首先Launcher實現了LauncherModel.Callbacks接口,APP信息數據加載成功後 ,回調接口把app信息顯示到Launcher的 workspace界面上,這個過程代碼裡面稱為bind。
首先就是Launcher OnCreate中調用LauncherMode startLoader方法,這裡只看異步的方式 就是當前的頁面下標為-1,加載所有app信息
mWZ喎?/kf/ware/vc/" target="_blank" class="keylink">vcmtzcGFjZS5nZXRDdXJyZW50UGFnZSgpzqotMbXEx+m/9qGjPGJyPgogbU1vZGVsLnN0YXJ0TG9hZGVyKHRydWUsIC0xKTsgPGJyPgo8L3A+CjxwPjxicj4KPC9wPgo8cD4g1NpMYXVuY2hlck1vZGXA4LXEc3RhcnRMb2FkZXK3vbeowO/D5qOsztLDx9Do0qrKtcD9u6/P37PMwOAgTG9hZGVyVGFza6OstPOyv7fWuaTX97a81NrV4sDvw+bN6rPJLjxicj4KPC9wPgo8cD5ydW63vbeotcS0+sLro7o8L3A+CjxwPjwvcD4KPHByZSBjbGFzcz0="brush:java;"> keep_running: {
// Elevate priority when Home launches for the first time to avoid
// starving at boot time. Staring at a blank home is not cool.
synchronized (mLock) {
if (DEBUG_LOADERS) Log.d(TAG, "Setting thread priority to " +
(mIsLaunching ? "DEFAULT" : "BACKGROUND"));
if (loadWorkspaceFirst) {
if (DEBUG_LOADERS) Log.d(TAG, "step 1: loading workspace");
} else {
if (DEBUG_LOADERS) Log.d(TAG, "step 1: special: loading all apps");
if (mStopped) {
break keep_running;
// Whew! Hard work done. Slow us down, and wait until the UI thread has
// settled down.
synchronized (mLock) {
if (mIsLaunching) {
if (DEBUG_LOADERS) Log.d(TAG, "Setting thread priority to BACKGROUND");
// second step
if (loadWorkspaceFirst) {
if (DEBUG_LOADERS) Log.d(TAG, "step 2: loading all apps");
} else {
if (DEBUG_LOADERS) Log.d(TAG, "step 2: special: loading workspace");
// Restore the default thread priority after we are done loading items
synchronized (mLock) {
我們定位到 loadAndBindWorkspace 方法 加載workspace界面
private void loadAndBindWorkspace() { mIsLoadingAndBindingWorkspace = true; // Load the workspace if (DEBUG_LOADERS) { Log.d(TAG, "loadAndBindWorkspace mWorkspaceLoaded=" + mWorkspaceLoaded); } if (!mWorkspaceLoaded) { //第一次加載 loadWorkspace(); //加載 synchronized (LoaderTask.this) { if (mStopped) { return; } mWorkspaceLoaded = true; } } // Bind the workspace bindWorkspace(-1);//綁定數據到UI }
loadWorkspace方法就是加載手機裡面的所有app信息,包括app widget, folder 並且存儲到ArrayList中,後面顯示這些東西到UI上。
r = new Runnable() { public void run() { Callbacks callbacks = tryGetCallbacks(oldCallbacks); if (callbacks != null) { callbacks.startBinding();//綁定之前,清理之前的數據,簡單就這麼理解 } } }; runOnMainThread(r);//UI更新需要在主線程中
bindWorkspaceItems(oldCallbacks, currentWorkspaceItems, currentAppWidgets, currentFolders, null);
private void bindWorkspaceItems(final Callbacks oldCallbacks, final ArrayListworkspaceItems, final ArrayList appWidgets, final HashMap folders, ArrayList deferredBindRunnables) { final boolean postOnMainThread = (deferredBindRunnables != null); // Bind the workspace items int N = workspaceItems.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i += ITEMS_CHUNK) { final int start = i; final int chunkSize = (i+ITEMS_CHUNK <= N) ? ITEMS_CHUNK : (N-i); final Runnable r = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Callbacks callbacks = tryGetCallbacks(oldCallbacks); if (callbacks != null) { callbacks.bindItems(workspaceItems, start, start+chunkSize);//顯示app信息到UI上 } } }; if (postOnMainThread) { deferredBindRunnables.add(r); } else { runOnMainThread(r); } } // Bind the folders if (!folders.isEmpty()) { final Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { Callbacks callbacks = tryGetCallbacks(oldCallbacks); if (callbacks != null) { callbacks.bindFolders(folders);//顯示folders } } }; if (postOnMainThread) { deferredBindRunnables.add(r); } else { runOnMainThread(r); } } // Bind the widgets, one at a time N = appWidgets.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { final LauncherAppWidgetInfo widget = appWidgets.get(i); final Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { Callbacks callbacks = tryGetCallbacks(oldCallbacks); if (callbacks != null) { callbacks.bindAppWidget(widget);//綁定AppWidget信息 } } }; if (postOnMainThread) { deferredBindRunnables.add(r); } else { runOnMainThread(r); } } }
public void bindItems(ArrayListshortcuts, int start, int end) { setLoadOnResume(); // Get the list of added shortcuts and intersect them with the set of shortcuts here Set newApps = new HashSet (); newApps = mSharedPrefs.getStringSet(InstallShortcutReceiver.NEW_APPS_LIST_KEY, newApps); Workspace workspace = mWorkspace; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { final ItemInfo item = shortcuts.get(i); // Short circuit if we are loading dock items for a configuration which has no dock if (item.container == LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT && mHotseat == null) { continue; } switch (item.itemType) { case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION: case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT: ShortcutInfo info = (ShortcutInfo) item; String uri = info.intent.toUri(0).toString(); View shortcut = createShortcut(info); workspace.addInScreen(shortcut, item.container, item.screen, item.cellX, item.cellY, 1, 1, false); boolean animateIconUp = false; synchronized (newApps) { if (newApps.contains(uri)) { animateIconUp = newApps.remove(uri); } } if (animateIconUp) { // Prepare the view to be animated up shortcut.setAlpha(0f); shortcut.setScaleX(0f); shortcut.setScaleY(0f); mNewShortcutAnimatePage = item.screen; if (!mNewShortcutAnimateViews.contains(shortcut)) { mNewShortcutAnimateViews.add(shortcut); } } break; case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_FOLDER: FolderIcon newFolder = FolderIcon.fromXml(R.layout.folder_icon, this, (ViewGroup) workspace.getChildAt(workspace.getCurrentPage()), (FolderInfo) item, mIconCache); workspace.addInScreen(newFolder, item.container, item.screen, item.cellX, item.cellY, 1, 1, false); break; } } workspace.requestLayout(); }
workspace.addInScreen(shortcut, item.container, item.screen, item.cellX, item.cellY, 1, 1, false);
最後我們調用 finishBindingItems完成調用,這個方法裡面還包括了滑動和顯示APP動畫方法的處理。
if (mVisible || mWorkspaceLoading) { Runnable newAppsRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { runNewAppsAnimation(false); } }; boolean willSnapPage = mNewShortcutAnimatePage > -1 && mNewShortcutAnimatePage != mWorkspace.getCurrentPage(); if (canRunNewAppsAnimation()) { // If the user has not interacted recently, then either snap to the new page to show // the new-apps animation or just run them if they are to appear on the current page if (willSnapPage) { mWorkspace.snapToPage(mNewShortcutAnimatePage, newAppsRunnable); } else { runNewAppsAnimation(false); } } else { // If the user has interacted recently, then just add the items in place if they // are on another page (or just normally if they are added to the current page) runNewAppsAnimation(willSnapPage); } }
若有問題,請指出,謝謝~ O(∩_∩)O~
本文實例講述了Android TextView中文字通過SpannableString設置屬性的方法。分享給大家供大家參考,具體如下:在Android中,TextView
本文與《利用adt-bundle輕松搭建Android開發環境與Hello world(Windows) 》是姊妹篇,只是這次操作換成了Linux 。拿Ubuntu做例子