屬性的集合,通常在xml文檔中出現,一般來說,你不會想直接去使用它,而是通過能夠為你解釋屬性的Resources.Theme.obtainStyledAttributes()來使用它。特別的,Resources API 將轉換引用資源(好比.xml文件中的"@string/my_label")為你希望的類型。如果,你直接使用AttributeSet,那麼你就要手動的去檢查你的資源應用(通過getAttributeResourceValue(int, int))並且如果需要的話你還要自己去查找資源。直接使用AttributeSet同樣也會在檢查屬性時破壞Application的themes和styles.
XmlPullParser parser = resources.getXml(myResouce); AttributeSet attributes = Xml.asAttributeSet(parser);
這種實現方法不像 XmlPullParser 的綜合實現。在編譯你的資源時,它高效實現了對appt已生成的預算信息檢索的優化,例如getAttributeFloatValue(int, float)返回的是已經存儲在你的編譯資源中的浮點數而不是運行時的./xml文件中的原始字符串
Return the boolean value of 'attribute'.
Return the boolean value of attribute at 'index'.
Returns the number of attributes available in the set.
Return the float value of attribute at 'index'.
Return the float value of 'attribute'.
Return the integer value of 'attribute'.
Return the integer value of attribute at 'index'.
Return the index of the value of 'attribute' in the list 'options'.
Return the index of the value of attribute at 'index' in the list 'options'.
Returns the name of the specified attribute.
Return the resource ID associated with the given attribute name. This will be the identifier for an attribute resource, which can be used by styles. Returns 0 if there is no resource associated with this attribute.
Note that this is different than getAttributeResourceValue(int,
in that it returns a resource identifier for the attribute name; the other method returns this attribute's value as a resource identifier.
Return the value of 'attribute' as a resource identifier.
Note that this is different than getAttributeNameResource(int)
that it returns a the value contained in this attribute as a resource identifier (i.e., a value originally of the form "@package:type/resource"); the other method returns a resource identifier that identifies the name of the attribute.
Return the value of attribute at 'index' as a resource identifier.
Note that this is different than getAttributeNameResource(int)
that it returns a the value contained in this attribute as a resource identifier (i.e., a value originally of the form "@package:type/resource"); the other method returns a resource identifier that identifies the name of the attribute.
Return the integer value of attribute at 'index' that is formatted as an unsigned value. In particular, the formats 0xn...n and #n...n are handled.
Return the boolean value of 'attribute' that is formatted as an unsigned value. In particular, the formats 0xn...n and #n...n are handled.
Returns the value of the specified attribute as a string representation.
Returns the value of the specified attribute as a string representation. The lookup is performed using the attribute name.
Return the value of the "class" attribute or null if there is not one. Equivalent to getAttributeValue(null, "class").
Return the value of the "id" attribute or null if there is not one. Equivalent to getAttributeValue(null, "id").
Return the integer value of the "id" attribute or defaultValue if there is none. Equivalent to getAttributeResourceValue(null, "id", defaultValue);
Returns a description of the current position of the attribute set. For instance, if the attribute set is loaded from an XML document, the position description could indicate the current line number.
Return the value of the "style" attribute or 0 if there is not one. Equivalent to getAttributeResourceValue(null, "style").
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先上圖: 把這些表示觀點的view放在一個LinearLayout裡: 每個Item可以這樣來實現: &n
Android Studio在Android Monitor中包含了一個logcat的tab,可以打印系統事件,比如垃圾回收發生時,實時打印應用消息。為了顯示需要的信息,