_FUNCTION_MTP = mtp; /** * Name of the PTP USB function. * Used in extras for the {@link #ACTION_USB_STATE} broadcast * * {@hide} */ public static final String USB_FUNCTION_PTP = ptp; /** * Name of the CHARGING USB function. * Used in extras for the {@link #ACTION_USB_STATE} broadcast * * {@hide} */ public static final String USB_FUNCTION_CHARGING = charging; /** * Name of the audio source USB function. * Used in extras for the {@link #ACTION_USB_STATE} broadcast * * {@hide} */ public static final String USB_FUNCTION_AUDIO_SOURCE = audio_source; /** * Name of the Accessory USB function. * Used in extras for the {@link #ACTION_USB_STATE} broadcast * * {@hide} */ public static final String USB_FUNCTION_ACCESSORY = accessory;這些是其定義。其中adb與charging不能同時兼容。
在用戶操作時,會調用mUsbManager.setCurrentFunction(function, true);
tring function = USB_FUNCTION_DEFAULT; if (preference == mMtp && mMtp.isChecked()) { function = UsbManager.USB_FUNCTION_MTP; } else if (preference == mPtp && mPtp.isChecked()) { function = UsbManager.USB_FUNCTION_PTP; } else if (preference == mCharging && mCharging.isChecked()) { function = UsbManager.USB_FUNCTION_CHARGING; } else if (preference == mSDCard && mSDCard.isChecked()) { function = UsbManager.USB_FUNCTION_MASS_STORAGE; } operateInprogress = true; mUsbManager.setCurrentFunction(function, true); updateToggles(function);USBManager會繼而調用UsbService的setCurrentFunction
@Override public void setCurrentFunction(String function, boolean makeDefault) { mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.MANAGE_USB, null); // If attempt to change USB function while file transfer is restricted, ensure that // the current function is set to none, and return. UserManager userManager = (UserManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.USER_SERVICE); if (userManager.hasUserRestriction(UserManager.DISALLOW_USB_FILE_TRANSFER)) { if (mDeviceManager != null) mDeviceManager.setCurrentFunctions(none, false); return; } if (mDeviceManager != null) { mDeviceManager.setCurrentFunctions(function, makeDefault); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(USB device mode not supported); } }最終還是會調用UsbDeviceManager中的setCurrentFunction。