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Android 自動化測試(5)(robotium)


關於Android的自動化測試之UI測試,之前介紹過Android 自動化測試(4), 在android原生的單元測試框架上,利用uiautomator.jar這個類庫來完成Android的界面上的測試,這已經使得測試比較簡單了。但還有更加簡單的寫測試的方式,那就是利用一些第三方的測試框架,比如robotium。

Android的第三方的測試框架,有Robolectric 和 robotium,我試著用了下,覺得robotium已經非常好用了。

Robotium provides the following benefits:
Test Android apps, both native and hybrid. 測試安卓應用,native的和hybrid的都支持。
Requires minimal knowledge of the application under test. 需要很少的應用測試的知識
The framework handles multiple Android activities automatically. 框架能自動的支持多個安卓Activities
Minimal time needed to write solid test cases. 花較少的時間就可以寫比較可靠的測試Case
Readability of test cases is greatly improved, compared to standard instrumentation tests. 對比標准的測試,測試Case的可讀性大大提高。
Test cases are more robust due to the run-time binding to UI components. 由於run-time 綁定到了UI不見, 測試Case更加魯棒了。
Fast test case execution. 快速的測試Case的執行
Integrates smoothly with Maven, Gradle or Ant to run tests as part of continuous integration. 和Mave,Gradle,Ant等平滑的集成,跑單元測試,成為持續集成的一個部分。

入門教程和簡單工程搭建見Robotium環境搭建與新手入門教程。 代碼下載見

最核心的類,如之前的所述,當屬控件的搜索和控制。com.robotium.solo.Solo 當然不讓地成為 Robotium框架的核心。
This class contains all the methods that the sub-classes have. It supports test cases that span over multiple activities. Robotium has full support for Activities, Dialogs, Toasts, Menus and Context Menus. When writing tests there is no need to plan for or expect new activities in the test case. All is handled automatically by Robotium-Solo. Robotium-Solo can be used in conjunction with ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2. The test cases are written from a user perspective were technical details are not needed. Example of usage (test case spanning over multiple activities):


Renas Reda, [email protected]

Field Detail


protected final com.robotium.solo.Asserter asserter


protected final com.robotium.solo.ViewFetcher viewFetcher


protected final com.robotium.solo.Checker checker


protected final com.robotium.solo.Clicker clicker


protected final com.robotium.solo.Presser presser


protected final com.robotium.solo.Searcher searcher


protected final com.robotium.solo.ActivityUtils activityUtils


protected final com.robotium.solo.DialogUtils dialogUtils


protected final com.robotium.solo.TextEnterer textEnterer


protected final com.robotium.solo.Rotator rotator


protected final com.robotium.solo.Scroller scroller


protected final com.robotium.solo.Sleeper sleeper


protected final com.robotium.solo.Swiper swiper


protected final com.robotium.solo.Tapper tapper


protected final com.robotium.solo.Waiter waiter


protected final com.robotium.solo.Setter setter


protected final com.robotium.solo.Getter getter


protected final com.robotium.solo.WebUtils webUtils


protected final com.robotium.solo.Sender sender


protected final com.robotium.solo.ScreenshotTaker screenshotTaker


protected final instrumentation


protected final com.robotium.solo.Zoomer zoomer


protected String webUrl


public static final int LANDSCAPE
See Also:Constant Field Values


public static final int PORTRAIT
See Also:Constant Field Values


public static final int RIGHT
See Also:Constant Field Values


public static final int LEFT
See Also:Constant Field Values


public static final int UP
See Also:Constant Field Values


public static final int DOWN
See Also:Constant Field Values


public static final int ENTER
See Also:Constant Field Values


public static final int MENU
See Also:Constant Field Values


public static final int DELETE
See Also:Constant Field Values


public static final int CLOSED
See Also:Constant Field Values


public static final int OPENED
See Also:Constant Field Values Constructor Detail


public Solo( instrumentation,
Constructor that takes the Instrumentation object and the start Activity.

Parameters:instrumentation - the Instrumentation instanceactivity - the start Activity or null if no Activity is specified


public Solo( instrumentation,
            Solo.Config config)
Constructor that takes the Instrumentation and Config objects.

Parameters:instrumentation - the Instrumentation instanceconfig - the Solo.Config instance


public Solo( instrumentation,
            Solo.Config config,
Constructor that takes the Instrumentation, Config and Activity objects.

Parameters:instrumentation - the Instrumentation instanceconfig - the Solo.Config instanceactivity - the start Activity or null if no Activity is specified


public Solo( instrumentation)
Constructor that takes the instrumentation object.

Parameters:instrumentation - the Instrumentation instance Method Detail


public getActivityMonitor()
Returns the ActivityMonitor used by Robotium.

Returns:the ActivityMonitor used by Robotium


public Solo.Config getConfig()
Returns the Config used by Robotium.

Returns:the Config used by Robotium


public ArrayList getViews()
Returns an ArrayList of all the View objects located in the focused Activity or Dialog.

Returns:an ArrayList of the View objects located in the focused window


public ArrayList getViews(android.view.View parent)
Returns an ArrayList of the View objects contained in the parent View.

Parameters:parent - the parent view from which to return the viewsReturns:an ArrayList of the View objects contained in the specified View


public android.view.View getTopParent(android.view.View view)
Returns the absolute top parent View of the specified View.

Parameters:view - the View whose top parent is requestedReturns:the top parent View


public boolean waitForText(String text)
Waits for the specified text to appear. Default timeout is 20 seconds.

Parameters:text - the text to wait for, specified as a regular expressionReturns:true if text is displayed and false if it is not displayed before the timeout


public boolean waitForText(String text,
                           int minimumNumberOfMatches,
                           long timeout)
Waits for the specified text to appear.

Parameters:text - the text to wait for, specified as a regular expressionminimumNumberOfMatches - the minimum number of matches that are expected to be found. 0 means any number of matchestimeout - the the amount of time in milliseconds to waitReturns:true if text is displayed and false if it is not displayed before the timeout


public boolean waitForText(String text,
                           int minimumNumberOfMatches,
                           long timeout,
                           boolean scroll)
Waits for the specified text to appear.

Parameters:text - the text to wait for, specified as a regular expressionminimumNumberOfMatches - the minimum number of matches that are expected to be found. 0 means any number of matchestimeout - the the amount of time in milliseconds to waitscroll - true if scrolling should be performedReturns:true if text is displayed and false if it is not displayed before the timeout


public boolean waitForText(String text,
                           int minimumNumberOfMatches,
                           long timeout,
                           boolean scroll,
                           boolean onlyVisible)
Waits for the specified text to appear.

Parameters:text - the text to wait for, specified as a regular expressionminimumNumberOfMatches - the minimum number of matches that are expected to be found. 0 means any number of matchestimeout - the the amount of time in milliseconds to waitscroll - true if scrolling should be performedonlyVisible - true if only visible text views should be waited forReturns:true if text is displayed and false if it is not displayed before the timeout


public boolean waitForView(int id)
Waits for a View matching the specified resource id. Default timeout is 20 seconds.

Parameters:id - the of the View to wait forReturns:true if the View is displayed and false if it is not displayed before the timeout


public boolean waitForView(int id,
                           int minimumNumberOfMatches,
                           int timeout)
Waits for a View matching the specified resource id.

Parameters:id - the of the View to wait forminimumNumberOfMatches - the minimum number of matches that are expected to be found. 0 means any number of matchestimeout - the amount of time in milliseconds to waitReturns:true if the View is displayed and false if it is not displayed before the timeout


public boolean waitForView(int id,
                           int minimumNumberOfMatches,
                           int timeout,
                           boolean scroll)
Waits for a View matching the specified resource id.

Parameters:id - the of the View to wait forminimumNumberOfMatches - the minimum number of matches that are expected to be found. 0 means any number of matchestimeout - the amount of time in milliseconds to waitscroll - true if scrolling should be performedReturns:true if the View is displayed and false if it is not displayed before the timeout


public  boolean waitForView(Class viewClass)
Waits for a View matching the specified class. Default timeout is 20 seconds.

Parameters:viewClass - the View class to wait forReturns:true if the View is displayed and false if it is not displayed before the timeout


public  boolean waitForView(android.view.View view)
Waits for the specified View. Default timeout is 20 seconds.

Parameters:view - the View object to wait forReturns:true if the View is displayed and false if it is not displayed before the timeout


public  boolean waitForView(android.view.View view,
                                                         int timeout,
                                                         boolean scroll)
Waits for the specified View.

Parameters:view - the View object to wait fortimeout - the amount of time in milliseconds to waitscroll - true if scrolling should be performedReturns:true if the View is displayed and false if it is not displayed before the timeout


public  boolean waitForView(Class viewClass,
                                                         int minimumNumberOfMatches,
                                                         int timeout)
Waits for a View matching the specified class.

Parameters:viewClass - the View class to wait forminimumNumberOfMatches - the minimum number of matches that are expected to be found. 0 means any number of matchestimeout - the amount of time in milliseconds to waitReturns:true if the View is displayed and false if it is not displayed before the timeout


public  boolean waitForView(Class viewClass,
                                                         int minimumNumberOfMatches,
                                                         int timeout,
                                                         boolean scroll)
Waits for a View matching the specified class.

Parameters:viewClass - the View class to wait forminimumNumberOfMatches - the minimum number of matches that are expected to be found. 0 means any number of matchestimeout - the amount of time in milliseconds to waitscroll - true if scrolling should be performedReturns:true if the View is displayed and false if it is not displayed before the timeout


public boolean waitForWebElement(By by)
Waits for a WebElement matching the specified By object. Default timeout is 20 seconds.

Parameters:by - the By object. Examples are:"id") and"name")Returns:true if the WebElement is displayed and false if it is not displayed before the timeout


public boolean waitForWebElement(By by,
                                 int timeout,
                                 boolean scroll)
Waits for a WebElement matching the specified By object.

Parameters:by - the By object. Examples are:"id") and"name")timeout - the the amount of time in milliseconds to waitscroll - true if scrolling should be performedReturns:true if the WebElement is displayed and false if it is not displayed before the timeout


public boolean waitForWebElement(By by,
                                 int minimumNumberOfMatches,
                                 int timeout,
                                 boolean scroll)
Waits for a WebElement matching the specified By object.

Parameters:by - the By object. Examples are:"id") and"name")minimumNumberOfMatches - the minimum number of matches that are expected to be found. 0 means any number of matchestimeout - the the amount of time in milliseconds to waitscroll - true if scrolling should be performedReturns:true if the WebElement is displayed and false if it is not displayed before the timeout


public boolean waitForCondition(Condition condition,
                                int timeout)
Waits for a condition to be satisfied.

Parameters:condition - the condition to wait fortimeout - the amount of time in milliseconds to waitReturns:true if condition is satisfied and false if it is not satisfied before the timeout


public boolean searchEditText(String text)
Searches for a text in the EditText objects currently displayed and returns true if found. Will automatically scroll when needed.

Parameters:text - the text to search forReturns:true if an EditText displaying the specified text is found or false if it is not found


public boolean searchButton(String text)
Searches for a Button displaying the specified text and returns true if at least one Button is found. Will automatically scroll when needed.

Parameters:text - the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expressionReturns:true if a Button displaying the specified text is found and false if it is not found


public boolean searchButton(String text,
                            boolean onlyVisible)
Searches for a Button displaying the specified text and returns true if at least one Button is found. Will automatically scroll when needed.

Parameters:text - the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expressiononlyVisible - true if only Button visible on the screen should be searchedReturns:true if a Button displaying the specified text is found and false if it is not found


public boolean searchToggleButton(String text)
Searches for a ToggleButton displaying the specified text and returns true if at least one ToggleButton is found. Will automatically scroll when needed.

Parameters:text - the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expressionReturns:true if a ToggleButton displaying the specified text is found and false if it is not found


public boolean searchButton(String text,
                            int minimumNumberOfMatches)
Searches for a Button displaying the specified text and returns true if the searched Button is found a specified number of times. Will automatically scroll when needed.

Parameters:text - the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expressionminimumNumberOfMatches - the minimum number of matches expected to be found. 0 matches means that one or more matches are expected to be foundReturns:true if a Button displaying the specified text is found a specified number of times and false if it is not found


public boolean searchButton(String text,
                            int minimumNumberOfMatches,
                            boolean onlyVisible)
Searches for a Button displaying the specified text and returns true if the searched Button is found a specified number of times. Will automatically scroll when needed.

Parameters:text - the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expressionminimumNumberOfMatches - the minimum number of matches expected to be found. 0 matches means that one or more matches are expected to be foundonlyVisible - true if only Button visible on the screen should be searchedReturns:true if a Button displaying the specified text is found a specified number of times and false if it is not found


public boolean searchToggleButton(String text,
                                  int minimumNumberOfMatches)
Searches for a ToggleButton displaying the specified text and returns true if the searched ToggleButton is found a specified number of times. Will automatically scroll when needed.

Parameters:text - the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expressionminimumNumberOfMatches - the minimum number of matches expected to be found. 0 matches means that one or more matches are expected to be foundReturns:true if a ToggleButton displaying the specified text is found a specified number of times and false if it is not found


public boolean searchText(String text)
Searches for the specified text and returns true if at least one item is found displaying the expected text. Will automatically scroll when needed.

Parameters:text - the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expressionReturns:true if the search string is found and false if it is not found


public boolean searchText(String text,
                          boolean onlyVisible)
Searches for the specified text and returns true if at least one item is found displaying the expected text. Will automatically scroll when needed.

Parameters:text - the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expressiononlyVisible - true if only texts visible on the screen should be searchedReturns:true if the search string is found and false if it is not found


public boolean searchText(String text,
                          int minimumNumberOfMatches)
Searches for the specified text and returns true if the searched text is found a specified number of times. Will automatically scroll when needed.

Parameters:text - the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expressionminimumNumberOfMatches - the minimum number of matches expected to be found. 0 matches means that one or more matches are expected to be foundReturns:true if text is found a specified number of times and false if the text is not found


public boolean searchText(String text,
                          int minimumNumberOfMatches,
                          boolean scroll)
Searches for the specified text and returns true if the searched text is found a specified number of times.

Parameters:text - the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression.minimumNumberOfMatches - the minimum number of matches expected to be found. 0 matches means that one or more matches are expected to be foundscroll - true if scrolling should be performedReturns:true if text is found a specified number of times and false if the text is not found


public boolean searchText(String text,
                          int minimumNumberOfMatches,
                          boolean scroll,
                          boolean onlyVisible)
Searches for the specified text and returns true if the searched text is found a specified number of times.

Parameters:text - the text to search for. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression.minimumNumberOfMatches - the minimum number of matches expected to be found. 0 matches means that one or more matches are expected to be foundscroll - true if scrolling should be performedonlyVisible - true if only texts visible on the screen should be searchedReturns:true if text is found a specified number of times and false if the text is not found


public void setActivityOrientation(int orientation)
Sets the Orientation (Landscape/Portrait) for the current Activity.

Parameters:orientation - the orientation to set. Solo.LANDSCAPE for landscape or Solo.PORTRAIT for portrait.


public getCurrentActivity()
Returns the current Activity.

Returns:the current Activity


public void assertCurrentActivity(String message,
                                  String name)
Asserts that the Activity matching the specified name is active.

Parameters:message - the message to display if the assert failsname - the name of the Activity that is expected to be active. Example is: "MyActivity"


public void assertCurrentActivity(String message,
                                  Class activityClass)
Asserts that the Activity matching the specified class is active.

Parameters:message - the message to display if the assert failsactivityClass - the class of the Activity that is expected to be active. Example is: MyActivity.class


public void assertCurrentActivity(String message,
                                  String name,
                                  boolean isNewInstance)
Asserts that the Activity matching the specified name is active, with the possibility to verify that the expected Activity is a new instance of the Activity.

Parameters:message - the message to display if the assert failsname - the name of the Activity that is expected to be active. Example is: "MyActivity"isNewInstance - true if the expected Activity is a new instance of the Activity


public void assertCurrentActivity(String message,
                                  Class activityClass,
                                  boolean isNewInstance)
Asserts that the Activity matching the specified class is active, with the possibility to verify that the expected Activity is a new instance of the Activity.

Parameters:message - the message to display if the assert failsactivityClass - the class of the Activity that is expected to be active. Example is: MyActivity.classisNewInstance - true if the expected Activity is a new instance of the Activity


public void assertMemoryNotLow()
Asserts that the available memory is not considered low by the system.


public boolean waitForDialogToOpen()
Waits for a Dialog to open. Default timeout is 20 seconds.

Returns:true if the Dialog is opened before the timeout and false if it is not opened


public boolean waitForDialogToClose()
Waits for a Dialog to close. Default timeout is 20 seconds.

Returns:true if the Dialog is closed before the timeout and false if it is not closed


public boolean waitForDialogToOpen(long timeout)
Waits for a Dialog to open.

Parameters:timeout - the amount of time in milliseconds to waitReturns:true if the Dialog is opened before the timeout and false if it is not opened


public boolean waitForDialogToClose(long timeout)
Waits for a Dialog to close.

Parameters:timeout - the amount of time in milliseconds to waitReturns:true if the Dialog is closed before the timeout and false if it is not closed


public void goBack()
Simulates pressing the hardware back key.


public void clickOnScreen(float x,
                          float y)
Clicks the specified coordinates.

Parameters:x - the x coordinatey - the y coordinate


public void clickOnScreen(float x,
                          float y,
                          int numberOfClicks)
Clicks the specified coordinates rapidly a specified number of times. Requires API level >= 14.

Parameters:x - the x coordinatey - the y coordinatenumberOfClicks - the number of clicks to perform


public void clickLongOnScreen(float x,
                              float y)
Long clicks the specified coordinates.

Parameters:x - the x coordinatey - the y coordinate


public void clickLongOnScreen(float x,
                              float y,
                              int time)
Long clicks the specified coordinates for a specified amount of time.

Parameters:x - the x coordinatey - the y coordinatetime - the amount of time to long click


public void clickOnButton(String text)
Clicks a Button displaying the specified text. Will automatically scroll when needed.

Parameters:text - the text displayed by the Button. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression


public void clickOnImageButton(int index)
Clicks an ImageButton matching the specified index.

Parameters:index - the index of the ImageButton to click. 0 if only one is available


public void clickOnToggleButton(String text)
Clicks a ToggleButton displaying the specified text.

Parameters:text - the text displayed by the ToggleButton. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression


public void clickOnMenuItem(String text)
Clicks a MenuItem displaying the specified text.

Parameters:text - the text displayed by the MenuItem. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression


public void clickOnMenuItem(String text,
                            boolean subMenu)
Clicks a MenuItem displaying the specified text.

Parameters:text - the text displayed by the MenuItem. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expressionsubMenu - true if the menu item could be located in a sub menu


public void clickOnWebElement(WebElement webElement)
Clicks the specified WebElement.

Parameters:webElement - the WebElement to click


public void clickOnWebElement(By by)
Clicks a WebElement matching the specified By object.

Parameters:by - the By object. Examples are:"id") and"name")


public void clickOnWebElement(By by,
                              int match)
Clicks a WebElement matching the specified By object.

Parameters:by - the By object. Examples are:"id") and"name")match - if multiple objects match, this determines which one to click


public void clickOnWebElement(By by,
                              int match,
                              boolean scroll)
Clicks a WebElement matching the specified By object.

Parameters:by - the By object. Examples are:"id") and"name")match - if multiple objects match, this determines which one to clickscroll - true if scrolling should be performed


public void pressMenuItem(int index)
Presses a MenuItem matching the specified index. Index 0 is the first item in the first row, Index 3 is the first item in the second row and index 6 is the first item in the third row.

Parameters:index - the index of the MenuItem to press


public void pressMenuItem(int index,
                          int itemsPerRow)
Presses a MenuItem matching the specified index. Supports three rows with a specified amount of items. If itemsPerRow equals 5 then index 0 is the first item in the first row, index 5 is the first item in the second row and index 10 is the first item in the third row.

Parameters:index - the index of the MenuItem to pressitemsPerRow - the amount of menu items there are per row


public void pressSoftKeyboardNextButton()
Presses the soft keyboard next button.


public void pressSoftKeyboardSearchButton()
Presses the soft keyboard search button.


public void pressSpinnerItem(int spinnerIndex,
                             int itemIndex)
Presses a Spinner (drop-down menu) item.

Parameters:spinnerIndex - the index of the Spinner menu to useitemIndex - the index of the Spinner item to press relative to the currently selected item. A Negative number moves up on the Spinner, positive moves down


public void clickOnView(android.view.View view)
Clicks the specified View.

Parameters:view - the View to click


public void clickOnView(android.view.View view,
                        boolean immediately)
Clicks the specified View.

Parameters:view - the View to clickimmediately - true if View should be clicked without any wait


public void clickLongOnView(android.view.View view)
Long clicks the specified View.

Parameters:view - the View to long click


public void clickLongOnView(android.view.View view,
                            int time)
Long clicks the specified View for a specified amount of time.

Parameters:view - the View to long clicktime - the amount of time to long click


public void clickOnText(String text)
Clicks a View or WebElement displaying the specified text. Will automatically scroll when needed.

Parameters:text - the text to click. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression


public void clickOnText(String text,
                        int match)
Clicks a View or WebElement displaying the specified text. Will automatically scroll when needed.

Parameters:text - the text to click. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expressionmatch - if multiple objects match the text, this determines which one to click


public void clickOnText(String text,
                        int match,
                        boolean scroll)
Clicks a View or WebElement displaying the specified text.

Parameters:text - the text to click. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expressionmatch - if multiple objects match the text, this determines which one to clickscroll - true if scrolling should be performed


public void clickLongOnText(String text)
Long clicks a View or WebElement displaying the specified text. Will automatically scroll when needed.

Parameters:text - the text to click. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expression


public void clickLongOnText(String text,
                            int match)
Long clicks a View or WebElement displaying the specified text. Will automatically scroll when needed.

Parameters:text - the text to click. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expressionmatch - if multiple objects match the text, this determines which one to click


public void clickLongOnText(String text,
                            int match,
                            boolean scroll)
Long clicks a View or WebElement displaying the specified text.

Parameters:text - the text to click. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expressionmatch - if multiple objects match the text, this determines which one to clickscroll - true if scrolling should be performed


public void clickLongOnText(String text,
                            int match,
                            int time)
Long clicks a View or WebElement displaying the specified text.

Parameters:text - the text to click. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expressionmatch - if multiple objects match the text, this determines which one to clicktime - the amount of time to long click


public void clickLongOnTextAndPress(String text,
                                    int index)
Long clicks a View displaying the specified text and then selects an item from the context menu that appears. Will automatically scroll when needed.

Parameters:text - the text to click. The parameter will be interpreted as a regular expressionindex - the index of the menu item to press. 0 if only one is available


public void clickOnButton(int index)
Clicks a Button matching the specified index.

Parameters:index - the index of the Button to click. 0 if only one is available


public void clickOnRadioButton(int index)
Clicks a RadioButton matching the specified index.

Parameters:index - the index of the RadioButton to click. 0 if only one is available


public void clickOnCheckBox(int index)
Clicks a CheckBox matching the specified index.

Parameters:index - the index of the CheckBox to click. 0 if only one is available


public void clickOnEditText(int index)
Clicks an EditText matching the specified index.

Parameters:index - the index of the EditText to click. 0 if only one is available


public ArrayList clickInList(int line)
Clicks the specified list line and returns an ArrayList of the TextView objects that the list line is displaying. Will use the first ListView it finds.

Parameters:line - the line to clickReturns:an ArrayList of the TextView objects located in the list line


public ArrayList clickInList(int line,
                                                      int index)
Clicks the specified list line in the ListView matching the specified index and returns an ArrayList of the TextView objects that the list line is displaying.

Parameters:line - the line to clickindex - the index of the list. 0 if only one is availableReturns:an ArrayList of the TextView objects located in the list line


public ArrayList clickLongInList(int line)
Long clicks the specified list line and returns an ArrayList of the TextView objects that the list line is displaying. Will use the first ListView it finds.

Parameters:line - the line to clickReturns:an ArrayList of the TextView objects located in the list line


public ArrayList clickLongInList(int line,
                                                          int index)
Long clicks the specified list line in the ListView matching the specified index and returns an ArrayList of the TextView objects that the list line is displaying.

Parameters:line - the line to clickindex - the index of the list. 0 if only one is availableReturns:an ArrayList of the TextView objects located in the list line


public ArrayList clickLongInList(int line,
                                                          int index,
                                                          int time)
Long clicks the specified list line in the ListView matching the specified index and returns an ArrayList of the TextView objects that the list line is displaying.

Parameters:line - the line to clickindex - the index of the list. 0 if only one is availabletime - the amount of time to long clickReturns:an ArrayList of the TextView objects located in the list line


public void clickOnActionBarItem(int id)
Clicks an ActionBarItem matching the specified resource id.

Parameters:id - the of the ActionBar item to click


public void clickOnActionBarHomeButton()
Clicks an ActionBar Home/Up button.


public void drag(float fromX,
                 float toX,
                 float fromY,
                 float toY,
                 int stepCount)
Simulate touching the specified location and dragging it to a new location.

Parameters:fromX - X coordinate of the initial touch, in screen coordinatestoX - X coordinate of the drag destination, in screen coordinatesfromY - Y coordinate of the initial touch, in screen coordinatestoY - Y coordinate of the drag destination, in screen coordinatesstepCount - how many move steps to include in the drag. Less steps results in a faster drag


public boolean scrollDown()
Scrolls down the screen.

Returns:true if more scrolling can be performed and false if it is at the end of the screen


public void scrollToBottom()
Scrolls to the bottom of the screen.


public boolean scrollUp()
Scrolls up the screen.

Returns:true if more scrolling can be performed and false if it is at the top of the screen


public void scrollToTop()
Scrolls to the top of the screen.


public boolean scrollDownList(android.widget.AbsListView list)
Scrolls down the specified AbsListView.

Parameters:list - the AbsListView to scrollReturns:true if more scrolling can be performed


public boolean scrollListToBottom(android.widget.AbsListView list)
Scrolls to the bottom of the specified AbsListView.

Parameters:list - the AbsListView to scrollReturns:true if more scrolling can be performed


public boolean scrollUpList(android.widget.AbsListView list)
Scrolls up the specified AbsListView.

Parameters:list - the AbsListView to scrollReturns:true if more scrolling can be performed


public boolean scrollListToTop(android.widget.AbsListView list)
Scrolls to the top of the specified AbsListView.

Parameters:list - the AbsListView to scrollReturns:true if more scrolling can be performed


public boolean scrollDownList(int index)
Scrolls down a ListView matching the specified index.

Parameters:index - the index of the ListView to scroll. 0 if only one list is availableReturns:true if more scrolling can be performed


public boolean scrollListToBottom(int index)
Scrolls a ListView matching the specified index to the bottom.

Parameters:index - the index of the ListView to scroll. 0 if only one list is availableReturns:true if more scrolling can be performed


public boolean scrollUpList(int index)
Scrolls up a ListView matching the specified index.

Parameters:index - the index of the ListView to scroll. 0 if only one list is availableReturns:true if more scrolling can be performed


public boolean scrollListToTop(int index)
Scrolls a ListView matching the specified index to the top.

Parameters:index - the index of the ListView to scroll. 0 if only one list is availableReturns:true if more scrolling can be performed


public void scrollListToLine(android.widget.AbsListView absListView,
                             int line)
Scroll the specified AbsListView to the specified line.

Parameters:absListView - the AbsListView to scrollline - the line to scroll to


public void scrollListToLine(int index,
                             int line)
Scroll a AbsListView matching the specified index to the specified line.

Parameters:index - the index of the AbsListView to scrollline - the line to scroll to


public void scrollToSide(int side,
                         float scrollPosition,
                         int stepCount)
Scrolls horizontally.

Parameters:side - the side to scroll; RIGHT or LEFTscrollPosition - the position to scroll to, from 0 to 1 where 1 is all the way. Example is: 0.60stepCount - how many move steps to include in the scroll. Less steps results in a faster scroll


public void scrollToSide(int side,
                         float scrollPosition)
Scrolls horizontally.

Parameters:side - the side to scroll; RIGHT or LEFTscrollPosition - the position to scroll to, from 0 to 1 where 1 is all the way. Example is: 0.60


public void scrollToSide(int side)
Scrolls horizontally.

Parameters:side - the side to scroll; RIGHT or LEFT


public void scrollViewToSide(android.view.View view,
                             int side,
                             float scrollPosition,
                             int stepCount)
Scrolls a View horizontally.

Parameters:view - the View to scrollside - the side to scroll; RIGHT or LEFTscrollPosition - the position to scroll to, from 0 to 1 where 1 is all the way. Example is: 0.60stepCount - how many move steps to include in the scroll. Less steps results in a faster scroll


public void scrollViewToSide(android.view.View view,
                             int side,
                             float scrollPosition)
Scrolls a View horizontally.

Parameters:view - the View to scrollside - the side to scroll; RIGHT or LEFTscrollPosition - the position to scroll to, from 0 to 1 where 1 is all the way. Example is: 0.60


public void scrollViewToSide(android.view.View view,
                             int side)
Scrolls a View horizontally.

Parameters:view - the View to scrollside - the side to scroll; RIGHT or LEFT


public void pinchToZoom( startPoint1,
Zooms in or out if startPoint1 and startPoint2 are larger or smaller then endPoint1 and endPoint2. Requires API level >= 14.

Parameters:startPoint1 - First "finger" down on the screenstartPoint2 - Second "finger" down on the screenendPoint1 - Corresponding ending point of startPoint1endPoint2 - Corresponding ending point of startPoint2


public void swipe( startPoint1,
Swipes with two fingers in a linear path determined by starting and ending points. Requires API level >= 14.

Parameters:startPoint1 - First "finger" down on the screenstartPoint2 - Second "finger" down on the screenendPoint1 - Corresponding ending point of startPoint1endPoint2 - Corresponding ending point of startPoint2


public void rotateLarge( center1,
Draws two semi-circles at the specified centers. Both circles are larger than rotateSmall(). Requires API level >= 14.

Parameters:center1 - Center of semi-circle drawn from [0, Pi]center2 - Center of semi-circle drawn from [Pi, 3*Pi]


public void rotateSmall( center1,
Draws two semi-circles at the specified centers. Both circles are smaller than rotateLarge(). Requires API level >= 14.

Parameters:center1 - Center of semi-circle drawn from [0, Pi]center2 - Center of semi-circle drawn from [Pi, 3*Pi]


public void setDatePicker(int index,
                          int year,
                          int monthOfYear,
                          int dayOfMonth)
Sets the date in a DatePicker matching the specified index.

Parameters:index - the index of the DatePicker. 0 if only one is availableyear - the year e.g. 2011monthOfYear - the month which starts from zero e.g. 0 for JanuarydayOfMonth - the day e.g. 10


public void setDatePicker(android.widget.DatePicker datePicker,
                          int year,
                          int monthOfYear,
                          int dayOfMonth)
Sets the date in the specified DatePicker.

Parameters:datePicker - the DatePicker objectyear - the year e.g. 2011monthOfYear - the month which starts from zero e.g. 03 for AprildayOfMonth - the day e.g. 10


public void setTimePicker(int index,
                          int hour,
                          int minute)
Sets the time in a TimePicker matching the specified index.

Parameters:index - the index of the TimePicker. 0 if only one is availablehour - the hour e.g. 15minute - the minute e.g. 30


public void setTimePicker(android.widget.TimePicker timePicker,
                          int hour,
                          int minute)
Sets the time in the specified TimePicker.

Parameters:timePicker - the TimePicker objecthour - the hour e.g. 15minute - the minute e.g. 30


public void setProgressBar(int index,
                           int progress)
Sets the progress of a ProgressBar matching the specified index. Examples of ProgressBars are: SeekBar and RatingBar.

Parameters:index - the index of the ProgressBarprogress - the progress to set the ProgressBar


public void setProgressBar(android.widget.ProgressBar progressBar,
                           int progress)
Sets the progress of the specified ProgressBar. Examples of ProgressBars are: SeekBar and RatingBar.

Parameters:progressBar - the ProgressBarprogress - the progress to set the ProgressBar


public void setNavigationDrawer(int status)
Sets the status of the NavigationDrawer. Examples of status are: Solo.CLOSED and Solo.OPENED.

Parameters:status - the status that the NavigationDrawer should be set to


public void setSlidingDrawer(int index,
                             int status)
Sets the status of a SlidingDrawer matching the specified index. Examples of status are: Solo.CLOSED and Solo.OPENED.

Parameters:index - the index of the SlidingDrawerstatus - the status to set the SlidingDrawer


public void setSlidingDrawer(android.widget.SlidingDrawer slidingDrawer,
                             int status)
Sets the status of the specified SlidingDrawer. Examples of status are: Solo.CLOSED and Solo.OPENED.

Parameters:slidingDrawer - the SlidingDrawerstatus - the status to set the SlidingDrawer


public void enterText(int index,
                      String text)
Enters text in an EditText matching the specified index.

Parameters:index - the index of the EditText. 0 if only one is availabletext - the text to enter in the EditText field


public void enterText(android.widget.EditText editText,
                      String text)
Enters text in the specified EditText.

Parameters:editText - the EditText to enter text intext - the text to enter in the EditText field


public void enterTextInWebElement(By by,
                                  String text)
Enters text in a WebElement matching the specified By object.

Parameters:by - the By object. Examples are:"id") and"name")text - the text to enter in the WebElement field


public void typeText(int index,
                     String text)
Types text in an EditText matching the specified index.

Parameters:index - the index of the EditText. 0 if only one is availabletext - the text to type in the EditText field


public void typeText(android.widget.EditText editText,
                     String text)
Types text in the specified EditText.

Parameters:editText - the EditText to type text intext - the text to type in the EditText field


public void typeTextInWebElement(By by,
                                 String text)
Types text in a WebElement matching the specified By object.

Parameters:by - the By object. Examples are:"id") and"name")text - the text to enter in the WebElement field


public void typeTextInWebElement(By by,
                                 String text,
                                 int match)
Types text in a WebElement matching the specified By object.

Parameters:by - the By object. Examples are:"id") and"name")text - the text to enter in the WebElement fieldmatch - if multiple objects match, this determines which one will be typed in


public void typeTextInWebElement(WebElement webElement,
                                 String text)
Types text in the specified WebElement.

Parameters:webElement - the WebElement to type text intext - the text to enter in the WebElement field


public void clearEditText(int index)
Clears the value of an EditText.

Parameters:index - the index of the EditText to clear. 0 if only one is available


public void clearEditText(android.widget.EditText editText)
Clears the value of an EditText.

Parameters:editText - the EditText to clear


public void clearTextInWebElement(By by)
Clears text in a WebElement matching the specified By object.

Parameters:by - the By object. Examples are:"id") and"name")


public void clickOnImage(int index)
Clicks an ImageView matching the specified index.

Parameters:index - the index of the ImageView to click. 0 if only one is available


public android.widget.EditText getEditText(int index)
Returns an EditText matching the specified index.

Parameters:index - the index of the EditText. 0 if only one is availableReturns:an EditText matching the specified index


public android.widget.Button getButton(int index)
Returns a Button matching the specified index.

Parameters:index - the index of the Button. 0 if only one is availableReturns:a Button matching the specified index


public android.widget.TextView getText(int index)
Returns a TextView matching the specified index.

Parameters:index - the index of the TextView. 0 if only one is availableReturns:a TextView matching the specified index


public android.widget.ImageView getImage(int index)
Returns an ImageView matching the specified index.

Parameters:index - the index of the ImageView. 0 if only one is availableReturns:an ImageView matching the specified index


public android.widget.ImageButton getImageButton(int index)
Returns an ImageButton matching the specified index.

Parameters:index - the index of the ImageButton. 0 if only one is availableReturns:the ImageButton matching the specified index


public android.widget.TextView getText(String text)
Returns a TextView displaying the specified text.

Parameters:text - the text that is displayed, specified as a regular expressionReturns:the TextView displaying the specified text


public android.widget.TextView getText(String text,
                                       boolean onlyVisible)
Returns a TextView displaying the specified text.

Parameters:text - the text that is displayed, specified as a regular expressiononlyVisible - true if only visible texts on the screen should be returnedReturns:the TextView displaying the specified text


public android.widget.Button getButton(String text)
Returns a Button displaying the specified text.

Parameters:text - the text that is displayed, specified as a regular expressionReturns:the Button displaying the specified text


public android.widget.Button getButton(String text,
                                       boolean onlyVisible)
Returns a Button displaying the specified text.

Parameters:text - the text that is displayed, specified as a regular expressiononlyVisible - true if only visible buttons on the screen should be returnedReturns:the Button displaying the specified text


public android.widget.EditText getEditText(String text)
Returns an EditText displaying the specified text.

Parameters:text - the text that is displayed, specified as a regular expressionReturns:the EditText displaying the specified text


public android.widget.EditText getEditText(String text,
                                           boolean onlyVisible)
Returns an EditText displaying the specified text.

Parameters:text - the text that is displayed, specified as a regular expressiononlyVisible - true if only visible EditTexts on the screen should be returnedReturns:the EditText displaying the specified text


public android.view.View getView(int id)
Returns a View matching the specified resource id.

Parameters:id - the of the View to returnReturns:a View matching the specified id


public android.view.View getView(int id,
                                 int index)
Returns a View matching the specified resource id and index.

Parameters:id - the of the View to returnindex - the index of the View. 0 if only one is availableReturns:a View matching the specified id and index


public android.view.View getView(String id)
Returns a View matching the specified resource id.

Parameters:id - the id of the View to returnReturns:a View matching the specified id


public android.view.View getView(String id,
                                 int index)
Returns a View matching the specified resource id and index.

Parameters:id - the id of the View to returnindex - the index of the View. 0 if only one is availableReturns:a View matching the specified id and index


public  T getView(Class viewClass,
                                               int index)
Returns a View matching the specified class and index.

Parameters:viewClass - the class of the requested viewindex - the index of the View. 0 if only one is availableReturns:a View matching the specified class and index


public WebElement getWebElement(By by,
                                int index)
Returns a WebElement matching the specified By object and index.

Parameters:by - the By object. Examples are:"id") and"name")index - the index of the WebElement. 0 if only one is availableReturns:a WebElement matching the specified index


public String getWebUrl()
Returns the current web page URL.

Returns:the current web page URL


public ArrayList getCurrentViews()
Returns an ArrayList of the Views currently displayed in the focused Activity or Dialog.

Returns:an ArrayList of the View objects currently displayed in the focused window


public  ArrayList getCurrentViews(Class classToFilterBy)
Returns an ArrayList of Views matching the specified class located in the focused Activity or Dialog.

Parameters:classToFilterBy - return all instances of this class. Examples are: Button.class or ListView.classReturns:an ArrayList of Views matching the specified Class located in the current Activity


public  ArrayList getCurrentViews(Class classToFilterBy,
                                                                  boolean includeSubclasses)
Returns an ArrayList of Views matching the specified class located in the focused Activity or Dialog.

Parameters:classToFilterBy - return all instances of this class. Examples are: Button.class or ListView.classincludeSubclasses - include instances of the subclasses in the ArrayList that will be returnedReturns:an ArrayList of Views matching the specified Class located in the current Activity


public  ArrayList getCurrentViews(Class classToFilterBy,
                                                                  android.view.View parent)
Returns an ArrayList of Views matching the specified class located under the specified parent.

Parameters:classToFilterBy - return all instances of this class. Examples are: Button.class or ListView.classparent - the parent View for where to start the traversalReturns:an ArrayList of Views matching the specified Class located under the specified parent


public  ArrayList getCurrentViews(Class classToFilterBy,
                                                                  boolean includeSubclasses,
                                                                  android.view.View parent)
Returns an ArrayList of Views matching the specified class located under the specified parent.

Parameters:classToFilterBy - return all instances of this class. Examples are: Button.class or ListView.classincludeSubclasses - include instances of subclasses in the ArrayList that will be returnedparent - the parent View for where to start the traversalReturns:an ArrayList of Views matching the specified Class located under the specified parent


public ArrayList getWebElements()
Returns an ArrayList of all the WebElements displayed in the active WebView.

Returns:an ArrayList of all the WebElement objects currently displayed in the active WebView


public ArrayList getWebElements(By by)
Returns an ArrayList of all the WebElements displayed in the active WebView matching the specified By object.

Parameters:by - the By object. Examples are:"id") and"name")Returns:an ArrayList of all the WebElement objects displayed in the active WebView


public ArrayList getCurrentWebElements()
Returns an ArrayList of the currently displayed WebElements in the active WebView.

Returns:an ArrayList of the WebElement objects displayed in the active WebView


public ArrayList getCurrentWebElements(By by)
Returns an ArrayList of the currently displayed WebElements in the active WebView matching the specified By object.

Parameters:by - the By object. Examples are:"id") and"name")Returns:an ArrayList of the WebElement objects currently displayed in the active WebView


public boolean isRadioButtonChecked(int index)
Checks if a RadioButton matching the specified index is checked.

Parameters:index - of the RadioButton to check. 0 if only one is availableReturns:true if RadioButton is checked and false if it is not checked


public boolean isRadioButtonChecked(String text)
Checks if a RadioButton displaying the specified text is checked.

Parameters:text - the text that the RadioButton displays, specified as a regular expressionReturns:true if a RadioButton matching the specified text is checked and false if it is not checked


public boolean isCheckBoxChecked(int index)
Checks if a CheckBox matching the specified index is checked.

Parameters:index - of the CheckBox to check. 0 if only one is availableReturns:true if CheckBox is checked and false if it is not checked


public boolean isToggleButtonChecked(String text)
Checks if a ToggleButton displaying the specified text is checked.

Parameters:text - the text that the ToggleButton displays, specified as a regular expressionReturns:true if a ToggleButton matching the specified text is checked and false if it is not checked


public boolean isToggleButtonChecked(int index)
Checks if a ToggleButton matching the specified index is checked.

Parameters:index - of the ToggleButton to check. 0 if only one is availableReturns:true if ToggleButton is checked and false if it is not checked


public boolean isCheckBoxChecked(String text)
Checks if a CheckBox displaying the specified text is checked.

Parameters:text - the text that the CheckBox displays, specified as a regular expressionReturns:true if a CheckBox displaying the specified text is checked and false if it is not checked


public boolean isTextChecked(String text)
Checks if the specified text is checked.

Parameters:text - the text that the CheckedTextView or CompoundButton objects display, specified as a regular expressionReturns:true if the specified text is checked and false if it is not checked


public boolean isSpinnerTextSelected(String text)
Checks if the specified text is selected in any Spinner located in the current screen.

Parameters:text - the text that is expected to be selected, specified as a regular expressionReturns:true if the specified text is selected in any Spinner and false if it is not


public boolean isSpinnerTextSelected(int index,
                                     String text)
Checks if the specified text is selected in a Spinner matching the specified index.

Parameters:index - the index of the spinner to check. 0 if only one spinner is availabletext - the text that is expected to be selected, specified as a regular expressionReturns:true if the specified text is selected in the specified Spinner and false if it is not


public void hideSoftKeyboard()
Hides the soft keyboard.


public void unlockScreen()
Unlocks the lock screen.


public void sendKey(int key)
Sends a key: Right, Left, Up, Down, Enter, Menu or Delete.

Parameters:key - the key to be sent. Use Solo.RIGHT, LEFT, UP, DOWN, ENTER, MENU, DELETE


public void goBackToActivity(String name)
Returns to an Activity matching the specified name.

Parameters:name - the name of the Activity to return to. Example is: "MyActivity"


public boolean waitForActivity(String name)
Waits for an Activity matching the specified name. Default timeout is 20 seconds.

Parameters:name - the name of the Activity to wait for. Example is: "MyActivity"Returns:true if Activity appears before the timeout and false if it does not


public boolean waitForActivity(String name,
                               int timeout)
Waits for an Activity matching the specified name.

Parameters:name - the name of the Activity to wait for. Example is: "MyActivity"timeout - the amount of time in milliseconds to waitReturns:true if Activity appears before the timeout and false if it does not


public boolean waitForActivity(Class activityClass)
Waits for an Activity matching the specified class. Default timeout is 20 seconds.

Parameters:activityClass - the class of the Activity to wait for. Example is: MyActivity.classReturns:true if Activity appears before the timeout and false if it does not


public boolean waitForActivity(Class activityClass,
                               int timeout)
Waits for an Activity matching the specified class.

Parameters:activityClass - the class of the Activity to wait for. Example is: MyActivity.classtimeout - the amount of time in milliseconds to waitReturns:true if Activity appears before the timeout and false if it does not


public boolean waitForEmptyActivityStack(int timeout)
Wait for the activity stack to be empty.

Parameters:timeout - the amount of time in milliseconds to waitReturns:true if activity stack is empty before the timeout and false if it is not


public boolean waitForFragmentByTag(String tag)
Waits for a Fragment matching the specified tag. Default timeout is 20 seconds.

Parameters:tag - the name of the tagReturns:true if fragment appears and false if it does not appear before the timeout


public boolean waitForFragmentByTag(String tag,
                                    int timeout)
Waits for a Fragment matching the specified tag.

Parameters:tag - the name of the tagtimeout - the amount of time in milliseconds to waitReturns:true if fragment appears and false if it does not appear before the timeout


public boolean waitForFragmentById(int id)
Waits for a Fragment matching the specified resource id. Default timeout is 20 seconds.

Parameters:id - the of the fragmentReturns:true if fragment appears and false if it does not appear before the timeout


public boolean waitForFragmentById(int id,
                                   int timeout)
Waits for a Fragment matching the specified resource id.

Parameters:id - the of the fragmenttimeout - the amount of time in milliseconds to waitReturns:true if fragment appears and false if it does not appear before the timeout


public boolean waitForLogMessage(String logMessage)
Waits for the specified log message to appear. Default timeout is 20 seconds. Requires read logs permission (android.permission.READ_LOGS) in AndroidManifest.xml of the application under test.

Parameters:logMessage - the log message to wait forReturns:true if log message appears and false if it does not appear before the timeoutSee Also:clearLog()


public boolean waitForLogMessage(String logMessage,
                                 int timeout)
Waits for the specified log message to appear. Requires read logs permission (android.permission.READ_LOGS) in AndroidManifest.xml of the application under test.

Parameters:logMessage - the log message to wait fortimeout - the amount of time in milliseconds to waitReturns:true if log message appears and false if it does not appear before the timeoutSee Also:clearLog()


public void clearLog()
Clears the log.


public String getString(int id)
Returns a localized String matching the specified resource id.

Parameters:id - the of the StringReturns:the localized String


public String getString(String id)
Returns a localized String matching the specified resource id.

Parameters:id - the id of the StringReturns:the localized String


public void sleep(int time)
Robotium will sleep for the specified time.

Parameters:time - the time in milliseconds that Robotium should sleep


public void finalize()
              throws Throwable
Finalizes the Solo object and removes the ActivityMonitor.

Overrides:finalize in class Object Throws:ThrowableSee Also:finishOpenedActivities() to close the activities that have been active


public void finishOpenedActivities()
The Activities that are alive are finished. Usually used in tearDown().


public void takeScreenshot()
Takes a screenshot and saves it in the Solo.Config objects save path (default set to: /sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/). Requires write permission (android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) in AndroidManifest.xml of the application under test.


public void takeScreenshot(String name)
Takes a screenshot and saves it with the specified name in the Solo.Config objects save path (default set to: /sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/). Requires write permission (android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) in AndroidManifest.xml of the application under test.

Parameters:name - the name to give the screenshot


public void takeScreenshot(String name,
                           int quality)
Takes a screenshot and saves the image with the specified name in the Solo.Config objects save path (default set to: /sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/). Requires write permission (android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) in AndroidManifest.xml of the application under test.

Parameters:name - the name to give the screenshotquality - the compression rate. From 0 (compress for lowest size) to 100 (compress for maximum quality)


public void startScreenshotSequence(String name)
Takes a screenshot sequence and saves the images with the specified name prefix in the Solo.Config objects save path (default set to: /sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/). The name prefix is appended with "_" + sequence_number for each image in the sequence, where numbering starts at 0. Requires write permission (android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) in AndroidManifest.xml of the application under test. At present multiple simultaneous screenshot sequences are not supported. This method will throw an exception if stopScreenshotSequence() has not been called to finish any prior sequences. Calling this method is equivalend to calling startScreenshotSequence(name, 80, 400, 100);

Parameters:name - the name prefix to give the screenshot


public void startScreenshotSequence(String name,
                                    int quality,
                                    int frameDelay,
                                    int maxFrames)
Takes a screenshot sequence and saves the images with the specified name prefix in the Solo.Config objects save path (default set to: /sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/). The name prefix is appended with "_" + sequence_number for each image in the sequence, where numbering starts at 0. Requires write permission (android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) in the AndroidManifest.xml of the application under test. Taking a screenshot will take on the order of 40-100 milliseconds of time on the main UI thread. Therefore it is possible to mess up the timing of tests if the frameDelay value is set too small. At present multiple simultaneous screenshot sequences are not supported. This method will throw an exception if stopScreenshotSequence() has not been called to finish any prior sequences.

Parameters:name - the name prefix to give the screenshotquality - the compression rate. From 0 (compress for lowest size) to 100 (compress for maximum quality)frameDelay - the time in milliseconds to wait between each framemaxFrames - the maximum number of frames that will comprise this sequence


package com.robotium.test;

import com.robotium.solo.Solo;
import android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2;

public class NotePadTest extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2{

	private Solo solo;

	public NotePadTest() {


	public void setUp() throws Exception {
		//setUp() is run before a test case is started. 
		//This is where the solo object is created.
		solo = new Solo(getInstrumentation(), getActivity());

	public void tearDown() throws Exception {
		//tearDown() is run after a test case has finished. 
		//finishOpenedActivities() will finish all the activities that have been opened during the test execution.

	public void testAddNote() throws Exception {
		//Unlock the lock screen
		solo.clickOnMenuItem("Add note");
		//Assert that NoteEditor activity is opened
		solo.assertCurrentActivity("Expected NoteEditor activity", "NoteEditor");
		//In text field 0, enter Note 1
		solo.enterText(0, "Note 1");
		//Clicks on menu item
		solo.clickOnMenuItem("Add note");
		//In text field 0, type Note 2
		solo.typeText(0, "Note 2");
		//Go back to first activity
		//Takes a screenshot and saves it in "/sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/".
		boolean notesFound = solo.searchText("Note 1") && solo.searchText("Note 2");
		//Assert that Note 1 & Note 2 are found
		assertTrue("Note 1 and/or Note 2 are not found", notesFound);

	public void testEditNote() throws Exception {
		// Click on the second list line
		//Hides the soft keyboard
		// Change orientation of activity
		// Change title
		solo.clickOnMenuItem("Edit title");
		//In first text field (0), add test
		solo.enterText(0, " test");
		// (Regexp) case insensitive
		boolean noteFound = solo.waitForText("(?i).*?note 1 test"); 
		//Assert that Note 1 test is found
		assertTrue("Note 1 test is not found", noteFound); 

	public void testRemoveNote() throws Exception {
		//(Regexp) case insensitive/text that contains "test"
		//Delete Note 1 test
		//Note 1 test should not be found
		boolean noteFound = solo.searchText("Note 1 test");
		//Assert that Note 1 test is not found
		assertFalse("Note 1 Test is found", noteFound);  
		solo.clickLongOnText("Note 2");
		//Clicks on Delete in the context menu
		//Will wait 100 milliseconds for the text: "Note 2"
		noteFound = solo.waitForText("Note 2", 1, 100);
		//Assert that Note 2 is not found
		assertFalse("Note 2 is found", noteFound);  


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