Failed to create Context 0x3005
emulator: WARNING:Could not initialize OpenglES emulation, using software renderer............................
糾結了好半天,試了好多辦法也都不好使,最好在google code的一個論壇找到了一個解決方法:
I ran into this yesterday. Make sure your graphics card driver is up to date.
1. Installed the Andoird Bundle.
2. Created an AVD.
3. Clicked the start button and the emulator does not open.
4. No error messages are reported as the "Starting Android Emulator" dialogue times out.
We tried running the emulator.exe from the command line (emulator -avd <name>) and noticed that Open GL was erroring out. But interestingly the emulator-x86 -avd <name> would actually work and fire up the emulator.
We then tried, as noted above, to move the four DLLs from the /tools/lib directory to the /tools directory. Even more interestingly after we did that the emulator-x86 stopped working and begin pitching a fit about the Open GLes.
So we downloaded the newest graphics driver, left the dlls in the /tool directory and finally the emulator would fire up from Eclipse (as well as the command line).
Hope this helps you.
重點就在於newest graphics driver,最新顯卡驅動,所以安裝了一個驅動精靈檢查了下,發現顯卡驅動是2008年的版本,果斷升級到最新版本,然後重啟機器,Back in business.
轉載請注明出處 http://blog.csdn.net/typename/ powered by miechal zhao : miechalzhao@gmail.
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