這段時間學習別人的源碼,需要AndroidAnnotations這個開源的框架,學習下,他的地在:https://github.com/excilys/androidannotations文檔的地址在:https://github.com/excilys/androidannotations/wiki 正如在github上他的主頁上所說:Fast Android Development. Easy maintenance.它具有快速Android開發,易於維護的優點。
@EActivity(R.layout.translate) // Sets content view to R.layout.translate public class TranslateActivity extends Activity { @ViewById // Injects R.id.textInput EditText textInput; @ViewById(R.id.myTextView) // Injects R.id.myTextView TextView result; @AnimationRes // Injects android.R.anim.fade_in Animation fadeIn; @Click // When R.id.doTranslate button is clicked void doTranslate() { translateInBackground(textInput.getText().toString()); } @Background // Executed in a background thread void translateInBackground(String textToTranslate) { String translatedText = callGoogleTranslate(textToTranslate); showResult(translatedText); } @UiThread // Executed in the ui thread void showResult(String translatedText) { result.setText(translatedText); result.startAnimation(fadeIn); } // [...] }//===================================================================
AndroidAnnotations works in a very simple way. It automatically adds an extra compilation step that generates source code, using the standard Java Annotation Processing Tool.
What source code ? For each enhanced class, for example each @EActivity
annotated activity, a subclass of
this activity is generated, with the same name plus an underscore appended at the end.(會生成一個子類)
For instance, the following class:
package com.some.company; @EActivity public class MyActivity extends Activity { // ... }
Will generate the following subclass, in the same package but in another source folder:(生成一個MyActivity_的子類)
package com.some.company; public final class MyActivity_ extends MyActivity { // ... }
This subclass adds behavior to your activity by overriding some methods (for instanceonCreate()
), yet delegating
the calls to super.
That is the reason why you must add _
to your activity names in AndroidManifest.xml
In Android, you usually start an activity this way:
startActivity(this, MyListActivity.class);
However, with AndroidAnnotations, the real activity that must be started isMyListActivity_
startActivity(this, MyListActivity_.class);
Since AndroidAnnotations 2.4
We provide a static helper to let you start the generated activity:
// Starting the activity MyListActivity_.intent(context).start(); // Building an intent from the activity Intent intent = MyListActivity_.intent(context).get(); // You can provide flags MyListActivity_.intent(context).flags(FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP).start(); // You can even provide extras defined with @Extra in the activity MyListActivity_.intent(context).myDateExtra(someDate).start();
Since AndroidAnnotations 2.7
You can also use the startActivityForResult()
In Android, you usually start a service this way:
startService(this, MyService.class);
However, with AndroidAnnotations, the real Service that must be started is MyService_
startService(this, MyService_.class);
Since AndroidAnnotations 2.7
We provide a static helper to let you start the generated service:
// Starting the service MyService_.intent(context).start(); // Building an intent from the activity Intent intent = MyService_.intent(context).build(); // You can provide flags MyService_.intent(context).flags(Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION).start(
1.概述回到正題,這次帶來的效果,是一個Android 的3D立體旋轉的效果。當然靈感的來源,來自早些時間微博上看到的效果圖。非常酷有木有!作為程序猿我當然要把它加入我的
如果沒有特殊要求,我們可以使用Android提供的框架來創建系統樣式的Preference Screen,在其內部可以包含PreferenceCategory和Prefe