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android - 為安全而設計 - 1 - 開發文檔翻譯


Designing for Security
Android was designed so that most developers will be able to build applications using the default settings and not be confronted with difficult decisions about security.
Android also has a number of security features built into the operating system that significantly reduce the frequency and impact of application security issues.
Some of the security features that help developers build secure applications include:
1.The Android Application Sandbox that isolates data and code execution on a per-application basis.
2.Android application framework with robust implementations of common security functionality such as cryptography, permissions, and secure IPC.
3.Technologies like ASLR, NX, ProPolice, safe_iop, OpenBSD dlmalloc, OpenBSD calloc, and Linux mmap_min_addr to mitigate risks associated with common memory management errors
4.An encrypted filesystem that can be enabled to protect data on lost or stolen devices.
3.ASLR, NX, ProPolice, safe_iop, OpenBSD dlmalloc, OpenBSD calloc和Linux mmap_min_addr技術用來減輕與常見的內存管理錯誤相關的風險
Nevertheless, it is important for developers to be familiar with Android security best practices to make sure they take advantage of these capabilities and to reduce the likelihood of inadvertently introducing security issues that can affect their applications.
This document is organized around common APIs and development techniques that can have security implications for your application and its users.
As these best practices are constantly evolving, we recommend you check back occasionally throughout your application development process.
Using Dalvik Code
Writing secure code that runs in virtual machines is a well-studied topic and many of the issues are not specific to Android.
Rather than attempting to rehash these topics, we’d recommend that you familiarize yourself with the existing literature.
Two of the more popular resources are:
This document is focused on the areas which are Android specific and/or different from other environments.
For developers experienced with VM programming in other environments, there are two broad issues that may be different about writing apps for Android:
Some virtual machines, such as the JVM or .net runtime, act as a security boundary, isolating code from the underlying operating system capabilities.
On Android, the Dalvik VM is not a security boundary -- the application sandbox is implemented at the OS level, so Dalvik can interoperate with native code in the same application without any security constraints.
在Android上,Dalvik VM不是一個安全邊界-- 應用沙箱是在系統級別實現的,所以Dalvik可以在同一個應用與native代碼相互操作沒有任何約束。
Given the limited storage on mobile devices, it’s common for developers to want to build modular applications and use dynamic class loading.
When doing this consider both the source where you retrieve your application logic and where you store it locally.
Do not use dynamic class loading from sources that are not verified, such as unsecured network sources or external storage, since that code can be modified to include malicious behavior.
當這麼做的時候,要考慮兩個資源一個是  你在哪裡恢復你的應用邏輯  另一個是你在哪裡存儲它們
Using Native Code
In general, we encourage developers to use the Android SDK for most application development, rather than using native code.
Applications built with native code are more complex, less portable, and more like to include common memory corruption errors such as buffer overflows.
一般來說,對於大多數應用開發,我們鼓勵開發者使用Android SDK而不是使用native代碼
Android is built using the Linux kernel and being familiar with Linux development security best practices is especially useful if you are going to use native code.
This document is too short to discuss all of those best practices, but one of the most popular resources is “Secure Programming for Linux and Unix HOWTO”, available at
這篇文檔討論這些所有的最佳實踐實在太短了,但是最受歡迎的資源之一是“Secure Programming for Linux and Unix HOWTO”,在這裡可以找到
An important difference between Android and most Linux environments is the Application Sandbox.
On Android, all applications run in the Application Sandbox, including those written with native code.
At the most basic level, a good way to think about it for developers familiar with Linux is to know that every application is given a unique UID with very limited permissions.
This is discussed in more detail in the Android Security Overview and you should be familiar with application permissions even if you are using native code.
這裡討論的比Android Security Overview中更細節化,你應該熟悉應用許可,即使你使用的是native代碼
Storing Data
Using internal files
By default, files created on internal storage are only accessible to the application that created the file.
This protection is implemented by Android and is sufficient for most applications.
Use of world writable or world readable files for IPC is discouraged because it does not provide the ability to limit data access to particular applications, nor does it provide any control on data format.
As an alternative, you might consider using a ContentProvider which provides read and write permissions, and can make dynamic permission grants on a case-by-case basis.
IPC(進程間通信)使用world writable或者world readable文件是令人沮喪的,因為它不提供對特定應用限制數據訪問的能力,也不提供任何數據格式化控制。
To provide additional protection for sensitive data, some applications choose to encrypt local files using a key that is not accessible to the application. (For example, a key can be placed in a KeyStore and protected with a user password that is not stored on the device).
While this does not protect data from a root compromise that can monitor the user inputting the password, it can provide protection for a lost device without file system encryption.
Using external storage
Files created on external storage, such as SD Cards, are globally readable and writable.
Since external storage can be removed by the user and also modified by any application, applications should not store sensitive information using external storage.
As with data from any untrusted source, applications should perform input validation when handling data from external storage (see Input Validation section).
We strongly recommend that applications not store executables or class files on external storage prior to dynamic loading.
If an application does retrieve executable files from external storage they should be signed and cryptographically verified prior to dynamic loading.
Using content providers
使用content providers
ContentProviders provide a structured storage mechanism that can be limited to your own application, or exported to allow access by other applications.
By default, a ContentProvider is exported for use by other applications.
If you do not intend to provide other applications with access to your ContentProvider, mark them as android:exported=false in the application manifest.
默認的,一個ContentProvider由其他應用為使用而導出。(for using?)
When creating a ContentProvider that will be exported for use by other applications, you can specify a single permission for reading and writing, or distinct permissions for reading and writing within the manifest.
We recommend that you limit your permissions to those required to accomplish the task at hand.
Keep in mind that it’s usually easier to add permissions later to expose new functionality than it is to take them away and break existing users.
If you are using a ContentProvider for sharing data between applications built by the same developer, it is preferable to use signature level permissions.
Signature permissions do not require user confirmation, so they provide a better user experience and more controlled access to the ContentProvider.
ContentProviders can also provide more granular access by declaring the grantUriPermissions element and using the FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION and FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION flags in the Intent object that activates the component.
The scope of these permissions can be further limited by the grant-uri-permission element.
When accessing a ContentProvider, use parameterized query methods such as query(), update(), and delete() to avoid potential SQL Injection from untrusted data.
Note that using parameterized methods is not sufficient if the selection is built by concatenating user data prior to submitting it to the method.
當訪問一個ContentProvider時,使用參數化的查詢方法,比如query(), update(),和delete()來避免來自不被新人的數據潛在的SQL注入。
Do not have a false sense of security about the write permission.
Consider that the write permission allows SQL statements which make it possible for some data to be confirmed using creative WHERE clauses and parsing the results.
For example, an attacker might probe for presence of a specific phone number in a call-log by modifying a row only if that phone number already exists.
If the content provider data has predictable structure, the write permission may be equivalent to providing both reading and writing.
如果content provider數據有可預見的結構,“寫”許可也許與提供了“讀寫”等效了。
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